01050048 CITY OF CUPECONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION sto" PERMIT �!ypp1 BUILDINGADItI421 OAKVILL_E AV I_ARRADEE CONSTRUCT Nie No. 01050048 OWNER'S NAM:. APPI.CAl'ION S N LATE c ,� FIC KENZIE THOMAS M Ati IICKENZ.1 -3275 STEVENS CREEK BL�I, # 0c05/03/200]. SAN]FARY NO. CONTROI.NO. PHONE: (408)985-4121 HUII.UING r YCRMINI tl Z.]_ nHClll'I'110rlIiNOINIJ3H: �O O 131.K ELGC'1' PLUMYB Mr:Cll 'z u to C CI CI LUl G=yLICENSED colvrxncroH'suucl.ARnnae Job Description z m t I nemby dfum Ihm um IicemeJ ower pow Minn,of chafer,9(commencing win,Sew'tion70gn,,jDickionlorxmunxm !,,III n nxCode. mlmyreco FOUNDATION RENOVATION. in loll lane nm Ilvcl,I�. � z tt 6 hiccnw Clan. C...i WS o w u �pI S DECLARATION ,3 W H ARC111TECI'S UECLAHATION SC "core, undcnwad n,y Plmu ensu tw nwA us puhlic aal O�O LiecnxN Professional xs IIWNER-HUILDER DECLARATION I li 1 hcrehy alhnn Ihot Ian,eaanpl brindle Carte is License L for the t t following lemon.fstttinn 41111 5,Nu<inexs and Pndeneion>Cwe:Any c' civil FO wh 1 I p nn tl It p 1 Lh p' y.wuutc F pi I,il,roare,alkieLIoc,11elf f - 1r ' t tI ; "nedealle,inn jo tnahl I cnwd pa„ n me pn,n ko I dic L unio—l-c wI.rrroCh,po,,9 Sy. FL Floor Area Valu:lloo❑ (cm„Inenc,ng with Seaton lag))ofl)ial.enn a o1 the Bn.ine.x J profession,Code) $1 tl00 aided he is exempt Ihemhom and the Iasif for the alleged c mphin I.Any violation of sectio,70115 by;any applicant for a pertnit subject the plwordto a vied penally APN Number Occupancy Type of not more than live hundred dollars O500L 3691 033. 00 ❑ll d the work.and PenY.mmy. el is a,,'harnn ogee atetaco holec (Sec.7tion. will Jo the work,and Inc ode 1h i.not vele e ne c eardLars roe sale(see.nu4' Required inspections Ba>mesa and Pny Whin,ewe:rhe comma+ ,.and w law de.•,nm apply to ao 515 — FINAL BUILDING r of pmpcnY Who M1uilds m in,pnacs t neon,and who dews such work himself rn ered for nix own employees. bolded ,I aja eco o t i, oii are not i roc y e r nr nl'I'emd ler rale.It,however.arilde the hnliJil e r i rdenid cont r sold within one year of m,ovic I ,the ownerbuild),will h: the burden of pn,ving Ihul he did nor bull ul In,peove n,r vnmow nr,me,l. Of.usowneroflhepro r , nc clu.ivdycnmrwtingwithRecallcony torso PINALED ,nmol the pmjea I.cc. 94,Rasinmx and P..I...was cwe:,'rne Contmaor'.v Licence Law dual nal a Y R,no owner nr property who build,nr inq,rnvr,Ihenvm, dmf who contracts f such fall will,a panlla,row hcenmd pnrsulat to he MAY 1 5 2001 Contractors Licca w 4 01ameveirl Jcr tie.. .B&1'C far,his reason Owncr [)air WORKER'S COM VENSN'[ON UIELARAI]ON BUILDING I hereby olYnn older p..rally of perjury one of lire following dcclamtinne: . 0 1 have and will main lin a Certificate of Consent to wGinl for Worker'. . Cnmrynsaiop as provides for by Section 1700 of the WMrt Code. Iia the perli,rnlancc or the work for which this pernat is issued. 11171 he and will ansa in W..ker'n Can,pcnalhon Inwmnce,uc required by Scotian 1700 of the Labor Code,for the I+erionnrace of IM1e work for which this permit is ,,sued.My WorLet,Cnmpensmion Insumme currier and Policy nuenber are: cartic,STArtIT Tull" policy No,.I Z03�1.—"Q-4 Clill nRCA1[ON OF I:%EMP110N Ill WORK17RS COMPIiNSA'I'[ON INSURANCE mus waion need not he completed if the permit in for one hundred dollars IS I lgllnr I.,,I I certify that line perjora,loolec;itII ark or which this Il is esseed,I 'hall ,reoplo,' YP Y : o obj I I the Workers Cort,rourtionL : ICIf ' ,Ula Applicant N(YIILITOAIPIIf ANTI aA gth'Cnfcm fL mph Yu%buld Me nnv.a bjeu uuhvWake C n1x.n t p nn of theIhMa Code.You neat Q Q lunhwilb comply wh1,mvh'elision,nr hili,'.mind,hall he decnmd revoked F = CONSSI-RUCIFON LENDING -. 