01110085 CI nm OF GUDPERTONNO PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 937 NOVEMBER DR HOT WATER INC 01110085 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE AOL CHIN MARIE A 2531 GRACELAND AVE 11/19/2001 I PHONE: (650) 298-8494 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. GwOO ARCHITECI'ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO &w G BLDG ELECT PLn MLCH a IJ C_I ._.I I_:I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION '5v 1M1ereb-omamthat1amlicnsedunder ons of Job Description N-G 3 oro,isi p g t_t, wit eedm]ono)nromiainn3anheRusmeasand PrmtasronaC,acanamyhtnsel REPLACE WATER HEATER. cat -ren rorce an beet z < ccno Cla, Lit.« i 3 a O Ito / Comnanr LLo. ARCHITECT'S DECLA A I undemmnd my plans shall be used as public rcaots Ed 5 O O Licensed Pmfasioml OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION v5 1 hereby alfirm that 1 um exempt from the CmIl a rut's License Law for the ?a following mason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Pm@ssam,Code:Any city or county $500 x G which permit mne taquires a penmu i.ahe.impam e,demolish, mm�urt or rep i,any a3C0 prior to it .. also q ther ant(Troch permit file asgned statement _. (hath rremed proximal to of the,muoctorsLmnselaw(ans Cas 9 (commencing _mit the d00andthe alis o the ditai Anonacoae> �k'-. .-3.;3vg�;'�?6.T,'t. i, Valuation TA; ): or that hers 31.5 bi spy applicant the Wer for the subjects the uempnt to Any l penalty. of Stenion]031.5 by enY uppllnm fora permit objutt the applicant So a civil penalty of not more than fire hundred do)].($504 5 O�PlTIP xl "'TVAL PLUMBI G ENERGf)ocupancy Type ❑1,as owner of She prmemy,or my employees with wages as their ole compensation, will do the work:end'the struemre'is-not intended or'offened for'sale'(See:70LI, Business and Professions Cole:The Cmuranor s License law does not apply to an 507 — FINAL pMqu*Vij @pections owner of property Who Wilds or improves thereon,and who docs such work himself, or through his own employees.Provided than such improvements are mu intended or, offered for sale.If,h,iaever,the Wilding ' -paw S is old within unc f -- ---- _ - - -' '- ""'-- "- I i the owncrbuilder will have te WN n oif,mo ten he did nm d,ililor - t cnmp a,on, Droving improve for purlxsse of soled. ❑1.as owner of the progeny I u siv eiy contracting lM1 fir c nued co damt to to consumer the pmjcn(Sm.7044 Business art Profiession,Code:)The C t tor's , License Law don not apply to an owner of pro,say who builds -improves thereon, add who nanracts for such p jos with t ams)licensed patrician So She Co itioul rs License Low. / ❑lam exempt under Set. .B A,P C for this reason Owner Dad - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I M1emby aRtm under penalty orperjuty ane of the following declarations: ❑ 1 have land will maintain a'Cenificam of Conserv Su self-irourc for Worker's' Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the labor Code, for the _ performance of the work for which this permit is issued. O 1 have and will mainmin Worker'&Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 37of the Lahr Code,for the perfarmaMe of the work for which d,is permit is ued M/y'W rker' Compe o In ranee Gamer andP ft umQbo are: Cam ' ,N_; CERTIFlCATION'OFEXEMPTIONFROMWORKERS't" s f s i try ss 4, Hiss ' t ]iya,l' L, i �' t `l� •JI ' t COMPENSATION INSURANCE` ' '' _ (ni,uaton need not be mtplcmd if the permn is for one hundred dollars I' (SIfM))mlessJt. . .shall, I'cenify Ihm'n th pert v f th k f r hmh th. pc 1 ..ued I ' not employ any person in any marriver so as to become subject to the Workers H ' Compensation Lows of Califomia.Dam - Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT.fbe Workers after Compensation ng this C visions o of Exemption.Cos.you should •r O CIncome subject m the Worker&Compensation previsions of the erred Code;you mon forthwith comply with such provisions or this petmiS shall be deemed rooked. E ^ - - ''' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY t - - _ - I hemby affirm ro t,h communism leading Fcbcy f thepert miamc �' the work for which this permi is issued(S 3U97.Cim C.) ' k:.Q Lenders Name. .... ,. .... _. .. . _.. . _... _ _ ._. ... .- .. . .. .. _ _ - _ — .. . Z LenJer'i Addrers V 0 1 minify that I have read this application and smte than the above infonnmion is ' Lr«.F., conk].I agree to comply with all citY''gnd county ordinances and.nate laws relating :O.V to building construction.and hereby authorize mpreaenmovei ofthis city to enter upon .}.� the above-mcmionW property for inspection purposes. _ ,. (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep hamdese the City of Capenino against h liabilities,jidgmcros,cons and expenses which may in any way accrue against said I V Z City' conseu qence of,c gmmir,of this permit. / AP (CANTUNDER5TA,NDSAN ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-P, INT" Issued Date r. St R v"JItL rrdN . / y ignawrc of ApphcvnJ'EpyArn(rmr' .." I •,•' " me �' Re-roofs FV, RDOUS MATERIALS DI..handle Will the pplicant m f tort ip Il Ca cote pant tree hvtle Health and Safety Type of Roof - ate defined by the C gem M 'p I Cod Chapter 9.12.and She Neahh land SektY ., „ i t"!•' ^s n r Coal OYcsn•2t55n2(elY .f]Noq.t _-All,roofs.shall be.inspected prior to.anyroofing.material being installed. _ Will the applicant or future Wilding occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection; I agree to remove mit h urd s 'r nm i s defined by theB y A A Quality Management Distinct. _ all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with o11 1 n late read me hazardoy. us n all non-point source regulations. I I q rancrhs under Chapmr 695 of the Califomia Health Ar Safety Cole;Sc4tions 35505.35533 and 25534:1 undentart that ifth ilding d«snot cumenll,have extension.that ill,my responsibility to notify the a paat u�he require ems whir si be,met prior to issuance of'a Certificate of Signature of Applicant . . . _ _. Date mroramhaIlzmlB car ,', 't Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or b'ettei OFFICE I