03110001 CITY OF CUPERTINO4'bn "h' s �¢.s o -ivr 'dY - " 'tom'+ BUILDING DIVISION PER .�CONTRACTORANFORM aN: f ,p'»iffi�8'G"3 r,a.�aik.°am. BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMITNO03110001 11245 MT CREST PL ER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE GARY NEWMAN 11/03/2003 ONE: + SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH !00 C� aO0 LICENSED CONTRACTORS olhimsDECLARATION Char Sob Description �U lion ey 7( affirmthatlam flue Buunderprovisionsofs Code,And p with Section](I(lU)of Di talon 3.f NC Businca and Professions Cndc.and my license is ?c, mfmltone. efmct �f L— — REPLACE WINDOWS ,qz ucen clas sea V CONTRACTOR: EXCELLENCE IN REMODELING it Dete Conuacmr pp HITECTS DIc/ 1 W 1 undcntand y plans shall he vuJ ei ie feenrJs beC. 'aG Licensed Pmfeasiunal g OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION <4 1 herchy affirm that I am cxcmpt from the Contractors License Law for the O o following mason,(Section 7031.5,Business and Ptofcasions Code:Any city or county m which requires a permit to construct,ahea improve,demolish,or repair any structure -ZT prior to its issuance.also mquims,the applicant forsuch permit m file a signed statement < that he is licensed Pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valu M (commencing with Section 7")of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)of �� ,at he is exempt thenfron and the hssis for the alleged....,lion.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a penult subjects the applicant m a civil penalty of not more Nan fire hundred dollars($500). LT Occupancy Type I,noWnerofthepmpeny,.fmycmployceawildwegesutbeilmleeompcnsstian, will do Ne work end thcaWnun is oat intended...Rated for sal.(Sec.7(144,Businus � Required Inspections and Professions Code:TheContractorsLuMose,Law docs not apply to in owner of propany who builds or improves d emon,and who does such work himself or through his own employe.,provided that such impsmtments are not intended or offend forsdo.If, however,the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion.Ne owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of We.). ❑h as owner of Ne property,am exclusively contracting wild licensed contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business and Pmfessians COCA:)no Cmuracou'a LI- cense law does not apply 1.an.caner of property who builds or improves Nenon,and, who contracts for such projects with a contrumou(s)licensed pursuant to Ne Conti CMr`3 NO V License Law. ag 03 Psql am exempt under Sec. .B&P C for this...A 2 20 Data 49, WORKER'S COMPENSATON DECLARATION Al I hereby affirm under parity of perjury one of Ne following declarations: I have and will maintain a Cenificam of Consent to sel6lnsun fur Workers Compem sa0on, As provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code,for Ne Performance of the work for which Of,permit is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Imunnee,as required by Section 37W of the labor Cade,far de:pedarmance of Ne work for which Nis permit is issued. My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier end Policy number sm: Cartier. Policy No.: , CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thlsuction need nothecompleted(the permitisfcaronchundmddollars($1O(f) or less.) 1 certify that in the perrnrmanceof he work Wr which this Pon is issue ,I shut l nm employ any person in any manner nth cubjeCHOuls, .kart fur matt.. Laws of Californiy7ggje Applicant NOTIX APPLI :I�5ner i�g s fiGcne of Exemption,you should becom object to the Workers Compensation phowB am of the labor CMe,you must . 7Q forthwith comply wit such provisions or this Permit be deemed narked. ti y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby aRfm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of Y. F>-t the Work(or which this permit is issued(See3097,Cl,C.) YA Lcndcr's Name z Lender's Address ..-.. Q 1 certify that 1 have mad this application and state Nat the above information is y (~ conal.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws mlating to �U building convection,and hereby autharim representatives of thin city to Croat China Nc „ a shove-mcminned pmperiy foe impcedon purposes. y (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against ��.. N Iisbllitics.judgmcox.costs and expenses which mayin anyway atmue against acid City ;�,z inconsequcnce.f de rating of ros permit. Issued by: Date A PPLICA .UND AND ND tVILL COMPLY WITH ALL NO -POI SOURCE L I NS. V Re-roofs ignat A of4gfic.fucon fur DAM ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building Occupant score or handle hovardous material as donned by Ne Cupenina unicipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety odc.Seclion255J2(a)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yes u Will the applicant or future building accuparl use equipment of devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit hamrdr us air contaminant as darined by the Bay Arta Ail Quality Mamgomem Distrix? all new materials for inspection. ❑Yes �(No