00050201CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING,ll8:7 NORTHRIDGE SO KITCHENWORKS PHRMITNO. — 000 0201 OWNERS"PMMAMOTO, ROBERT DPA HOMEWORKS INC APPLICATION SUB DATE 051, PHONE: SANITARY NO. MOPPO Z ARCHI'I'HC'IdiNCINEER: (415)456-4696 BUILDING PERMI'1'INFO 0 BI.DG BLGcr PLUMB MECH LJ j LICENSED CON 'rRACOR'SDECLARATION Job Description 1 hcrchyaffirm teat Ism licensed under,owi ort nl' Chapter 9 gm omm�cing 0 with Secuum 7(XX)) of Division 3 of the Business and Pm@ssions Code. undri licence is in full fore and effect. S Lic... v Clew Lw N O )am Cumen,or G ARcBmicr'S DECLARATION aj 1 undersmnd my plans shall he food it., public records * NO CONDITIONS It o ueetteee rroreeinnal OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Oar 1 hemb, ,(Sera Thal 1 am cxa Siam the Cnsints r'e frr the I an following—non,(Section 7031.5. un f, Any c ty o aftesunJ Pmftheir can nrcdium oIt. loth, or ❑ which requires a peal... m peter, improve, their o any sruemm mm, die(, (repair the v, for such Permit m lien a signet Ualnnmm prior to its ievuuncu.:Jso myt) Sq. F(. Floor Area Valuation the o Ce — 'hatheeNicemsed lmntion Business and PrlawonsCor9 Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) (commencing with Section 70hcprovisions Dn 3 o $ 1 or thatheis om and emmant n.to Any violation for the allsubjects therefrom ant Ior 31.5 b rep the l of no, .m'AIb n by any hundred doll fon: permit subjecu the applicant to a civil Penalty o .me ban Svc hundred Jallum (ESIXI). AP�(jJ� mega- 00 1.5�bt(I Occupancy Type l.r senile fvelecompensation. ❑1, avowns'ucIhuproperty,mmy et Required Inspections ,, offered is ,of mended er eLaw fur sale (Sec. 911ii. will do he work, and the ome I e is nal Contractor', m alt Bulinus and is License Law dmn not The Cove, orrly owine, of prnpeny W'hn builds or imPmves Nemo,, and wen does .wee work himself ert, Who Wild, o the or though his . I n employees. provided tea such impms trams are not intended or for eine. If, however, the building s sold within one year of igen cofferedompli e of proving oproveautneowner-baiterwillhovetheM1urdenofprovingdtaheJiJnothuilJnr 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME improve lin Purptnsc of wlc.l. ❑I.a,—o"mlheProPer(y,vats.dasiselyenntraclingwiotlicensedcnmra.lm.ln 301 ROUGH PLUMBING Lin truct the pmjcct (See. 9ui. Bnnlmss and rmmssiuns Codc:) The Cnmmr Ire 303 — ROUGW MECHANICAL 40 303 cense Law does not apply to an owner of pmreny who Wilds or impmves Merron, and who contracts for such pmjears with a contractures) licensed pursmnl at the 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICALCone/[o� 01maor,LicendeLaw. C I am csempl ender sec. . B & P C for this reason ^- 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL o Owner Dam 507 — FINAL PLUMBING WORKER'$ COMITNSATION DECI.ARA'fION 5— FINAL MECHANICAL theroowingdeclarafnns: Ihereby aninnunder Penalty ofpejor,(me ofw 51144 — FINAL PI-IBL I C WORKS .elf-in,e for Wmker'e 0 1 have amt will maintain . certiacac of Cnnaem In m Compensation, us provided for by Section 370o of the Lahr Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued , have and will iffor Woke", Cmnnmtiun rcImnrunca a required by Section nmup AI nl'the LaM1ur Code, for the Parrnntmnee A the work or which do, permit Is r : suN. My Workers Cumpensainn bouanue carrier and policy autnlwa Card'. 'i�eCG PnBcyNo, %. ,%T�k1?% CERTIFICATION OF IiK1iMYT10N FROM N'DRKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (1 fit, c,fiu. need nal be cntnplced film m'rmit is ILP Inc hundred dolens ($100)m' le".) I certify that in the pedismtame of life work Inr which his permit is footed. I shall not ctnrloy any Person in any nmmmr so as hs become subject to the Workers'�- Compensation laws of California. Dae Applicant NOTICF. ro APPLICANT, lf; aBcr making this Cenifcac of Exemption. you should s subjes to the oCoiou,oaion provisions dia of the Lubar Code. you ntua ha dmnmJ MAY 2 as 'k''M Iql ...h revoked. .� IbnM1wlh comply with such Pnrvi,iuns or this permit ,hull It,r I y 2000 C(INSTRUCI'ION LENDING AGIiNCY . 1 Inert affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the perfnmtance of the work for which this Permit iv issued (Sce. 307, Civ. C.) ] Under Nanm � Lendeh AJJreas ` �f 1 cenily Ila 1 have rad (his application and stat (hit the alWvc inlbrttnlrnn is coffee, I pice u. aontply with Ill city i I county on int re, mal state Inws relating to building eangaednn. and herchy an(hnri c m,m,,nunivcx nl'this city to enter upon s7 he above-mentioued prnpeny for inspection purposes. L (We) agree to our. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against n liabilities, judgincov, costs and enpen.ws which may in any way accom against said 7_ City in consequence of the gm I of dd, ppmdul. APPLICANT UNDERSTAND.' .1 WILLC LY W TH ALI, NON W14T a � ,e IssUedb Date S �O—r/�/ y' SOURCE REGULATIONS. S .�C Signature of Applicun unl cls Dew Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future (wilding meapam arm or Itatnfle humdrms material Type of Roof as defned by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safely Cale, Section 255321.)? ,,// Dye, e+n All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will haapprtcamnrmore heB<ungoecupant:nceynepmemadevice, which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove til hvurlou- cumantinars m dufacd by tee any Acv Au, Quuld, Manage fit u,isrictl all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with OYen all non-point source regulations. 1 have mail the hor.ohm, materials rcyuimmcnn under Chapter 6,95 0l the California Health h Safety Crude, Sections 25505.25533 and 255:41. 1 understand that if the building does not emorri ly have a court. that it is my, «.egm,dulay, to notify the ccurant 'film myuinmmnls which t ya he met prior m isnunnce oft Cenilicum of DCSOpn '� t� l Signature of Applicant Date ✓ All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better m thnrva t D. e OFFICE