99090140APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE SALL POINT PEN ONLY 01 C,O a4_4 In CITY OP CIPERTINO RUILIIING - N,I,F.CTRICAI. PF,RMIT NO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING -MECHANICAL. BUILDING A DURESS: CONTACT, lUN'IBACTOR'S NAME: P Ln b14�'�721L nDw : '`BURESSD,I 3 zom A rN on¢, eti ❑ Consultant Feet Paid by Applicant (Initial) I hush firm that I am licensed under ns of Chapter 9 (commencing1TY ELECTRIC PERMIT y u protrusio p uiOZ with Section](NN))of Divicod Sof the Bc,ior,n and Pndcsaims Cit le.and my f -ave is F y in fall force and dfen. QV U Licen lass tic. « 6 Ito W Dam �3�--. -S Cnmranor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 'ZOyZ„ l understand my plans shall be used a%public records OZ --M F ~ W Licensed Pmfea anal Y OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION C C Q I hereby effort that 1 it, exempt Bon, the Contractors Lunate Law for the 3 Ffollowing reams (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions CoalAny city or county which requires a wrout to construct, alcor. improve, demolish, or repair any structure F `� prior, its insuranee, a6rrequlresthe applicant for xuch p,it mll m file.signed statement i y Lha he is licensed pursuanttthConvenors o e provisions of the m Licenw (Ch pier 9 m�00 (commencing with Section 9000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)or d 11 e K this, he is even,it Ihuefrom and the basis far the allcsed cxmrtpion. Any violation of mSection 9031.5 by any applicant for a permit subject are applicant to a civil penalty of rn9 more than rive hundred dollars ($500). Z� ❑ Lm cismk.ffhepm,peng rmi. enB,luycen with wasumlheir sole cnmpmsadinn. will dothework, ander be Comment mendedo Law Tato.Business iL 3 m and Professions Cade: imp oyes theins License Law dues not apply s if owner of property who builds or improves t such i, and who does such t into himself or Nnwgh his own employees. provided this such impmvemenn art mI intended or offered for wie, IL however, the buildingimprovement is sold within one year dcompinion, the owacrhuilcler will have The burden of proving Ilam he did not build nil improve for pur- pom of saleJ. I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractorsto construct the project (Sec 7(W. Business and Prolessu ns C dc:) He Contractor's La- st law cases not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and QTY. who contracts for such pmjens with a contraaods) licensed pursuant to the Contractors License Law. I am exempt under Sec. . B K P C for This reason Daft WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the fallowing declarations: n 1 Imvc and will m%imnin u CenlOe%m of Consent to sell-insum for Worker's Compen- sation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the performance of he work far which this permit is issued. ❑ I have and will mountain W(rkcd Compensminn Irourunee, ;is trained by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the prome ecce of The work for both this permit is issued. My Worker. Compensation Insurance caner and Policy number are: Caries Policy No. CER'I'IIBCATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This wGam recd nal M cun,pined if the permit N fur one Imndred dollars ($ LIN)) or leo.) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this pentdd is insued,l shall nal c"ploy un person conn n 411, { y:uv—�t;fe( I,uthe Wnrkerr.'Cumpcn- O z salinn Laws o C' lit ,a. D, (/whit f l z Applicant _ ' NOTICE To A PLICANT: If, allon making this Cemificlac of Exemption, you should 1•' h become mbjea to Ne Workers Compcnsalim previsions of Ne Lahr CWe, you mind S forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall rte deemed revoked. aQ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY U O Ihereby whichaffirm Nottheseissue (See 30 lending agency for the peHormance of 0 Newos nor which Nis pumif lx issued lScc.3W7, Civ. t'.) O U Leaders Name i" Leaders AJtlrtnn I HQ. anee tbm Imvc ilial this appnc our and sure that The %hove of staid, is N building I agree ur comply with WI city and county natives oft and sem laws relining a QTY, Uz abovengronmmGiomand hereby enthrone representatives ofNiscity menmrupon the above -(We) gord ne for imnifyan keep cs. (We) agree m save, and expenses and kap M1ay in an the CiIY of Cupertino eguim, aabilitics.judgmeme cost and expenses which may in any way acerae aguinsn wit Cily 4ye,cc of ,lac ung grnnof anis pamit, APPLrJNNT I�SI&NDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT « IIA%ABDOUS MATERIAI.S DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future holding occupant store or handle hazardous material as defined by the Cupenin, Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Code Section 2553200'! r, o E] Yea tk Will the applicant or li%tue building weapon use equipment or devices which emit b crandous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management District' ❑Yes YNo 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 695 of the Cali - forms I{eu «r Safety CWe, Sections 2550L5. 25533 and 25534. 1 understand In., il'fhe builNnl� have a tenant. that it is my responsibility ur notify the occupant oOhy1% der he met prior no issuance of a Cenjlitmeoff Ocraine, PERMITISSUANCE APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL PANELS UPTOYW AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUITIMISC. TF,MR METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTIC OITTLE'rS - SWITCHES - FIXT NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECT 0 ?-23 X02/ BUILDING PERMIT INFO BL ELECT J ❑ PLUMB MECH ❑ ❑ FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑SFDWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑ PLUMBING RE -PIPIT ❑MULTI -UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION El INTERIOR El CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ClSWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODEL1REPAIR C3 DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER 'LIP C COMMERCIW [I NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑TENANT IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER ID DEMOLITION ❑ FOOD SERVICE PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER - DRAIN Fr VENT- WATER (EA) BACK FLOW FRUIT= DEVICE OR A INS- FLOOR. ROOF AREA. COND, FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS -E\. SYSTEM -I INC. 4 OUTLETS GAS - FTA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) GREASEBNDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GR17ASE'I'RAP SEWER - SANITARY -STORM EA. 200 IT. WATER HEATER W/VENTELE( flu WATER SYSTEMTIREATING WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIf. SQ. FT. TOTAL MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10.000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,00 CFM) EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCO 11I7ATING UNIT (TO 101 BTU) HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 FIT U) VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE Rl IU) BOILER -COMP OHP OR W.WB If BOILER - COMP (OVER 1W." BTU) AIR CONDITIONER NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ, PT. TOTAL: OFFICE FEE SQ, FT. FLOOR AREA LSQ, I VALUATION !^' STORIE TYPE. CONSTRU OCC. GROUT' AP 6 BUILDING DIVISION FEES PLANCHECK PEE ENERGY HE GRADING FEE SOILS FEE PAID �_— ca I 1I u TOTAL: I BU ULNG FEE SEI E El.li � Piili PLUM EE MECH CALFEE CONSTRUCTIONT % HDUMNG MUHG IO .E PAID Dam Receipt« TOTAL'. ISSUANCE DATE ISSUED BY: ` p