29768 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING.ELECTRICAL PERMITNO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL CO BUILDING PROJECT'IDENTIFICATION V o BUILDING ADDRISS: /0 OUC/N bCf /s /� �O r �1its SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE OWNER'S NAME: PHONE: l/CO`UNTTRRAACCTOR;5 NAME: LUND: N N/C CONTROL# ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: LIC NO AUDRESS: yea ❑ CONTACT. "'TI/. Llks alQn�.y PHONe: !�� ' BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BRLDDG, ELECT' PLUMB MECH CONTRACFOR:S DECLARATION QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing JOB DESCRIPTION wOOonCMZ with Section 7M))of Division 3 of the Business and Profession%GNe.and my license is RESIDENTIAL: BPERMIT ISSUANCE F F Li full force and ft?. �,a d m sem_ ❑SPDWL E3 KITCHEN REMODEL �UyU License Clnsx l.loM pPPL1ANCE5-RESIDENTIAL ❑ADDITION El PLUMBING RIiPIPE rn<i Dom GS DELL F,o`m ARCHITECTsS UIiCblic words PANELS ❑MULTI-UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL Z p in I undcmand my plans shall be used as public rccnNs MODIFICATION OZ—W UPT02IXIAMPS ❑INTERIORCHIMNEY REPAIR j Licensed Profeuianal 201-100DAMPS IMPROVEMENT �d ,..I OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION OVER❑XIOAMPS Ll BATH REMODF.IIRF:PAIR [D DEMOLITION C ¢ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the 2OGU lidlowing rearm,.(Station]03L5,Bnsim,s and 11ndessior,s Coda Any city or county SIGNS I?hliCl'RICAL El OTHER 3 a y which require. .a permit ,,eon,tmm,ahcr.imp...s.demmien.m aT ter any stmeture E"LLog Prior I,,it,v..once.Zl,.mgmZv,deit,licam for.such pc.it o file a signed vem,ouat SPECIAL CIRCUI DMISC. ��} that he is llcenseJ p moram to the provisions of the Contractor's License law(Chapter9 8100 (commencing with Santo 7000)of Division 3 ofthe Business and Pmfessions CW0or TEMP.METER OR POLE IN COMMERCIAL: 6 C.a that he is exempt therefrom and Ne basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of El NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑DEMOLITION N, Section 9031.5 by any applicant for a permit offices the applicant to a civil penalty of POWER DEVICES W^rte ❑TENANT ❑FOOD SERVICE not mora than five hundred dollars(55(X1), IMPROVEMENT 6 oiLaxownernllhc peanut oemY omntended w offien k)rsaIciSee.7empemaian, SWIMMING POO LECI'RIC E O will dnthcwnrk,ande:The isZou Lienee owdols of apply to an,Business [I OTHER 0.3 and Professions Code:The Conttheret License Law does not apply s if owner of OUTLCF$- ITCHES-PI%TURI?8 property who builds or improves tbemm,and who docs such work himself or through his own employees,pmcidW tea such improvements arc not intended or o1Tem1 for NEW .IDENTIAL ELECfR SQ FT, sale If.howeveethe buildingthe bunh,rprovement is at he did none build i ampletfoq the SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA 5/SQ.FT. e.f'.1Jer will have the burden of Proving that he did not build or improve for par- 0 of aa1eJ. ❑ 1,as owner of the SeeE,opsrt,70sa ,Business exclusively nmt,,,i,mg with IicThe Caourna.6 k TOTAL: onamm thepr,iot pply o ancwmund PZrfty who one Godo:) pro es thertore Ll- JUN 241996 nmlawdoeor such plyman with aofpropeny whobaadsmimpra.ee Contra,andoe% QTY PLUMBING PER IIT PEE who eomtan,for nate rmie<ta wire a wmmemrts)Baen,ed nnrsanm to the eantrannrs License law. PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑l am exempt under Sec. .B&P C for this mason _+III .t' _k,'..,illN� ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(F VALUATION Deaner Date WORKER'Srath, fpmjm,on DECLARADON BACK PLOW I'ROIECT.DEVICE 1 hereby infirm under pcmhy of pe jury one of the following Jcelvmtions ❑Ihave end will maintains Certificate of Consenuoself-Insure for Workers Campcm DRAINS-FLOOR.ROOF AREA,CONED. STORIES TYPECONS'FRUCION ration,as providW for by Section 3900 of the labor Cole,for the perfmovim a of the work her whichthis permit is issued. FIXTURES-PER TRAP / j/) 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section ' (i 37!X1 of the Lahor CWe.for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INC.J OUTLETS OCC.GROUP APN My Wnrkcy'S tion yy� cy lso.y.motor are :�9 mss' f Carrier', y�(y�O e,, lysjj_ePandPNo.'