08050243300 4U i ry n�7 �yU gLLl" —a -Z; c CITY OF CUPERTINO'� BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTI2ACTOR`INFORMATION RUILDINQ ADDRESS: 18850 NEWSOM AVE ADAMS GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO. 08050243 )W NEWS NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE HAZEM RASHED 10573 GASCOIGNE DR 05/30/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 661-1525 ARCHITECT2ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMITINFO BLDG EIECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Chapter 9 o Job Description 1 hereby affirm tum t l licensed under pe viuo, of (commencing with Section 7M) of Division 3 ofthe Business and Profession Code, sed my license is DEMO PATIO WALLS In full forte and e6 - License Lk.I Da¢ Commtnr A CHITECrSDECRATION 1 undersand my Plans shall W used as public mourtk Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hcrehy atirm that I am exempt from tic Contractors License Law for the following ... (Section 7113 1.5, Business and Pmksuons Code: Any city or recnty which requires a permit t. construct, almq improve, demnluh, or ¢pair any someone Prior al its Issuance. also m(fd ut the applicant for Such Permit W file I Signed alammCfd he is licensed m the of the Contractor's Ucenm Law(CTapm? 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation that pursuant provisions section 70(1 of Division 3 or the Business and Professions Code) $2500 (commencing with or that W is exempt therefrom and Ile basis for the alleged eaemption. My violaddo of App Number 37530020.'VV' DGGU Occupancy Type Sedon 7031.5 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not mare than five hundred dollars (m). ❑ I.uowder oftu propcdy,omY wplayea with wagsastuk ank compewdon, Required Inspections will and the knokmdcdo 7046, Out he Con Lawdoes water of Pronation Cade The Contsanmrs License law does Out apply, m m owner of Professionapply q P proand edywhobuildsaimpratsuch oro dfolNough his ownc impr.adwW so not intended Own oo@md for sok If. that such improvemanuin not ear ,deeee•pmWdad Of within one year or comrerm hwew,in fo,toowner- antiebrimprowmrmttssold win haw Ude burden of pmHng that Ito did not build m improve for purpose of sak.). sok.). _ ' 1, as owner of the property am exclusively, contracting with licensed conuacross to - construct de project (Sec. 7064. Business and Productions Cade:) The COntsac,ons U. . cease Law does oaf apply man owner Of pontoon, who Wild.., impmws Wm nt, and, whecont?ects for such projects with acenua hers) licensed pu?snnt to the Canuacuses Licertse law. ❑ I am aaempt under See ,B&PC For this mason w er Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I mby affirm under penalty of perjury one Of the following decluations: aw end will maintain a Cenifinm of COncm m self -inure fo WorkersCOmpe.- .led, as provided for by Scene. 37M Of the tabor Cade, for the perform. of Ile wort for which leis Permit is issued. ❑ 1 haw and will mainuin Warkers Compewdan Insurance• as required by Section 3M of On Lakr Code, for the perfomam. of Into work for which this permit i, issued. My Workers Compensation Insurance artier and Policy number are: Cartier. Polity No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thi,xWw deed Out W completd note Permit is foam hundred robust ($100) of less.) I certify that in thc Perfomuuc of dm work for which this permit is issued. l Audi no employ any person in any mance to We a et to the Warkces' Compensation Laws of CalifDae�b( O� Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, are? m ng Thu Cenfricam W Eamptian, you should become subjcn to the Worker's Compensation pmvuion of the Laha Cade, you most foMwith comply with such provisions or this remit shall W dcemcd ewkcd. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I urebr affirm that Nem is a..mrnei.. lending agency for the performance of the work for which this Permit is issued (see 3099. Civ. c.) Landers Name faders Address 1 mufy that I haw red this application and sum Thu the sinew information i, comet 1 ajret On comply with all city and county Ordinances and sum laws relating in _ Wilding consumed... a?W W.by ambmia rtpreunutiw of this city to enter upon the akvcmcnummd pmpcnr for inspectionN. purynses (We) ag?ee m saw. indemnify and luep humka the City of CuPcrdna against cons and expcnawhich may in anywy ane,de againat aid City incoiueedemjudgments.thu APPLICANT of Negamingof Nu permit APPLICANT UNDERST SAND WILL COMPLY WITH A L NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULATION % 51 � � � Re -roofs Srgnuure of Ap�ahuDenun cur DateType HAZARDOUSMATERIALS DISCLOSURE of Roof Will the applicant or future building occupanLpom or handle haardow mleonA as defitmd by de C.Penino Municiryl Code. Chap c, 9.13. and the Hcalusue Ssfcty Code. Section 25532(x)? ❑Ya d N. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. W01 thea applicant or future Wildin Occupant Ym which PP gequipment If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection, I agree to remove P emit ha'rardous air contaminants a defined by to Bay Arca Air Quality Management Mara all new materials for inspection. D'uvict7 J ❑Yes 1p Nu I haw real the lace d.n rtuerialsrequimments under LLsper6.95 ofta, Gdifo- .ixHadth&SafetyCode,Sections25505, 25533 and 25534.1 ude?sund uutifNe Wilding does Out currently haw a e,unl drat it is my?aponsibility to rpufy IW oj(ry�/1.� cc�'upnt nde ar requirements which must bomgt r m issuance of a Cenikam arcaP{' Signature Of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class';?." or better Owner ler auNome gent Date