1 real o ien that three ie a coal oa . la hag agcncY for the perfonnarcc Q of the work for which this permi,is i. cc yfN7.Co.C.l 0. A Lcndcr's Not Q Z LunJer'n AAdros V C) Iceirif,ham Ihave read Ili,application an I sore,harlie Wove in arandion is Is. E,,, corrin.1 agree u,calory with all city and county ordinances and slate laws relating Q C.1 o huilding construction,and artery Initialreprewnmevc.ofthis city to enter upon ry, , construction,h M econed pooreirryl .pet pm+_ y Q (We)shJ .ty Ik 11 I ,,th Cily tC p him 'y'ina V] r 1 lin j db I I: 1 1 h l y ,a Y Y uga 'h olid VZ City APPLICANT ND.RTAN SA of thisWILL COconal. /a7 APPLICANT UNDIiRSI'ANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE RrCi IONS. Sigm,aacnr A,oimemtCnmoao Date Re-roofs r IA9.ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will theapphcna,mmmrehaildn,gaccupal,lsave arnamnehaaardoe,maherial Type of Roof ns delined by IM Cupertino Mthakipal Curie.Chup,er 9.12.and he Health and Safe,y Code,Section 25532pol. T/t'/ O Yes All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will lhcappucaolor rmarc mtudiag n.chgaa+I n,e egaipencm nr Jevlu:,wild+ If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove nnilbwaIdeas at r m...a, rhe xa Alined by the lluy Ana Air Oualhy Manugeencnt I);,,tia,., all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ore, r.< all non-point source regulations. I have read the tvnNous Inwcrials tegh:Iremmn,s under Chapter 695 of,he C.alilienio ljohl,&Safety Coale.Sarll ro,25505.2,1533 and 25534.1 undersl:md l hue it bilabial, hcuncnlly baveuow,ract if i ismyruance o li rymnoifythe aup'ila is the nquirr ichhas ar an rola prior to issuance nr lr Co raoio,e of Occupancy Jr�a/ai Signature of Applicant Date owll�rtnaellhe+ri'.c,Insenl lotto Signature roof coverings to be Class "B" or better OFFICE CITY OF CUPECONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION sto" PERMIT �!ypp1 BUILDINGADItI421 OAKVILL_E AV I_ARRADEE CONSTRUCT Nie No. 01050048 OWNER'S NAM:. APPI.CAl'ION S N LATE c ,� FIC KENZIE THOMAS M Ati IICKENZ.1 -3275 STEVENS CREEK BL�I, # 0c05/03/200]. SAN]FARY NO. CONTROI.NO. PHONE: (408)985-4121 HUII.UING r YCRMINI tl Z.]_ nHClll'I'110rlIiNOINIJ3H: �O O 131.K ELGC'1' PLUMYB Mr:Cll 'z u to C CI CI LUl G=yLICENSED colvrxncroH'suucl.ARnnae Job Description z m t I nemby dfum Ihm um IicemeJ ower pow Minn,of chafer,9(commencing win,Sew'tion70gn,,jDickionlorxmunxm !,,III n nxCode. mlmyreco FOUNDATION RENOVATION. in loll lane nm Ilvcl,I�. � z tt 6 hiccnw Clan. C...i WS o w u �pI S DECLARATION ,3 W H ARC111TECI'S UECLAHATION SC "core, undcnwad n,y Plmu ensu tw nwA us puhlic aal O�O LiecnxN Professional xs IIWNER-HUILDER DECLARATION I li 1 hcrehy alhnn Ihot Ian,eaanpl brindle Carte is License L for the t t following lemon.fstttinn 41111 5,Nu<inexs and Pndeneion>Cwe:Any c' civil FO wh 1 I p nn tl It p 1 Lh p' y.wuutc F pi I,il,roare,alkieLIoc,11elf f - 1r ' t tI ; "nedealle,inn jo tnahl I cnwd pa„ n me pn,n ko I dic L unio—l-c wI.rrroCh,po,,9 Sy. FL Floor Area Valu:lloo❑ (cm„Inenc,ng with Seaton lag))ofl)ial.enn a o1 the Bn.ine.x J profession,Code) $1 tl00 aided he is exempt Ihemhom and the Iasif for the alleged c mphin I.Any violation of sectio,70115 by;any applicant for a pertnit subject the plwordto a vied penally APN Number Occupancy Type of not more than live hundred dollars O500L 3691 033. 00 ❑ll d the work.and PenY.mmy. el is a,,'harnn ogee atetaco holec (Sec.7tion. will Jo the work,and Inc ode 1h i.not vele e ne c eardLars roe sale(see.nu4' Required inspections Ba>mesa and Pny Whin,ewe:rhe comma+ ,.and w law de.