. o1y'� I7" 9r' GAS-HA.SYS'1'EM-OVER4(BA) 'f�`11 GliRT11'IGATE OF IiXI.MP1'NN FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASIVINDUSTRLWASTE INT' CEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION FEES (This section read not becompletW imepermit is for one hundred dollar(SIDE) or less) GRGSEI'RAP PLANCHECK FEE leertifythat in thepcart.mmnceofthe workforwhmhthispermit irissaed.Ivnall SEWER-SANITARY-S RM EA.200nnot employ'any person in any manner so as m become subject subjeco the Workers' li Comn- ENERGY FEE 0 ,Z nation Lawsof California.Dae WATER BEATERW�N VELECI'R GRADING FEE Applicant 'Z h NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,alter nmking this Cerificam of Exanpti...you should WATER SYST'E REATING ? become subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of the Luber Code,you must 5011-S PEE foMw4b comply with such pmvisions or Nis permit shall he deemed revoked. WATERS[ ICE aQ U O CONScONI.ENDINGAGENCY NEW SIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ.FL PAID Dam RcceiptN I hereby affirm that thereem is is aa nmstmcunn lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is iwual(See 3097.Civ.C.) W ' Leader's Name 'IUTAL: F- U <nder's Address TOTAL: �S LL1 BUILDING FEE F 1 certify that 1 have read this aPplicmion and rime that the aMwe information is TaA correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws misting to QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE V Z building construction,and hereby authovc mpresematives oftnis city to enter upon the SEISMIC FEE I above-mentioned property for inspection pro,now,. PERMIT ISSUANCE (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against ELECTRIC FEE Ii.1uIi1ies,jud11mnn1.eosuavd expense,which may in any way uceme againasnid City ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. .sequence of the grunting of This permit. PLUMBING FEE APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT TO 10.000 CFM) SOURCE REGULATIONS. MECHANICAL FEE AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000 CFM) CONSTRUCTIONTA% Sigrainof Applicant/Contmctor Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCO HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSUR17 Will the applicant or future buildingixo,upant store or handle haimtous mmenal HEATING UNIT(TO 100,00 RFU as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12,:ted the Health and Safety CWa Section 25532(a)'i I HEATING UNIT(OVER 11X/ 111'1) ❑Yes VN. VENTILATION FAN(SI LE RCSID) PAID Dae Rettipt M Will the applicant in future building oecupam use equipment or devices which emit hazarlous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(3 OR 100.(X10 BTU) T Di,vier^ BOILER-CO (OVER IIXI,IXX)ETC) 0y. No AIR CON/ IONBR 1 have read the hazanou is mamriels rcgquimori under Chapter 695 of the Cali- ISSUANCE DATE fomia Health&Safety Code,Seeman,25505.25533 and 25531.1 u Wesvand Wet if the NEW SIDIiN`F AL MECH. SQ.FT building does not currerdy have a mwnL Nan it is my responsibility to notify the occupant of the require nes which gmst be met pd, m issuance Is Cen.Iusimof panty (wnerornmhoria gen ate TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE