05100081 CITY OF CUPERTINO * ' �' ' BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ;.CON ILA CTORANFORMATION "rc at BUILDING ADDRESS: ELEANOR WENG PERMITNo.05100081 7575 NORMANDY WY R'S NAME: PERMR ISSUE DATE ELEANOR WENG PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH l� l� i o o LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I Job Description I hominy amrm Nm I am licensed under pnwisions of Chapter 9(commencing P <tl wish Session]OrI(y)of Division 3 of the Business and Prifesswru Code.and my license is n full forceme e REMODEL/EXPAND KITCHEN �E License Class Lc.g e n Dam conmemr 2 BATHROOMS Amy ARCHITECTS DECLARATION f W U 1 understand my plans shall be=it as Public records a sad Licensed Professional 3 Oat I am exempt fo DECLARATION 0 f 1 hereby slum Not 1 1. exempt from the Contractors License Law for the O o following reamns permit t 7113 L5,Basi••..and professions,Calc:Any city m county Q which rtgvs u n permit re cowroct aper.improve dcmolW,or repair any uiumme 3Zi prior msl issuance,pimenn us thrcse theapplicanto for Cohpcamitw.n.Law(chate a signed mem m< Naluriseing whpursuant wine of Diniau of thehe Business IJccrollaw(Chapter9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area VaIU 3n1232 €~$ (commcrm exempt Sersian70nd thams nlaf al BedcousarWon.Any Code)in e that W u exempt thmefrom Intl Ne bssu for the alleged eamption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of ppj�Number Oecu Inc T e Out mors Nan Dae havered dollars ISM3 6 611156 . 00 p y yp ❑i,o owner of Ne properly,m my eroPloy.with wage ss theirmly cOmpeusetion, will da NC Wmk.Nd Ne SWnnR Y nal intended mnReRd(or Y1C(See.7044.Business and Profeasiou Cade The Conuecmrs License law dons Wl apply an an awns of Required Inspections property who builds m improves therem,and who doessuch work himalforNmugh his "a anployeu,provided Nal inch improvements an:not intended moffesd for sale If. bolder.the Wildingorden of provviinumidwithinoneyear OrImrove fr the pupwnvf builder will have the Widen of proving Nu W did race WiW m improve far purpose of sats.). ❑1,as owner or the propen,,am commonly canuacting with Ilescomil cmevamam in construct the pmjen(Sec.7064.Business and Professions Code:)TM Contractors U. ccme Law dots not apply in an wmer of pmpertywho Wilds or improves thereon,and who contracts for such ryojccts vi vatnrts)licanxd Ounvanlm Ne Contrcloh EjIwe IoW. ❑lam exempt under Sic. ,Bg:PC far Nu moon Dae 0 WORK CO ENSATION E LARATION / I hereby affirm under y Pasjmy n of following declmaniou: C3 have and will maintain a Cera morConant to self imum fm Worker's Compen- E inion.as provided for by Section 37W Of Ne labor Code,fea Nv Performance of tW work for which this permit is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation lemurs¢,ss requited by Section 37011 of Ne labor Code,for Nc performance of the work for which this permits issued. My Workers Compensation Inmvntt extra and Policy number are: Cartier. Policy No, CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (ITusemim reed Out W completed if she Permit he for one hundred do0an(3100) or less) I cannily shat in the performance of the work for which this Permit 4 moved,l shall nm employ any person in any manner.as in mb'eet eWMar Compeuaon Laws of California.Case L .l Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after mn this Certification of Exemption,you should bcaomn subject w Ne Woheri Comps ad n provisions of the La Wr Code you mute .J z forthwith comply with such provuioro oW s permit shall W doomed revoked. ZN CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [—i IMmbyarrirm Nat thein i,.e.mmuctinn tomingagnmr,for ete Ptrrormm.of a> Ne woh for which this Permit 4 issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) W Q Lenders Name z lenders Address U O 1 certify Nat 1 have mad We application erW sum tha ec above infom itivn is tf. cormtt 1 agree w comply wish all city and county onlinances and state laws slating w building construction.and hereby amhoda mpreantatiru or Nu city m enter upon the 4 ahovcmenuovedproperty for C-Pc on purposewhich ms (We)lgrm to ove,indemnify and keep hemles tW City of Cuportin t!g cos, ti Z in COiniesoemoC mus,filen costs and expcmcsemit. may in any way¢cmc agaimisue City U vZ in APPLICANT of thegranting of this permit ^ APPLICANT UNDERSTAND WILL C MPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. Iola L Re-roofs 4 Signaaus of ApplicanVCantraao Data,xAzpaoo MA A OrsttosuRR Type of Roof Will Ne Cupertino forum Wilding anlsmreurandhhanNOusmlterial ,defined by 25 Cupertino Municipal Code.LTopwr 9.12.and the Health and Safety aJc,Section 25532(x)? ❑Yu QHo All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection,I agree to remove Wndmor al ixorteirfusas difding att BayAcy Air Qualityent or Miouscomit P g emit haraNnus air canmmiruns u JcOncd by Ne Bay pro Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Dissim? C]Yes (ya Nu I have mad don hvaNmos materials requirnmems under Chapter 6.95 of ftCalifor- nia Health&Safety Code.Seetimu 25505,25533 aril!M534.I undoom it Nat if dee Wilding dace not currently have a ten It's my ser 'hility m rotiry Ne oecupant of the requirements which mow met pri wism ofa CeruGcatcofa 071"R 0 Signature of Applicant Date owner or authwxcd agrn Dte All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better