I have nAd Nc by du us uldriuls nyuircmenoun der Chapmr6.95ofNeCalifor- niaHcalth&Safely Code ec'ons 25,5,25;17 and SSSJ4.1 unJersmnJ thotifthc huiIdirg does not cunenly2tavt 'te oto Xis yresp.nstym npoly th aeuPont of Nc nquinmems i[°�6 matt met tu'suance ofe Ccrdfca of upancr. Signature of Applicant Date a3 Ower ;gent All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better i( - ISCITY OF CUPERTINO* o CUP TYOF O PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 03 / APN # � / Date: ( O-;X 03 Building Address: Mailing Address (if different from building address): 11 2 U r-A Owner' Name: Phone #: ARV AJ�WM" 66' ZS7 SS�� Contractor: License#: �Xaupzk eJ PWCDs�(A�& 5815�� Contact: Phone: Cupertino Business License#: Fax: �(s77.332� Building)errnit Info: BldgElect ❑ Plumb ❑ Mech ❑ Job�D�em ripti n: sidential _ JCo merci 1 Sq.Ft. Floor Area: $/Sq.Ft.: Cost of ProctcJ Occupancy Group: c� S 5rKqLp 4mt ( irCS Nem Type of C struction: Please check this box i he project i 1Cv � second-story addition: Quantity Fee ID Fee—Description Fee Group BAPPLOTHER Other Appliances MECHANICAL BBLDGFEE Bldg Permits . foot BUILDING BBOILER1 Boiler<= 100,000 Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER2 Boiler> 100K to 500K Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER3 Boiler> 500K to 1 M Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER4 Boiler> 1M to 1.75 M Btu MECHANICAL BBOILER5 Boiler> 1.75M Btu MECHANICAL BCONSTAX Construction Tax BUILDING BCONSTAX Ind/Off/Comm/Quasi BUILDING BCONSTAXBQ Con. Tax for BQ Zone BUILDING BCONSTAXH Hotel and Motel BUILDING BCONSTAXR Constax— Resi/Mobile BUILDING BELEC1000 Elec 600V <= 1000A ELECTRICAL BELEC1001 Elee 600V > 1000A ELECTRICAL BELEC200 Elec Svcs 600V <= 200A ELECTRICAL BENERGY Energy BUILDING BENERGYADD Energy Add Multi BUILDING BINVESTIGA Investigation fee BUILDING BMITIGATC Comm. Housing Mit. Fee BUILDING I of3 -(SWITY OF CUPERTINO* CITY orRM CUPEkTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FO QuantityFee ID Fee Description Fee Group BMITIGATR Res. Housing Mit Fee BUILDING BMNEWMULTI New Multi-Family Res MECHANICAL BMNEWSF&2F New Sf&2F Res Bldgs MECHANICAL BNEWMULTI Multifamily Res ELECTRICAL BNUCOMME New Comm Electric ELECTRICAL BNUCOMMM New Comm Mechanical MECHANICAL BNUCOMMP New Comm Plumb PLUMBING BNUMULTI New Multifamily Res PLUMBING BOVERTIME Inspection Overtime BUILDING BPBACKFLOW Atmospheric Vacuum PLUMBING BPCESSPOOL Cesspool PLUMBING BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BPFIXTURE Pblg Fixture PLUMBING BPGAS Gas Piping System Fee PLUMBING BPINTERCEP Ind Waste Interceptor PLUMBING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BPLANCKADD Plan Check Add Multi BUILDING BPLANCKREP Plan Check Repeat Fee BUILDING BPREPIPE Re i e Of Fixtures PLUMBING BPSEWAGE Sewage Disposal PLUMBING BPSEWER Sewers PLUMBING BPSPRINK Lawn S rinklerBackflo PLUMBING BPSTORM Storm/Rairi Water PLUMBING BPTRAP Kitchen Trap PLUMBING BPVENT Alt of Drain &Vent PLUMBING BPWATER Install/Alter Water Pie PLUMBING BPWHEATER Water HeaterNent PLUMBING BPWSVCS Main Water Service PLUMBING BREINSPECT Reinspection Fee BUILDING BREMACOVER A/C Unit > 10,000 cfrn MECHANICAL BREMKIRHAN T ---A/C Units <= 10,000 cfm MECHANICAL BREMAPPLI Appliance Install MECHANICAL BREMBUSWAY Remodel Busways ELECTRICAL BREMFIXT Lighting Fixtures ELECTRICAL BREMFURN Relocation of Furnace MECHANICAL BREMFURNOV Relo Furnace > l OK btu MECHANICAL BREMHEAT Heater Installation MECHANICAL BREMINHOOD Installation of Hood MECHANICAL BREMMISC Misc Apparatus ELECTRICAL BREMNRAPP Rem Non-Res Appliance ELECTRICAL BREMPOLE Pole/Platform Fixture ELECTRICAL BREMPOWER Power Device/Apparatus ELECTRICAL 2 of 3 OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION 1. (Check one) I or my immediate family (parent, spouse or child) will perform: A. All the work authorized by this permit B. _ A portion of the work C. _ None of the work If B or C is checked,complete 2 or 3 below. E JUN1 9 2. A state licensed contractor will be hired to do: A. _ All of the work B. _ A portion of the work (complete section below Contractor Address/City Phone # Stat License # Type of work to be performed 3. _ 1 will utilize unlicensed person(s) other than my immediate family to perform all or portions of the authorized work. I understand that I may be an employer (see reverse side). A Certificate of Insurance covering workers' compensation must be on file at the City of Cupertino Building Department office. Person/Firm Address/City Phone Number Type of work to be performed ................................................................................................................................................................................... I declare under penalty of perjury that the above is true and correct. I have read and understand the Owner-Builder Information (reverse side). Property Owner's Si-p tore: Date: 4,.111163 job Addr f �Yermit# 02650696 Any changes to the information provided on this form shall be submitted to the City of Cupertino Build Department.