02070107CITY UPVIRoINO ONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: 'E"". 10050 MOSSY OAK CT DON WADE ELECTRIC CO 82070107 OWNER'S NAME: BRETT REEDER 16320 HARWOOD RD APPLICA S� zi�%il PHONE: (408) 377-2323 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT NFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y lJ C:J L. 'J L i z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hertb',Rsm lore licensed lob Description P th I underprovi m,'Gr Cheplar 9(commeaamg with Sttt n` loo Divisioam" the BusiQ�vnd Pm he ELECT OUTLETS somanCode vndm linnu m ren rat an et. f- Licen 4 L4. a Comma G ARCHITECTS U TI 7 /� O Q � I undcnm d my plans shall be used az hlic records OLicensed Professional P OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 um exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any $900 city or county o which requires a pcomit to constmct, oller improve, demolish. Or repair any motion n -prior to in iuualue. also tequirtslhe applicant for such grmino BlcasignM neutnem - - tMih<naisinsedDursuannotheDrm+swnsoftheContrxtariLicenuLaw(Chager9 (commeoein8 with Scnian ]000) Division 3 tM1<Busimss Profeasiom Cade) q j,- t, I, •, "I-3,¢J2F"A f Valuation of of end or (het M1e li and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation t.5 b 1 ,..; - S ). \ r �S s I ILt�k %- " ` - - of 703any applicant for v any rep subjects the applicant to v civil pcn,lry - 6.1 a e than v ardotmoratnan Bye hundred dollars ($50o). 300). 3041PN PRGii1361'H ELECTRI AL .'.a-":n Occupancy Type 01, as Owner of the property, or my employees with wages astheir sole compensation, 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ---------- ENERGY will the work: and me svolaud'is not mteridea'in orbrad'forsalic (Sce: 7(744,- - Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an [ipng" • . owner of progeny Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provide) that such improvements art not intended or Offered for sole: IL however, the building or Improvement ix sold within one yes, of completion, the owner-builder will have the human of proving that he did mol build or improve has purpose of sale.). _ _..._.__—... contracting ..__ q OL,aowner of the p(Seeny am ' licensed contractors to _ - — - LL •'L' :r, Yw.:'.: is `t: _ the (Sec. a, Business and Professions Business a ions C Contractor's or The r r' I Liconcense does no us License Low docs not apply mon Owner of ills who builds or improves thereon, improves 1 ` and.whI'(1' a comm _- .Comosco comms. for such projects with a comrectoltx) license) pursuant m.the. _..___.__._. ____..- _._.____.. .. ..__- ......................._.......__._.__._._..__... Convaaoh Licenu Law. ,,. .. ___.. __—...__.—_........_... ' 0lam eacmpt ulydcr See„_.��, ..�._c - .. :B&PCfw this rtaun - Owner'' "'' - "Dale' Br��9p .��1 •�.� WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION -” I hereby aRrtn under pima t Of pcijury one of the following declarations: JUL 9 O g00s J L L 01 have and will'un indict a Certificate Of c.ii io'ulf-insure In Workcr's ' Compensation, ss:po ides far by Section 3700 of the Iwbor Crde.'fw-the performance of the work for which NIs permit is issrud. BUILDING s Com srsition'Insumnce, as qui 01 have mid will maintain Workers rc iced by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the gdorn... a of he work for which this permit is I ucd.M Workers Co pensatianI�m�/��e . .• Lmncr end Polic number ere: m oluce - s."' CERT CATOMPE14ATIO ON FROM,WORKERS'� '...-. , COMPENSATION,IN$URANCE'. :_ ..:. .,... _.....,... _, _........,. _.. __..-.. "r ffhu;anion need not be compldmd if the permit is for one hundred dollars C$1001)w lcssJ that ill the n the work for whieh this 1 T. '. Out a Person in any manner employin pl ct to due so ox m become subject to the Workm' .� ... • Com anon Lon Of California Compensation Laws of C I fore p. Dam'- is Data Applicant : .1 NOTICE O APPLICANT: mins this Canons, of Exemption.de. totheorers ompeter su Pon could subject she Workers Compensation o p taof the Labor Cada, you must forthwith this .its � fonhwidl comply with such prvviriom or this pertnit shill be deemed rewked. comply 1� 3 n CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1ul by affirrin that there 'ss issued(Son lendingagency for the pedomunce` of Ne k fo which this genu is Issued (See 7097 Civ C) G'. L 'rl 1; � Lenders Name _�_ du ..., .. ...:... ._,. ... ..n.., ... .. ... ...._._. _ ..__ ._. .... _.. _... __... ..__..-' _. Lend r'I Address'" 1 ttniry.Nat 1 have mad this application and state Nn the above information is aoiren.l agree to comply with ail city and county ordinances and state laws relating )' to building construction: and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above.. ptiomed pm for insperson purposes. ,,, __ eWe)d mu ususe mdeexpedf, and' keephuM ss the City Of Cnaminost laid ]'. liabilities, Judgments, cons expenses xhlch may n any way accrue against said City City fin C SCq tlltt of lh g=Mtmg of lM1li p[rRll r ' a" APPLICANT t' A.\ ls4 tiYLLC 1P H9TH ALL VT't" Issued by: Date sou D namtc or dna r,-,. , , ., ;: ^'. ,.. Data ' ' Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE -•,1fd Idealfait futtlrtwue nt ocwpud stole in handle hessiddus material Eafned .Type of Roof ... ..__..._.. _ _ __ _._... u by IMC pan M niclpil Codc CMpscr 9 I] and Ne Hcilth and Serny Code 255311a?T� '. ` .; 1( , t t, ,•t, t '' . Oxon _ o; 1q ,i It ( .5 .. t.` All roofs shall be inspected prior to any-roofing material. being installed._—___..._. is W 11 the, t devices ! ❑fled by dfined If a roof is installed without first obtaining an ins ection;Ta i'til remove g P g Co.'to(mturc cm t hazard come t he Bayle aAi the B y A At Quality M agement gement DOmict Dues all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands_ and will comply with- 'non-point all source regulations. r 1 ha "read ihe. hazmdo s materials Ch uqu rem nts under apter 6.95 or die ' CAlif oris Health'&Safety Code. Sections 25505, 25533 end 15530: 1understand that it is my responsibility to nmify the i(Ne bot score ly have fflut .. - of in raquot ocbupanf of the 4equiremcnts w " m srbe'mei prim to issuance bra CeniOnte'Sf b firsit ' Signature of Applicant Dale All roof coverings [o be Class 'B" or better ' wnw r to =edgagent D,re,C _ .. - OFFICE-. - ... _ _.. ....