23. Ord. No. 07-1998 Pre-zoning 2nd reading ORDINANCE NO. 07-1998 DRAFT AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO.2 BY PREZONING APPROXIMATELY 13.5 ACRES TO PRE-PR (PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATIONAL ZONING DISTRICT) AND PRE-T (TRANSPORTATION ZONING) LOCATED AT THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SARATOGA CREEK TO THE CENTERLINE OF LAWRENCE EXPRESSW A Y FROM HIGHWAY 280 TO BOLLINGER ROAD APPLICATION Z-2006-04 WHEREAS, an application was filed (Application Z-2006-04) for the prezoning of the territory to Pre-PR (Public Park or Recreational Zoning District) and Pre- T (Transportation Zoning District); and WHEREAS, upon due notice and after one public hearing the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the Prezoning be granted; and WHEREAS, the property to be prezoned is presently in the City of San Jose; and WHEREAS, maps of the subject property are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and "A-l" as a proposed amendment to the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section l. That the properties described in attached Exhibits "8" and "8-1" be and hereby are prezoned to Pre-PR and Pre- T respectively, and that Exhibits "A" and "A-I" attached hereto are made part of the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of March, 2007, and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 20th day of March 2007, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor .;J "3-1 .,;.( ; ,oj. SHEET ! OF 1 L11~E TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING 1 282.38 N01.18'10"E 2 177.77 520.09' 4S"E 3 125.69 S04.04' 4S"W 4 214.S0 S29.S1'lS"W 5 116.81 S06'13' 4S"E -. 6 109.24 519"26' 45"W 7 228.20 S14.30'OO"W 8 191.71 N03"22' 4S"W 9 151.30 N19"29'4S"W 10 189.35 N2T4S'15"W 11 14-7.02 N03"17'15"W 12 121.65 NSO":.l' 4S"W 13 107.74 N12.27'4S"W 14 61.00 N2S"06'lS"E 15 113.84 N66.02'15"E 16 194.78 1~39"42'OO"E 17 85.91 N1S.14'OO"E 18 138.43 N10.16'lS"W 19 103.33 N01"Sl'30"E ?O 119.95 N26.18'4S"E 21 2856 SOUTHERL Y 22 193.00:t N 43.00' 4.0" W E)(HiU T A PLAT FOF< PF~EZONIj\JG ZONE: [="RE-PR CITY OF CUPEFTINO 2007- BEING A PORTION (\i:: THE QUITO RANCHO , .' CUPERTINO CITY LIMITS. ._ . .__ Jk~. , r ANNEXATION RANCHO ~---(~~ RINCON ADA 98-09 11 ,\P.O.B. 1" ; 200' Ci';\ rn, \ ~---!:P \ '^' (2) !r hA\ @)/ \~ ...----@ __i.....~!". ..._.=-_<.,~~~ r;3) (C\\ -_.--~~ PARCEL 1 \.~ ~ / ~ /' ~~ 4- rc;, Y ~ IS I (V/ PARCEc 2 I......~- --....~ {o'.' / BI<.6065, PG 241 / /' I BK.6()I:, PG. 241 --..,-- (~ (7) ~~_/ " @ @ @ t7;:, , ./ - -------,," -, -.~--~----1. -'- --.~ .2----~. A P 1\1' 375 - 21 - 0 01 ~- -- --.....{!JI / /'--------- ~ I ._._.... _.-ti~~:::~~~~;;o~-~~::~~:Ly o~:-c~-~E~e~~~~;.-~=-=---,-~--~~i- lAPN: 375-:'2-001 """E'eE "'RESSW^, SAN JOse C'TY UN'TS /'/J') ANNEXA TION DOYLE NO. 4 I I CUPERTINO CITY LIMITS ANNEXATION RANCHO RINCONADA 98-09 I I ~ \Al I ~ t.~f:.I~~.~~~Y_.~ ~.'.~?~~"..._.__...~____._.. I I I _"'"_'''=-''''''~_''''-=-'=___''''~-'"=='''-=';>''''''''='''''''.'-=--'''''="4=<''''=='-'''=''~'''''''''''''.......~~_~____~.._...---_-=-o-..~.......___......._.....~_..""=.......___..__..~..1....,.............~..........._"""'_____."'.......,......'"""'''_.~.=....>-..., EXHli:';: T 14..-1- PLA T FOF:. PREZONING ZONE: PF<E -- T CITY OF CUPFT>1"INO 2007- BEING A PORTION OF THE QUITO RANCHO SHEET I OF 2 "'~ ! r-~: POBl /----~"\ / r WESTERLY BOUNDARY . CUPERTINO CITY LIMITS I LAWRENCE EXPRESSWAY ~__J '\ ANNEXATION RANCHO 1 t'./ , , / RINCON ADA 98-09 @ ,." PARCEL 2 /"~__'-""", /' ',,-- :\ -;;:: / I BI<.6065, PG 241 l /---------., _-~ ~ PARCEL I ", V5!) : / --------------"-./----:;;~-L-3 7~_=;_~~1--~-----J----~~~~=-::-.:.