01070060 OF PERTINO CI eat Dwc DIVIISSIONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 18740 NEWSOME AVE. T N T ROOFING CO 01070060 M IPSENANYEENCHAIR 219 SHOWERS DR 07�13N/2001 PHONE: (415) 308-3335 SANITARY NO. CONTROLNO. 0,-,. ARCHITECDENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO W - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH a i� LUj L_1 f� L=1 0 m z LICENSED COM'Rd under b DECLARATION Job Description ItiW70afcr Diatlam ail.fre under provisions of Chapmr9(commencing REROOF. �H F u wilt Section]000)poQf Division 3 of Me Busirrcxs vrM Professions Code,and my license p�zJ IS Infull Licen Cromwri -e 9 Llc.0 B Z T/O TAR & GRAVEL, INSTALL THE SAME. w Dae ` Common,- 3 u.vt-i ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION u O; 1 understand my plans shall k owed as public records p O Licensed Professional r' II /� C a. a z OWNER�BUILDER DECLARATION r ,V A {-ww to I hereby affirm that I am exarnp,from the Contrabor'x Licemc Law fnr the folinveing,cuc„...(SaJn..]0315. fu.ines and Nntcwia...Coda:Any chyr county _2 C which require.a pnmit re conama.alms such Permit t or repair any suucmre J U L 2 3 poor mslicensed e.pa eso rtto methevisions of for suchpetict Licensle ae arv(ummem - --- - thaluisci.,witpursuann.00pmnuision the CommctakLicense fewon,Co e) S Ft.,Flo 9 .y-Area-„ Valuation (eommhe is vem,seNofir,an seethii bails u theraBnedseena Profession,si Cale) ;.-Q•�� -{ I: ,; •.r- is •.S-,Q:...� �,-% of that io is 31.5 b therefrom seethe basis further subjects the a)icant t.Any violation of Section 7031.5 v anyapplicantamfor apcmtit subjects the epPlicwttoacivil Penalty iILDINP of not mare roan me M1anaeea nonan 5x5..1. APN Number Occupancy Type 01......a,.f the property..,my employees with wagesus theirsole embiRmtum., 3055 - FRAME will do she work:and the structure is not intended or offered-mr dale(See:70,14: 307 - INSULAT IR juired Inspections- - t Business and'Prefesslons Cale: The Caot mmemr's License Law does napply m an owner of property Who builds or improves thereon•and who does such work himself 601 - ROOF TEAR OFF or through his own employees.provided that such improvements arc not ontendede ymer or _ __ 'completion sthe:wner-Wild.melhav the burden rola-he did not Wild of 602 ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL. - ... _. completion,for the owner-Wild),will have the huNcn of proving that he did not build or F 1 tnprm)r.r pa,pn+e.r=al).). 603 - ROOF BATTENS ra ..._ . ._. _. ,- - --604- - ROOF IN=PROGRESS .. --- •-............... a. " ewe'oat -tire,ofthatpmpcny.a xusiness and tmcssir wit Code:)The .. cornwn the does reject(Ser.]BIA,same and property wh ns Code:)The ver mention. e mr's io -- License Lawdoesnotapply man.wmrth acontrwhobuildsseor improves,In the e _Cimmus.c.mmct+forsuch protects with a contractors)Iiccn.+M.pursuum.to rite .. . . .. .- . ..___. .. _.. .. .1.... ._. ... .__ ._..._ _ ..... .... .... .... ... C I am exempt License Sea '-I � ❑lam cumPs urMcrSa:'- " • ' _• ' ' � (B&PCfor his Interco tTvitir '- Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION . . .. 1 hereby affirm under penalty ' of lierjury ane of the ful lowirtg declatations ° 1 have and will maintain f Certificate Section o!Conant tt mLotharrt rot Worker's Comrmanc o as provided far by sista3]00 of the Labor Calc, for the perlonnance of the work for wbicM1 this pennit,iz ismed;, ❑1 have and willin mamin Worker',Compensationus Insurance, rcyuiuJ by Seniors 37M of the Ltba Cafe,for the performanm of the work for which this p.I,is issued.My Wadme,Compensate. ps t .Insurance career and Policy number ars: Cn _S7E1I�F`At[2 Polby Nn '7O OT�I� - ., >•, _--.•.. CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPT ION FROM WORKERS't 31 t. tj I4i.•+ . , COMPENSATION INSURANCE•.• a •__`_.. _ __.._._. _.._........... .. .._ _.__ __". _.... __ __...___..._.."- i his section need not he•completed if the permit is for We hundred dollars (SIM)or lcss,l. 1 certify that In thei Lance this wait for which s perm t is timed , t \ rt shall not employ any poonn m any Hunner so as to become subject to the Workers 'I` Camiume, into Laws of Califpmia.One e . ..Applicant ' .. NOTICETOctte APPLICANT term Worker Cruipensatijh isovisios of of Exemption.ynoumulst hecnnm subject m the Wucker'.s Conip,or his previsions of the Labor Cale,you must Q O forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed re,oked. I UO " 'CONSTRUC ION LENDING AGENCY t 1 y hereb Tann Lha 0cm is v conxuunion lending ,it funds:pmmn edoce _aI'iM1 kfhich this its iswad(Se 3097,Cis,,C) L"Ic SIN one =)-zL,leer.Addre.s- .. 4 : V •I„ I certify that I have read this application and state that the above Ii formunion is F., correct.1 agree to comply with 011 city and county ordinances and state laws reining Q.[1 u,nothing o,nsmiction.andhereby put..orize eep rdve.(if this city to ntcupon the a bo _ t neap pany n+pen Purposes,- rpo , . ,y (N ) gree I.sae ndem fy and keep h 1 sthe City of Calcine ogler - Vl liabilities.tjudgments.costs d expense Inch. Y ary Y e Bain: said d z City in consequence of the granting of this permit APPLIC NT UN DERST'AN ND WILL COA YWITH ALT.NON 01 sou9 cuLAnol9 f , y�� Issued by: Dale Signature of APPli !6—��� ' 'actor Re-roofs AZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE _ Will heopplearn or future b Jaing caps tIn.or handle n efarm,material Type of Roof .. .. ... ..... .. . ..- av defined by the Cupertino Municipal CChapter 9.12,truth,Health and Safety Cale,Section 35532' I .: ,, t ( f' ,a' �h ;• . . '.',a f t . ❑Yrs .All roofs-shall be inspected-prior to any roofing.material being.installed._ Will the ayplieam for m�dding mcuprw use equlp,ent aaevlues which If a roof is installed-without first obtaining an inspection, [ ag"�ee'to'ielnove _ �r emit haeardous air cnmaminunts as defined by the Buy Area Air Quality Management Diadae all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ° Ie all non-point source regulations. 1 have read the to mrJuus matadals res,irements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Heahh A Safety Code.Sections 25505.25533 and 25534.1 undersmnd F \ _ if the building Jon not currently have a tenant, mit limy respnnsibillgm notify the NJ.��f � �3 tz<upam ol,ihc rtqui - nix which must be t prior to izxuance of o sitifcata of O/'/,'a", F Oce ancy. , aq•`3 Signature plicant _ - - _ _ Date -. jwnapra n,rte agent to All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better ... .. . .. . . _ . .f. OFFICE .. 1