•,nm apply to ao 515 — FINAL BUILDING r of pmpcnY Who M1uilds m in,pnacs t neon,and who dews such work himself rn ered for nix own employees. bolded ,I aja eco o t i, oii are not i roc y e r nr nl'I'emd ler rale.It,however.arilde the hnliJil e r i rdenid cont r sold within one year of m,ovic I ,the ownerbuild),will h: the burden of pn,ving Ihul he did nor bull ul In,peove n,r vnmow nr,me,l. Of.usowneroflhepro r , nc clu.ivdycnmrwtingwithRecallcony torso PINALED ,nmol the pmjea I.cc. 94,Rasinmx and P..I...was cwe:,'rne Contmaor'.v Licence Law dual nal a Y R,no owner nr property who build,nr inq,rnvr,Ihenvm, dmf who contracts f such fall will,a panlla,row hcenmd pnrsulat to he MAY 1 5 2001 Contractors Licca w 4 01ameveirl Jcr tie.. .B&1'C far,his reason Owncr [)air WORKER'S COM VENSN'[ON UIELARAI]ON BUILDING I hereby olYnn older p..rally of perjury one of lire following dcclamtinne: . 0 1 have and will main lin a Certificate of Consent to wGinl for Worker'. . Cnmrynsaiop as provides for by Section 1700 of the WMrt Code. Iia the perli,rnlancc or the work for which this pernat is issued. 11171 he and will ansa in W..ker'n Can,pcnalhon Inwmnce,uc required by Scotian 1700 of the Labor Code,for the I+erionnrace of IM1e work for which this permit is ,,sued.My WorLet,Cnmpensmion Insumme currier and Policy nuenber are: cartic,STArtIT Tull" policy No,.I Z03�1.—"Q-4 Clill nRCA1[ON OF I:%EMP110N Ill WORK17RS COMPIiNSA'I'[ON INSURANCE mus waion need not he completed if the permit in for one hundred dollars IS I lgllnr I.,,I I certify that line perjora,loolec;itII ark or which this Il is esseed,I 'hall ,reoplo,' YP Y : o obj I I the Workers Cort,rourtionL : ICIf ' ,Ula Applicant N(YIILITOAIPIIf ANTI aA gth'Cnfcm fL mph Yu%buld Me nnv.a bjeu uuhvWake C n1x.n t p nn of theIhMa Code.You neat Q Q lunhwilb comply wh1,mvh'elision,nr hili,'.mind,hall he decnmd revoked F = CONSSI-RUCIFON LENDING -. 1 real o ien that three ie a coal oa . la hag agcncY for the perfonnarcc Q of the work for which this permi,is i. cc yfN7.Co.C.l 0. A Lcndcr's Not Q Z LunJer'n AAdros V C) Iceirif,ham Ihave read Ili,application an I sore,harlie Wove in arandion is Is. E,,, corrin.1 agree u,calory with all city and county ordinances and slate laws relating Q C.1 o huilding construction,and artery Initialreprewnmevc.ofthis city to enter upon ry, , construction,h M econed pooreirryl .pet pm+_ y Q (We)shJ .ty Ik 11 I ,,th Cily tC p him 'y'ina V] r 1 lin j db I I: 1 1 h l y ,a Y Y uga 'h olid VZ City APPLICANT ND.RTAN SA of thisWILL COconal. /a7 APPLICANT UNDIiRSI'ANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE RrCi IONS. Sigm,aacnr A,oimemtCnmoao Date Re-roofs r IA9.ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will theapphcna,mmmrehaildn,gaccupal,lsave arnamnehaaardoe,maherial Type of Roof ns delined by IM Cupertino Mthakipal Curie.Chup,er 9.12.and he Health and Safe,y Code,Section 25532pol. T/t'/ O Yes All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will lhcappucaolor rmarc mtudiag n.chgaa+I n,e egaipencm nr Jevlu:,wild+ If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove nnilbwaIdeas at r m...a, rhe xa Alined by the lluy Ana Air Oualhy Manugeencnt I);,,tia,., all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ore, r.< all non-point source regulations. I have read the tvnNous Inwcrials tegh:Iremmn,s under Chapter 695 of,he C.alilienio ljohl,&Safety Coale.Sarll ro,25505.2,1533 and 25534.1 undersl:md l hue it bilabial, hcuncnlly baveuow,ract if i ismyruance o li rymnoifythe aup'ila is the nquirr ichhas ar an rola prior to issuance nr lr Co raoio,e of Occupancy Jr�a/ai Signature of Applicant Date owll�rtnaellhe+ri'.c,Insenl lotto Signature roof coverings to be Class "B" or better OFFICE