00120135 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING AUDR[tiS: P iRM11 11. 0t 14 NORTHGI_LN Sn ALTON AIR CONllIl"IOhIIki� IITG00121b135 OWNERS NAMEAPPLICA'T'[ON SUR DATE RICHARD ALFRED A AND At FF ED A 45317..10 7NDIJSI"RIAL OR It4 !?/81 /20P10 PHONE: SANn'ARY NO. COMIROL.NO, (510) 490-5655 MOO ARCHI'rEC`UENGINEER: BUILDING 1117RMIT INFO PL1>C EL[Cr PLUMB EC ca y N LICENSED CONTRACIORS DECLARATION �0 1 hereby arrt...lira,I min licensed odds provision,arehapter 9("rmmnnciny Job Description wl_.w with Section)IXXgof Divisin 13ol the Businc,,mrd profession.,Crde.tind my license fix_1 irmmurorecann £ �� L� REPLACE FURNACE rc ¢ Licens9 5 LL N are 1/ 'Wf%Tf COnlmelm _ ¢ ARCHI'TECT'S DECLARAT O I nnJcnh'nJ my Plnm shill be useA a,pnMlc rte ' R Licensed 11mtcwitmal o� OWNER-BUILDER rI ruin I DECLARATION 1 beaky affirm that 1 1. cBusin from lac Cession,Cook: License Law for me / t a following rere.s a IScalnu 7(IJLS.Business and Profession,demolish, h, it Any city m.xmmy / ce `FG which 4 pr t. t 1 I I J I'.h P' Y. cture ioi it I c,doones,one,In a,hulcmd tor,il,th permit I,111—lilicd,loicauen, matt ti Apt roti lothe fervi,loo,ollottl C nrecminlJko,a,Law Chips.9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuai o{I nith ] E, eing wSectio00X 7 )al Jnr lair Ra,me„mrd I'ndessmn,Codd $ or that he in exempt thcrcfmnr and the burin for the alleged umnpion,Any violation oe of Section 703 1.5 by any applicant for a period subjects the applicant to a Civil wital.y of not mom than five hundred douan 05500). APN Number Occupancy Type ❑l,t A he pmpw,o my employee with wages as mclr,ole corrl'er,a on. 3164.1.044. 00 � . ohi,v will ne the oro,and Lha„maam C nor 0o',Li,, IolooldLow tar sole(See.7141,, -owniness ami PrnfcWhir bodies Crate:The Cnmraelrnk.and%Lew Amro'not ork11joyh rn nn Re -LO Inspections or thougprogeny Wholoee.)insides Mauch improvement., whodsa,swcht intoned or 1"-_04 — UNDER'-LOOR FRAME or Through his own however.t provided that such improvement ore nm intended or ccorned omplefm.late. wnowruldewibuavetorurdenonrearm.that within one year or 371. — ROUGH PLUMBING completion,Meowner-sale.).will have the burden o(proving that he did nm build lir 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL improve lin puEsne of.vulel. ❑I.axownorofthe propooy.mncxcla,ivclyeo..lmelingwith licensed....loo,u,rstn 304' — ROUGH ELECTRICAL conarmci the project(Sec.Inw.Business and Prmex.inne 6vIe:)'rhe Commcmr's Licen.a Law d«,nal apply ,,an ownter of property who build.or improve,Ines ,a. 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL and who contract.to,, .on project with a contninumO licensed ism,mnt v,the 507 — FINAL 1-'L_UMfl I hIG Commemrs License Law. ❑Lamexeniptunder See, B&Plot this ma'an 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL ICA Owc WORKER'S COMPFNSA'1'ION DECLARATION 514 — FINAL P11131 IC WORKS I hereby affirm under penalty of pe Jury one of the following dcclararions: ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker', Compensation, m provided tor by Scmloo 3700 of tiro Labor Code. for the pcdinnn'ncc of tau work to which This pomtit is isucd. ❑1 lmvomrd will malmin Worker:C...u1n,stinn Insurance.as«yulnd by Section JIIXI of.hc Labor Code,lin the perfamunce of.Ire work for which this permit i. issued,My W'orker's Compen.se.ion Insurance camierr-and �Policy _number m�e: Carries`(/?n,(`-4�J�^5 Pnitcy No,: (PIiR IFICAI'I(1N 111'1:XtiM I'I'IUN IBOM1I N2rN KIiRS' COMPENSSHON INSURANCE I"Ibis r«rion need not be comple¢d it be)emir is for one huddled dollars (5100)In r,.) I Gerrity Ill:n in the pcdome ncc or the land Iia which this Iwmrit it issued,I xhull r I ) YY orotter .l hµpm sl b4r1,to the WorkersiI 't ICdt II Apish I [Y APP) I NOIICs 1 aaftermaking this C r7.rc to onae,rpl red hoc m . bac.ntothek r Compensation p fthe IaMn oat.....m. 0 � fonhw to comply with such pr this Econd shall be Jnmal revoled lA CONS'I'RUCI'ION LENDING AGENCY I hamby affim'mat there ion c u'lowian lording agency lin the pcifonnunce 'of the wed,for which This)emit I,issued(Sce.397,Cil C) 6. Q Lender's Name 7 7 .Le,mbe,sAddm.o U C I certify thus l hove cool this appliemion slid,late but the aM,ve inromration is P. p correct.I agree to comply with all city and coumv ordinances and stare laws relating Q C.1 1.toulding mmuucrin i,aid botchy au It... 'cp'mcmasivcs.1 this city to cnmr ulw]l the bhovo-nmrtu(sned property for mspac.ina p u,...., f A. (Wo)agree m,.nx,indemnify and keep harmless the City Ill CuNmuouyain.a (A liahiliticn,judgmcm,,cost,and apcnas which limy in any way anmc against said ^ U Z City in consequence of rhe granting of this pooh. APPPLICA .(TND IRS NDS ANDWILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by. Q '3A/7OA) X� 6 Date _ La-Z=w 97. L Tic tOnr Dem Re-roofs HAZARDOUS . HALARDOUS MAT,oc'upS n't.no Lrdmee Coporrmrumor Wildinge..Chaptstore2.and Healthranmatelot Type of Roof fined by the 32(mE no Municipal Code.Chapter v.12.and the Health and Safety CtNc,p r m 255J21a1: 0 No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. will lie:mph'aalm fill'rehuddogo....la.m use c9uip'nout ordevices wlEm' If it roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emir hvurduu,sir cnnmminanl.s an defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Manxgemcm Di uic,: all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with" At ❑ye, 0 N all non-point source regulations. I have read the hamrJmt material,requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Call for.I Ealth&Solely Coale.Section,2550.5,255]7 and 25574.1 understand that if me bolding dos not aun'cndy cavo a tun:mh that'h is my fcnpnn.ibill,m nosily d'a cnpatn nl Tae requirements Much']lost he met prior It,isxuatme of a Cenifra'e or Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date La I All roof coverings to be Class 'B•• or better Ownr, thorieed agvat Darc OFFICE