~~-------':-::~=F~:~6.Lv/ r . O:-Ol---!'----z'i;:~~~~~io~l~o~;,~~o-~-~~---------- ----~ -~:~::-~::::~:-- ~-- ---- '-Z--------y;-,l SAN JOSE C:;,' LIMITS SAI~ JOSE CITY LIMITS L' ANNEXATIOU HORELAND ANNEXATION 1vI0RELAI~D NO. 22 LAWRENCE EXPWY. NO, 3 / SAN JOSE CITY LIMITS / ~ ANNEXA TION MORELAND \$ ) NO. 271'. SAN JOSE CITY LIMITS SAI~ JOSE CITY LIMITS / ~ ANNEXATIOI~ MORELAND ANNEXATION MORELAND SAI~ JOSE CITY LIMITS I~O. 29 NO. 20 ANNEXA TION DOYLE I~O. 4 [CUPERTII'I., CITY LIMITS ANNEXAT'011 RI'.I,ICHO RINCOhl/'D -\ 98-09 ./" - -- - - --...., ~--+~ 1" ='200' / 9.J VJ \ \I,) JAI~U^RY 2007 I'. E)(\--llb!T A-.1. PLAT FOP PREZONING ZONE: ~]RE - T CITY OF CUPE'~nINO 2007- BEING A PORTION or' THE QUITO RANCHO ~-~~-- . ., 1" = 200' SHEET ~ OF 2 .- LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH ':TARING 1 243:1: E/\STERLY 2 453.28:1: SOU THERL', 3 465.03:1: SOUTHERL Y 4 842.43 ::OUTHERLY 5 911.66 SOUTHERLY 6 667.72 SOUTHERL Y 7 5~S2.42 :30UTHERLY 8 141.00 ;;OUTHERL Y 9 218.52:1: H82'59'21"W 10 31.88 W!.l'20'20"W 11 40.67 ~!:',,),OO'OO"W COURSE 12 SEE CURVE TABLE 13 281.691 ~.15'l2'26"E COURSE 14 SEE curVE TABLE 15 121.87 NCiO'44'10"W 16 73.50 ',..! 16'45'1 O"E 17 33.23 i;;.J '00' 40"W 18 2856:1: I'.I!JRTHERL Y 19 152.42 1'/00'44' 45"W COURSE 20 SEE CURVE TABLE 211 181.251 1!~6'51 '06"W CUPERTlI~O CITY LIMITS r ANNEXA nON RANCHO ~ i ,', IT! ANN~;~T,t~S~o~{f ~~":1 RINCONADA 98_j09 S~ ~ ) /------T-------- S~ 2~: ,;" ,,_ e \~ <ip /' ~ ~ ~ ~ j 10 ~-"-'------Lic-.-ii~=---- .__L,u___ ~~ ,'''@ LAWRENCE EXPWY. (1)<( / 0:::.' . ' I 8'}) APN: 375-22-001 C) , Z SAN JOSE CITY LIMITS :J ANNEXATION BLACI<FORD NO. 6 -J o OJ w UJ (!) <f) LAWRENCE l- t] J: vl EXPWY. SAN JOSE CITY LIMITS ANNEXA TION MORELAI~D NO. 27 A SAN JOSE CITY LIMITS AN!\IEXA TION DOYLE NO. 4 QJ ~ ~ .IAI'IIJAR'( 2007 CURVE TABLE COURSE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 12 39.35 43.00 52'25'56" 14 307.07 2433.00 07''13'53'' 20 19.58 20.00 56.05'33" EXHIBIT B PREZONiNG LEGAL DESCRIPTION lONE: PRE-PR CITY OF CUPERTINO 2007- Ail of that real property situate in the City of San Jose, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of the Quito Rancho, described as follows: [8;EG~~;Jir~H\liG at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 293 as sho\!m on that certain Map of Tract 1183, recorded in Book 44 of Maps, at Pages 11-13, Santa Clara County records said point also lying in the Westerly line of the City limits of Cupertino as annexed by Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09, and the Easterly line of the City limits of San Jose as established by Annexation Doyle No.4; Course 1: thence proceeding along the Easterly line of said lot and said Westerly City limits of Cupertino and said Easterly City limits of San Jose N20009'45''W 177.77 feet more or less; thence continuing along said City limits lines and Westerly Boundary of said Annexation Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09, the following courses and distances: Course 2: N04004'45"E, 125.69 feet Course 3: N29051'15"E, 214.50 feet Course 4: N06013'45"W, 116.81 feet Course 5: N19026'45"E, 109.24 feet Course 6: N14030'OO"E, 228.20 feet Course 7: N03022'45"W, 191.71 feet .. _ _ .Cour~e 8: N19029'45"W, 151.30 feet . -.....~..,"Course 9: N27045'15"W, 189.35 feet Course 10: N03017'15"W, 147.02 feet Course 11: N50051'45''W, 121.65 feet Course 12: N12027'45"W, 107.74 feet Course 13: N25006'15"E, 61.00 feet Course 14: N66002'15"E, 113.84 feet Course 15: N39042'00"E, 194.78 feet Course 16: N15~14'00"E, 85.91 feet Course 17: N10016'15''\N, 138.43 feet Course 18: N01051'30"E, 103.33 feet Course 19: N26018'45"E, 119,95 feet more or less to a point on the Westerly boundary line of Lawrence Expressway (previously named Doyle Road), as it now exists; _ J .