00060130 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: HUILDINGADDRESs: ANTHONY ROOF SERVICE PERNIITNID0060130 10342 NOEL AV 41 OWNER'S NAME: 1655 FORMAN AVE APPLICA„OgIN,`®IY2000 CHEM ONE: (408)265-5147 SANITARY NII. CDNTRGI.NO. ❑-Z ARCHI I Ict1ENCINHEI: BUILDING PERMrr INFO Iv 00 EE IILDG I:I.IiC'r PLUMB MECH auI'i <u N j LICENSED CONORACTOR'S DECLARATION .lob Description Z_, 1bcreby nir.nm that 1 am llcenwrd undo,Pnrvl,inn,of Chapter 9(commencing _ wahsceh,n]aro,"nymi-h,n3,nhena,lees,anePrare,.mn-caJe,anemyReense REROOF WOOD SHAKES TO LITE TILE is Ile fall forte and erred. oee< l"teen,-C)a-- C3 l / 3 yc.,U U am Cautracmr _yy�,yX.NJ_ t-=0 m ARCIII I EC'1"S DECLAR TION S I understand my plan.shall Mused a,public rec oil u�Wr 61 p Lrccared Pn,'csdnna (Irat I am exempt DECe Contractor cto uY7=v ON 1 hereby affirm that I 1 aline from the Cnntmctoo License: nyLaw for the 1-Z which ng reason, eratSection]031$Ituainess and vel de o demolish, Cale:Any s'ity lireaume 520 whichmgwra-npermsmronsuuet.alar,rtinwa,h,,faillorea,i,anyanuowm c. )whetslcened'areclvlu'vicetoaveme,tuba suonrctor mlilea,[am aammem - 3= (commencing twit)Secant la040of D,ionsarthftheB Contractors latw(Cba Code) Sy. Fl. Floor Area Iit0Y1@10 Ia that isewitht hcmf,.anof Division3of theleged,oand Pri.A.,n, pion at them he i, 31.5 F mcnrmm and the M1a,i-for she alleged euman, Any vi""Ity of SeenoethI.5sanydrelidoll IlaaIRmtit nublandue uppliatm¢,acivil,snotty of Bat mart man five hanamcJ enlwrs(550 ). APJ,J,..JXultl�e�'46. 00 Occupancy Type 01.as ownerorme properly.of myemploycex with wagesas their sole compensation. ao -04 will do he work,and me,Immure is not intended ,,offered for..me(See.7Or4' wired Inspections fa,lne-,ont Prole„ian-Cade.Ice Connector'sucen,a Low dote..not apply to an X05 — F RRI� p w r of,operb Y Who uildi-or thereon, w impnwes and ho does onto wad 3 mmulf - Ar�nmugh his own employees.provided that such improvements are not imcndel or 307 — INSULATION offered for sale.If,however,the Wilding or improvement if sold within one yens of hmtplelff.the ownerhouder will have the burden of proving that he did not Wild or 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF o'no'e her paTo,e of,me.). 01,as a a net of he pmv, pcnamexcw.ively contracting with licensed contmemrs to 60E' — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL et he pmjecl(see.IIWL no.-ins.,and Profe,,kne,Codec The Cantmcmr'- 603 — ROOF BATTENS Llnm x efrwr donol,py ,enownw er of Droperty ho build,or if.prm c-theme 1. Sad sth a °liar sucono moan, h p ojoe s wiih a.ontrac oo,)heen,ed Pa,,oam to life 604 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS Cnmmefor's License Lou. 01 am exempt under Sec .B&P C for this nmo - Owns, Date WORKER'S COMPENSADON DECLARATION I hcrebY"I iron under Penalty of perjuryone of he following declarmiom: J 1 heve and will maimoia a("mr 'e of Cnn,vm m ssll=...porn fnr Wnrkcr's of Comped-onion, a- ,formed for by Section 3]00 of the Labor Gala fur the performance of the work for w hich this)smut is issued. I hove and will muimnio Worker,ComPrn-ullnn Innurunce,ne re....i and by Senlnn O� X00 of me WM,r Cale,fnr the performnnoc of the work for which this pcTom f, issmed.My Worker,Compensation Insurance anis,anal Policymber art: Glnihr Tm& Fu1u6 Policy No 0/o Goa-s 1 CHEF IFICATION UP t.XiiMl'rION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not he completed if me penial is for one hundred dollars ' (8100)or loss.) I certify that in the perfomunce of the work for which this permit is issued.I ,hall not employ any person in any manner sat as to Mcome subject m the W..se s' 1 ,- Compcusmio i Law,of California Date Applicant NOTICE']0 APPLICANT.lf:Illy making this CcniRcale of Exemption.you should JUN 1 6 2000 L� come,subo jecuthe WorkerLs Compensation pro, tuna of the Labour Code.you molt 0 Q Mfonhwuh comply w'uh,such Pros mon,or this permit,hull be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGI7NCY C 7 I but affirm that there is a eonsmuemm lending agency me the'nournance D of the work for which this rental is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) By L.A lender's Name 7 Knee,',Address I cerlfy that I have earl the-it,imi ion anar and late mal she Mve information Is k- F correct.I name m comply with all city and comm,o..Imem.,and ma¢law,mluting V to hnildiugconxnfelinn.andleveby immunes ec'emasil'oflhi,city m enter upon - the aWvennemionN rropeny I'or infection parpo-ro. S We)agree to save.indcmnifv and keep harmless the City of Cu,mino against Fr N I abilitio.judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way acerae against said V z City incomr,foreeof the gmmio,ot this permit. �` , / ^ ,-Y �t APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT IssDCd by: s- �C -- Date __:L0 10 SOURCE"REGULATIONS. _ Signature of Appicah "onuactor Dam Re-roofs IIA%Alt DOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will ate aprbeam m fame ho IMenpam snare ar handle omardou,neahel Type of Roof - no derined by the Ca,miro Municipal Code.Chapter 9.2,snJ the Health and Safety CWe.cion 25532(a)P 0 No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will the applicamorInce,Wilding,ccupem use ewipmentnraeeice,whuh If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove mit hazardous air contaminants m defined by the Puy Arta Air Vuulity}fonmganem atrmtove- ❑N;, all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source ilations. I, 1 have lead the If et ymdous materials reyuinmena under Chapter fi95 of the p m n �• .�� Culifomia Health&Safety Gyle Sections 35505.23533 and 25534.I unJcrmanJ mat 7�. ",y�" `w`a""•"� ���_ if lh building encu nal reale, ly hmve a mnnm,mat is Is my issuance rihilhy m Deify the Dupont of the rnp,iremem,which nmw be met prinr e.i,,wanec ul a Crnilieam rel' oaoaparc, Signature of Applicant Date Owner aromm�rlyedagen Done All roof coverings to be Class "F3" or better OFFICE