25832 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OFCUPERTINO1 BOL JNG-ELMr AL PERMIT NO. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBINGID-MECHANICAL 25832 NUII,DING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT EN'TIFICAI']ON BUILDING ADDRESS: V SANITARY NO. APPLICATIONSUBMITTALDATE /0370 / /09WICH AVE , UNIT# l.(;T# OWNER N ME: ol .;HONE: CONTRACCI'1 R' NAM LIC NO: N/C CON'IROLa ARC( TE Ai GINEER: LICNO: ADDRESS:-V N ❑ ICONTACT: PHONE: HUILDING PERMIT INFO QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT PEE BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECII PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDEN'1'IA1. O=Z I hereby affirm that l am licensed underprovisionsufChepter9(comci menng with JOB DESCRIPTION WOO_ Section]000)of Division Sof the Business and Professions Code,and my license is in PANELS [[-- rml force dna erceet. f1 FC UkJ UP TO 2M AMPS VTv p yly Date Class Co.,.# ,i=« Date GOor 201-1(100 AMPS Fye ARCHITECTS DECLAHAords. OVER 10(18 AMPS � SQ.FT.FLOG AREA S/SQ.pI' OG 1 understand my Nana shall he oud as public regards. KK /'\ e�f�f(r <y Mµ] SIGNS Ii1.CC'IRICAL ly-ll W-yy-,j Llucnmd Professional �yrEQ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPF.CIAI.CIRCUIT/MISC. X O a U 1 hemby affirm that 1 oro m th exempt froe Contractors License Law for the W 3 LL on following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. 1_aOQ which inquires.permit remosract.til tiny...,demolish,me.siranystruaum �WYS that he as licensed pursuant to the thevisios ofthe Co perniuo filLicense La smtemem PoWF.H DEVICES C 6O @m he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Littnx law(Chane aao� 1)(immmencing with Section 1000)ofidsmon 3ofthc Buxi^ersand Professions Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION W❑y Srthm h7031.5by any yaplicnt for the basiafmthects thedeaemption. civil elation FJQ Section]Dour fi an od"d camrs($50rnit suhjectxthe npPlicanuoocivil penally of OUTLIdfS-SWITCHES-PIX'(UHIiS 11 rc than Bvc hunJmd Jolles ymrpI o f9p NEW RI: ME ELECIR _SQ.FT. S'I'ORIE5 I'YYIi CONSTRUCI'ON iCFo ernfdn sttmctumrsnwint dy oroffca fora le(Sm.7a ,,ammo, 3 will Jr sae work.andlhesW<tum isnot intendMornf(ered forsalelSa.]044,Business and Professions Code:The Contractors License law docs not apply to an owner of aaperty who builds or impmva thereon,and who does such work himselfor duough his ownemployees,provided that suchimproveraems we not intendedmoffemd foraele.If, OCC.GROUP RFS.UNITS however,file building or improvement is sold within one yearofecmpletion,the owner. TO builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of PLUMBING PERMIT FEE aaI)et.1......er of the pmpenY.em exclusively contracting with licensed amtruclnrr On QTY. FLOOD ZONE MIN athe projca(Sec.1044,Business and ssio Profens Cade:)The Contractor's Lmine icense Law doesmmapply to an owfc,.f,.,dy whobuildsorimproves damon.and PERMIT ISSUANCE , whoconima forauchpmjatawirhaconv tom s)liCenwdpuru=ttodte Commctors ALTER-DRAIN& T H 9 r� FEE SUMMARY License Law. ❑ I aro exempt under Sec. ,B&P C for this mason BACK FLOW PRO .D CE � OUTSIDE Il: S F\ i1 /) I - 7' SANY N Owner Da `) d �I RECEIPI'p te DRAINS-PLOOR,R OF. OND.+ WORKMAN COMPENSA'f10N DECLARATION 11001.'1'A% Y N ❑ (hereby uflinn thalhaveaceni0cam of consent.self-insure,ur ocenifcac of MXTURES-PERT P RGCEIPI'Is Wmkers'Compensmion lnsumncc ora certified copy thereof(Su.3R00,Lm C.)which '.E / Y N covers all employee's under this permit. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-1 C.4 OUTLETS IPTO . BUILDING Policy M BUILDING DIVISION FEES Company GAS-EA.SYSTEMOVER4(EA) PLANCHECK FEF, ❑ CenifieacoMishftehyfumished. ❑ Caddied copy is riled with the city inspection division. GREASEIINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATGOF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERSGRF,ASETRAP SOILS PHE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This scourn need not be completed ifthc permit is foronc hundred dollars D Up) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM BA.200FT. ENERGY Ilia or leu.) I ttoy that in the inmyanceater so as fm become,subjecpermit o the Workers WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELHCfR not employ may wa rdf in any manner so as m biome subject m the Workers' PAID Compcnmfion laws of Celifomia. Dine WATER SYSTEM/IRFATING Dam Receipt If O z Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption.you should NEW RFSI DENTIAL PLMB. SQ,FT. TOTAL: z become subject to the Worker's Compemaion provisions of the Labor Code,you must Pothwith comply will,such pros-ons or perroullill be deemed revoked. BUILDING FEC C. Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE 1 hereby affirm that them is a construction lending agency for fire performance of U Z TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE O the work fm which lilts pennif is issued(gee.3091.Co.CJ Lender's Name�- PLUMBING FEE F Isnder's Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEF, U I certify that 1 have read this application and slam that the above information is MECHANICAL PEE cored.l agree In comply with all city andcourmy ordinances and slow laws relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE F' OZibuilding construction.and hereby repreaematims of this city to c^mr main the CONSTRUCTION TAX UZ Move-mentioned pmpeny for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,jid ms.cosmandeapens whichmayin unywayacemelf,una said City AIRIIANDLINGUNU(TOIO,"CFM) in cont ofma gmming of AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER t0JXp CFM) le Sig urea pplicanV omracmr Dae EXHAUST (W/DUCT) PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEAPING UNI'r(TO 1(10,0(00 BTU) Dam Receipt# Will the applicant of future building occupum store or handle hazmJous material 'I'OI'AI asdcfiladby the Cupertino Municipal Cole.Chapter 9.12.and the Health and Safety HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTT) Corte.Section 25532(a)] El Yes ❑No VCNfI1.AT10N FAN(SINGLE R[SID) ISSUANCE DATE Will theapplicanturfmure building occupant use equipmemorde,miftwhichmat BOILER-COME CHP OR 100,000 BTU) yy p • ardor,air comaminum,as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COME(OVER 100,000 BTU) r .4 I ricR ❑Yen 1:1 No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH.—SQ.FT. I" 1 hove read the hamNous materials mquimancms under Chapter 6.95 of the Occ 10 19 Iif the uil ing dos Safety Qde,Sections 25505.25533 mrd 25534. 1 u^dosm^a That I the building does not currently have a tenant.m.f it is ter rexlanaibaify to nadry the ClI Y G eecupant of the mquirsmems which must be met prior to issuance of a Certificate of r VV�r�h�# �( Ocsmarcy. �\ \ /��/./Ya/�/�N\, Owner or aaNarieuJ agent Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY. V Vxae f k - OFFICE