02020126S OFFICE .. _ CITY OF CUPERTINO, ..,,iyn%•' ' -]' `- . BU1LD1NG D1VVn0N`t 1" �' . _ , PERMIT'-' i CONTRACTOR.INFORMATION: '... •' -- BUILDINGADDRESS: ., •s,. -'.. •, PERMIT(i,`-.•. .10833:NORTHFIELD SQ __JUST-WATER'_HEATERS`INC ' 02020126 �^ OWNER'S NAME: ' - _ --' - - - - APPLICATION SUB DATE < _ - KATHERINE,WAGNER 1764 NATIONAL AVE' 02/28/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (510)293-9901 u ARCHITF.0 (ENGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO O O x u _ - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH Z IJ I-. L_J L_1 D LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob DescriptionFS y1 hemby affirm that I am limned under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing x9msah.n7000)ofDivisis.3.fm<Basines:andPrnfc.aimoCme,andmylieeme REPLACE 40 GALLON WATER HEATER is in full force and effect. - - is Lich se Clnes Lia.ft - " Data Courav or ' ARCHITLCf'S DECLARATION'. ' � - 'I unacmm�d my plans shall be used ea public rtcoras Y� .• - a o n LinnmJ Prnlcssinnal z a Om I .. exempt fr meCa DECLARATION 1 affirm [hat 1 camp[ Law for the the CSsimes Any - z 0 s an Code: Any city sr county LS. Business and Care: : C naso 1. following massa (Section -, - _ - •. $494 EF❑ to col ive, demolish. wt xhrch quo pe n construct. v} p ve eqI s h p r - - -- - - - -- - - u 3 lrea t[ a Bd m I< [I .n . 9 Jsat s vactort to f l , �• S$QQ.. t,, acs p{ A(Qa. t i s Is, ' x3?71,0 `.t ValUall011 ! use soe (Chtemem e 1 nod once to die n ons of fh C s l; le (Chaps 9 richt 7000) of he 3 of B s Cade) dfAny (commencing a err on mon nvi p e i violation p� g uamptwp Any viol t on (c that en is cum t therefrom and the bars for the all6 •id ../ V.�:U].5 V,V. \ - . . . ... ... .. 6fSection 701P.5 by any applicantf r a pates subjects the applion to a civil penalty- . mtmrt[ngEvennnacaan_a(ssoo) ,. .. 5024PN PLUMBING::tNEROC',",ancyType' -' OLa own fN p pcnY YcmPloy<cth Be. stM1cinole compenm[on., ' 5 0 7� - FINAL PE@ MjnU(gspections' " - wJI J Iliak fid th .t t is tet deJ ff red for mlc (Sha ](114 Business and Pmfc>u ns Carl,. no Cont License Law ane. fuel apply to an -� - dune, of pupeny Who builds or improves them, ad who docs such work himself = or his own employees. provided that such improvements vat not intended or -r' - Jff=ma l., awe. H. n.wev<r, me Wildingrir� improvement a.la within ons year o erad fo cl, I pin - e of pro Completion h hlJ will have to n d proving did noto IJ or 'improve I pim,ov,C r. I ) ❑I s owner oftb property, I. ly Counseling withe a Contractorsto' CCVll� - Construct ilia pualcor (Sec. 7044 Business and Prodfiassinins Code:) The Contractor's an uwnctr .r n n,n 1-n L J t apply 1. an P P y uiltl p Ih ,con fid. who < Vat f such ens with co tract r(s) 1 d formation to.Ihe + J .. .. 1 ... .. ... ..- cons [ Law. e pt un O l p[ n=. s=e , B &PCT tnia reason t / _ Owacr D a - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION- f) t. I hereby affiml under, pcnaltysfperjuryoneonhefoll wingdeclmations: ❑ I have and will marmot. a Certificate of Con¢nt to self.insum for Worker's ` Compensation. as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code. for the _ parfarmantt of the work for which this peomit is issued, , O 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section -: 37W of the Labor Cale, for the perfmmxn=e of the work for which' [his pcmnt is- issued. My Workers Compensation Insurance carver and Policy mim6ei are: --' _ - __ --- f. ,. .. ... w. ..•rY __ _ me '.', i 'r,ry Pully N .. -r.• l s. a s... ° t• '. ik i 4J.. " "CERTIFICATION OF,EXEMPDOY.FROM WORKERS s` -' s' -� tL. .. COMPENSATION INSURANCE .. - ...q--. ._....__r._ .......... _. (TI is sect nnnaJ not bC'Cmrr,leacd done Permit is for one hundred J.Ilan v . I certify that in the performance of the wmtk for which this permit is issued. I ,hall not nnpldy any ,,an in any manner so as m became subject [0 the Workers t - "i"I taws of Californiv. Uam Compn ' . Applicant _ - _ _... ... .. _ . .. .. .. ... - . 'NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after making this Cenificam of Exemption you should _ Z Wchwithcsubjectply the Cmu,sm pmovis ions of the Labor Cale, you must 'osinums p O comply with r, or perm) forthwifh4om 1 th sdch r tnis t shall be deemed revoked. such - - - -- - - - H CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm that them is cimstractiOn fending agency for the pc 8ohninco - I:. 'of th k for which mM1 pc 't' sued (Sao 3097, Cis C ' ) �.Q ;'' Lenders Name `-.. .. ., ... .f .' ... ... .._ ........... .. .. __ ... ..._. .. .. .... _.._. Le ider's Adaiess U. 01 I ccuify that I have read this application and stale that the above information is U mortes. I agmen) comply with all city and county ordinances, and state laws relating rebuilding conmruniomand hereby hudlorim representatives ofthiicity[center upon aborcmemionW property for inspection purposes. s ythe ' Wit) igme1. save. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Ctipsnino against Ir V] liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may n nay way accme ogalnst said U Z City in consequence of the granting of this permit ' ^' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS' AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT Issued by: Date y' SOURCE REGULATIONS.- . Re -roofs - Signature of AppucantlContramor ' .• , 'Dad'.:"' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE t pJl Nc applicant of food. Wilding.ecpant stare or handl 1, Silisat [mal Type Of ROOF'•- - as deified by,the Cupertino Municipal Cad Chapter 9 13 and the Health d Safety CodelSen on 25532(e) f h t i, s til..". 7�-"s} 1 t%1p'.y ❑Ys' •" 0 N `.. 1 .Yt .^ 4 , _ .. shall be mspected_pnorjo�any.roofing material, being installed.. .. ._. Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which .pll,roofs If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection+4 agree to remove em i hnnrdous air conmminoms as defined by [he Bay'Area Art Quality Management, Dir I ", all new materials for inspection,._ Applicant understands, and'will comply with t e' ❑Yes .. �ONo .; _. .- ., -- .._. . .... .. _.. . - all non -point source regulations. yes✓ rials requiments ronder'Chapmr 6.95 of the I have mad'the 'hhmNoue fna<'re California Health'& Safety Code. Sections25505,25533 and 25534. 1 understood that - if the Wilding does not currently have a tenant. that it is my responsibility to notify [he- occujuam of the requirements which must be met priot 1. issuance of v Cenilcam of (Occupancy.: "'a et... - Signature of Applicant Date ., •,..I All roof coverings to be Class "B+' or better' •' Owner or authim<ga agent .Dat= OFFICE .. _