~~~,-~ -' .~. Course 20: thence leaving aforementioned annexation Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09 and aforementioned annexation Doyle No.4 and proceeding along said boundary line of Lawrence Expressway Southerly 2856 feet more or less to a point on the Westerly boundary of aforementioned annexation Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09 and the Easterly boundary of aforementioned annexation Doyle No.4; . Course 21: thence continuing along said annexation boundaries N43000'40"W, 193 feet more or less; ;;J 3..5 Course 22: thence proceeding along said annexation boundaries N01018'10"E, 282.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description. Containing 7.7 acres more or less and being a portion of the Quito Rancho. .JanU8PI 2007" J: \jobs\Cupertino _Annexation\CupertinoAnnexW. doc ;; 3-~ EXHIBiT B - i PREZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION ZONE: PRE-T CITY OF CUPERTINO 2007- AU of that real property situate in the City of San Jose, County-of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of the Quito Rancho, described as follows: B-eginning at the f'-Jortheastedy cor'ner G'Y Lot 242 as shovvr! orl that certain f\fiap of -Crect 1183, recorded in Book 44 of Maps, at Pages 11-13, Santa Clara County records; thence proceeding along the Northerly line of said lot, N89039' 45"E 41.35 feet more or less to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also lying in the Westerly line of the City limits of Cupertino as annexed by Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09, and the Easterly line of the City limits of San Jose as established by Annexation Doyle No.4; Course 1: thence proceeding along the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of said Lot 242 East 243.00 feet more or less to the center line of Lawrence Expressway (previously named Doyle Road), as it now exists said point also being on the westerly boundary of the annexation to the City of San Jose entitled Moreland No.3; Course 2: thence leaving aforementioned annexation Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09 and proceeding along the said center line of said Lawrence Expressway as it now exists, and said annexation Moreland NO.3 South 453.28 feet more or less to a point on the westerly boundary of the annexation to the City of San Jose entitled Moreland No. 20; Course 3: thence leaving aforementioned annexation Moreland No.3 and proceeding along the said center line of said Lawrence Expressway as it now exists, and said - annexation Moreland No. 20 South 465.03 feet more or less to a point on the westerly boundary of the annexation to the City of San Jose entitled Moreland No. 29; Course 4: thence leaving aforementioned annexation Moreland No. 20 and proceeding along the said center line of said Lawrence Expressway as it now exists, and said annexation Moreland No. 29 South 842.43 feet more or less to a point on the westerly boundary of the annexation to the City of San Jose entitled Moreland No. 22; Course 5: thence leaving aforementioned annexation Moreland No. 29 and proceeding along the said center line of said Lawrence Expressway as it now exists, and said annexation Moreland No. 22 South 911.66 feet more or less to a point on the westerly boundary of the annexation to the City of San Jose entitled Moreland No. 27 A; Course 6: thence leaving aforementioned annexation Moreland No. 