00110097Fr OL <� C1 C W3 F. LL Wr n'a Id w n OFFICE CITY OF CJJPF,RTINO 'atftiatnNG mvtsroN PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: : ITRMIT NO TOc — JBIALDNGAOURESS WNER'S NAME. APPLICATION SUB DATE l t JIFFS PH 1754 NATTONAI_ AVE 1.1./17/2Q'00 ONE: SANITARY NO CON IROL NO —99 1 ARCHrIIICI' /IiNGINF:Ek: BUILDING PERMI'I'IIED 00 W BLDG- ELECT PLUMB MECH ? j LI CENSED CON'TRACTOR'S I ECI.ARAI'ION Job Description ya flter.byartlmtm ;,n am lirensedumin,prm ;im „of Chapter nlcamneoddng kw with Scsainn 7mXB of Uivisinnl nrthe Huwinms nnJ l'rofcsdnns Cade.madntylmame is in full force and effect. W Cl.,,, [.it. a is. ri, Dare SDEC A Akl'lll'l1iCl "S UEChARAI'ION REPLACE 75 GALLON GAS WATER HEATER w g 1 laid .... 1i my Im"I all wooed m public reo,ch p O LicLicensed cen, Professional o � OINIER-BUILDER UECLARAi'ION I hereby affirm that I ram crimp, from Inc Cnmmcmr, Liccme L.w for the a q following mason. (Section 7131.5. Huxiness and Prefessions Code: Any city or county C which ryuifes a permit to conawet, alter, improve demolish, or repair any structure s� prinrIII III illwali. Ill. pliml dwappincent l 1 la,nalt to rile a simid Lstatement Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation S - main Ip It Ilm p ohs f Ilm C lanulor, r Law Clm,w,p fu,mne,a g w Ih Statute 7111X11of 1TV'mian 3 of the Ilm c, and 1'relb,e , I, Call c) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged ewnipdon. Any vielmle of Section 7031.5 by any upplicum Ins a co mi, wubjear the applic.nno a civil penally APN Number OccupoIlly,,�Te of nor meIll.. rise handled dohata($500k ❑ 1. property. o . m l nthen ark. shim isployce<w intended or offered air(S c. 7W4, will do the wmk, and the ode:Ire is not oor, Li or a Law tPc talc (Sec. 711•td, d ; tuts ,i Cmnmmort License Law men m,t apply rn w nr 32E 180E4w �&puired Inspections ' I ill -,nc� of aaJ who does such wink ni of pert, Who With or rtlEd d r ...It Nat each impn,a' ed ar mmufM1 a, ow arc not intender of own emPever, t. buildcd is sold aRereJ for sale. II: htmcever. the hnilJing or itnpmvemenl is tuts within one year at sal completion, the ow net Wilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY irr"o c fur'loram 506 — GAS TEST ❑I.a ,w; ofh property.... cadusmdyeoareming aim Illenud eontrtctons le siun a thrum theenPrnie„ (Sec. 7094. Bra, and Proles s Code:) The CI trach" 507 — FINAL PLUMBING .ad wh Law tract ram usury m aft nr property who halide e hap roves ax and elsw t to the e%Liects nor such moiens who a sommetnf,) licensed parsvam m me Commons. License Ira. al I ❑tutu exempt unJCr Sec .Bkl'C for this reuwn Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSAI]ON IICCLARA'T)ON _ I himby III! rnt under Penalty of peep, anc of he following declaration, ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Cenificme of Comcm to welt - insure Pon W'olate, - Compenwation, as provided for by Section 370 of the LaWr Cale, for the performance of the work fur which this permit in issued. ❑ I hove and will naintem Worker', Compm ,III on Insurance, as malulred by Section 3700 N me labor Code, for the pah,rniance of the work for wltich'this pewit is issued. My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number arc. Cartier Policy No.: CERTIFICATION OF EKE,MM [ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSAGON INSURANCE (This seminn acid not Ic mmpinad if tire pcmait i_, for one hundred dolla , . ($10(1 or lest.) I certify ohm in the hrm r ance of the work for which mo. permit is issued. I chili net employ any Person in any manner s) as to become subject m the Winker% Coonpcmmion Law, of Califemia. U.n A"li'am NOTICE 110 AI'PLICAN'1': IL anct making Ili, Certifier, of Exctnptlnn, you ,hnuld nec mm subject ,, B¢ Walker, Contrynmtion provisions of the Labor Code. you most C) forthwith comply w,in etch pookiom o, thin Permit shill W lamed re voked. Vi CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction finding agency for the performance of the mark for which this peen ;t is issued (See. 3W)7. Cie. C.) GLender', Nunes z lendc,, AJdw, , 0 1 anify that 1 have read dui, application and state that he aWvc information is 'C.. cortex. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinance, and state tans relating f.i to Wilding enmwetion. anti hereby oumorim representatives of this city m enter upon (� the ahnvo-ninflotel property lbr inpectiaa puopo,es. M (We) ttgrm to nave, indemnity mod keep Lrndc,n the City Lit Cnpeniao maiw, _ Vt hahilit let..... a enu. coat, and c,p,oc, which tnuy in any way a"we a'aaal said - az City in tmm.ayucncc of the gnn,ting of this permit. APPLICAM UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Dale y' SOURCE. REGULATIONS, Signature of Applicant/Contractor Date Re -roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ' will non nppn�nt m Baum nuruding oa,tpatn story a, hanme nnemlon, a eacnial Type of Roof as dewed by he capenim, Municipal Cmk. Chapter 9.12. and the Health and safety Coda. Section 255320)'! ❑Yes 0No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Willthe applicant nr thrum huiming eacupant me eyaipmentm device, which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove nd ha,.00u, air umtamimat, as defined b, the Buy Are. Air Quality M,mi,ro ate D,stdee all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with oyes ❑Nra all non -point source regulations. I base read the haaamlou, somerimt requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Califomia Health A Safety Code. Sections 25585, 255)) and 25514. 1 undemmnr mat If the W ildmi, dues not currently have a tewet, ohm it is , ,'re,pt—ibilily to notify the occupant of the requirements which must W me prier m issuance of a Cromr,re al O'capancy. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better Dane, o,. hill raa,ed.,cut - Dmt. I OFFICE