22 and proceeding along the said center line of said Lawrence Expressway as it now exists, and said annexation Moreland No. 27 A South 667.72 feet more or less to a point on the westerly boundary of the annexation to the City of San Jose entitled Blackford No.6; Course 7: thence leaving aforementioned an.nexation Moreland No. 27 A and proceeding along the said center line of said Lawrence Expressway as it now exists, and said annexation Blackford No.6 South 552.42 feet more or less to a point on the westerly boundary of the annexation to the City of San Jose entitled Blackford No.5; ~3-7 Course 8: thence leaving aforementioned annexation Blackford NO.6 and proceeding along the said center line of said Lawrence Expressway as it now exists, and said annexation Blackford No.5 South 141.00 feet more or less to a point on the northerly boundary of Bollinger Road; Course 9: thence leaving said center line of Lawrence Expressway as it now exists and proceeding along the northerly boundary of Bollinger Road and aforementioned annexation B!ackford NO.5 N82059'2i"W 218.52 feet more or less to a point on the easterly boundary of the City of Cupertino as established by the annexation entitled Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09 said point also being on the Westerly boundary of said Lawrence Expressway; Course 10: thence leaving said northerly line of Bollinger Road and aforementioned annexation Blackford NO.5 and proceeding along aforementioned boundary of the City of Cupertino per annexation Rinconada No. 98-09 and Westerly boundary of said Lawrence Expressway N31020'20"W 31.88 feet, Course 11: thence N35000'00"W 40.67 feet to a point of non-tangency; Course 12: thence along a non-tangential curve, counter clock-wise to the left, with a radial bearing of S22021'22"E, a radius of 43.00 feet, a delta of 52025'56", an arc length of 39.35 feet to a point of tangency; Course 13: thence proceeding tangent to the last curve N15012'26"E, 281.69 feet, to a point of non-tangency; Course 14: thence along a non-tangential curve, eounter.cl.ock-wiseto the left, with a radial bearing of S83030'17"E, a radius of 2433.00 feet, a delta of 07013'53", an arc length of 307.07 feet to a point of tangency; Course 15: thence proceeding tangent to the last curve NOoo44'1 O"W, 121.87 feet; Course 16: thence continuing along said Westerly Boundary of said Annexation Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09 N16045'10"E, 73.50 feet; Course 17: thence N43000'40"W, 33.23 feet more or less; Course 18: thence leaving said Westerly Boundary of said Annexation Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09 and continuing along said Westerly boundary of Lawrence Expressway Northerly 2856 feet more or less to a point on aforementioned Westerly Boundary of said Annexation Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09; Course 19: thence proceeding along said Westerly Boundary of Annexation Rancho Rinconada No. 98-09 and along said Westerly boundary of Lawrence Expressway NOoo44'45"W, 152.42 feet to a point of tangency; OJ. "J-8 Course 20: thence along a tangential curve, counter clock-wise to the left, with a radius of 20.00 feet, a delta of 56005'33", an arc length of 19.58 feet to a point of tangency; Course 21: thence N56051 '06"W, 181.25 feet to a point on the Northerly line or aforementioned Lot 242, said point also being the TRUE POiNT OF BEGINNING of this description. Containing 5.8 acres, more or less, and being a portion of the Quito Rancho. January 2007 1: \jobs\Cupertino _ Annexation\CupertinoAnnexLawr. doc ...--__. _. ~__ _~ . ___ . . ... r .. ;)3.'1