01010002CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS PLRptI'010002 10338 MIRA VISTA AV U OWNIiR'S VAMC: AI'I'1 C lID SUI{ ly\' i G1 NAM HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL N(l. ARCIIIT FCI'IENGINECR: BUILDING PERMITINFO BLDG 1I_ECI' PLUMB MECH hIC.IiNSF,D CONTRACTOR'S IECLARNI'ION Job Description I harvhy alYlrni ,hal I al's heawcJ under pmvtoolo of Chapter 9 (co'mnencing 7IXHIIn len3of ,hc Husincv, and Prule,xitO cn,i riadsu POOL isin lullSection se>k1'",y in lull force: pHc ,are s( Y]O Comranm L511 FINq�„ED ICu,eJ E I-Aic TIONS ARCHll 1 unJen,anJ Illy PIran,AR shall the.S-publicrecoN JUN 0 6 2002 Licensed Pratessiovl OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby afGrn Ina, I .,it exempt from he Commmnr's License Law for ,he following mmon. sialion 7031.5, Buehm,s mal Paide ,ion, Code: Any city ser county BUILDING which requires a pem,it to ennamet, alter, improve, demoli,h, or rery,r any 9fadam Prior to its issuance, atm requires the uppliemin for such varied to rile a.signed emmment S Ft. Floor Area v' 1]�1��`)���/h�)�j�q,,/�ion $3WWrUYJ that he is heciwJpunuan,mthepdrv:uolS of the Contractor's Licenu Luse (Chapter 9 Betide„ Pndesxioni Codd) (commencing with Section PBaB of Div isiun 3 of the and n that he is exempt th,mfmm and the hall, far he alleged ,oa ptian. Any violation . of Semina 7031.5 by any uppli,am for a rental subjects the applicant to o civil penalty APN Number Occupancy Type or not loom than rive hundred dollar%650). 35,70'2021.00 cons ❑ L m nf'le pnpedy n aycc w.,n wor rd I..N..le Required IIISPCGtIDIIs (,pc 70,44. m �dlLaw lot no u (,So, 914,. w.11 au ltue 1, ogle me wolk, Inti ,ha mmcuac h our ctor s 1l e Gala'fnc Contractors l.iconw Lawdoe, apply ",.,I Bontaot amt Iedy mw nil 103 — LIFER Whonb at prnl, ow wen o,ia or Imprn see at o-h nnJ who nee wink pelf nflco,d gh hlx own that such lnprol arc nn, intended nr 104 — REBAR however, building is sols oBereJw,,ale. It. erwe,d,winaiavetofurden,e'mTln,old he did nor year it nrmoellothe will have me naNe".n pro,ms,nm he did nm nand or 107 — POOL/BONDING ' "a'wailoinaer pm,e purlxwcn- ❑I,d, owner if he pmpeny. am exclm.vely eammNng with licensed mndmcelsrs u, 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING L,maraca he project (See. 70,14. Besides, and P..fe,sh,m Gale:) The Contractor',304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL .aeme law it,,,not apply In ala owner of pmpeJy who builds nr improve, the.,.. tad who eommats felt .such project, with a rontraem fol teemed pursuant to m` 50 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY Commclor's Lieensc law. ❑ I an, e,ea,pt under See. ,B&Pcor this nuoun 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY Owner Date506 — GAS TEST WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 510 — FINAL PLANNING I he uIllr„ under ..If, it velp,Y one of he ti,unwins uclarati 1,. 'a 511 — FINAL POOL. 1 fill,, ;,III will ,oalmai„ a Cemdta,(e of Cn'„en, m Leu:;rare hof Worker, Cmelpe,o,iu,, ,,, pnwidul for by section 370o of nue Lmof Code. vhf the 516 — FINAL BUILDING Iwo rom,amca of me work for wldn, tela pemJl 1, „wed. (:11 hall,;I I will mnlulein Worker', Compensation Insuntm,, its required by Section 3900 of the Iahar Ga1o, for ,hc Verfannancc of the wad Ibr which 'his pent.:, is looted, II W.n�rk� Is. Co'mPemmian Insurance curz'ierl'nJ I''n3lic`ypnumM1cr uym 03 Policy No.: jNC Cunder _yc%/11 _ Cl-R- I'IFICNI ION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thi%waction need no, he completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars o iffi, or less.) I ecroy that in the performance of the work for which this perm:, is issued I shall no, employ any peolo. in any man wr ,, as m hccon,e hjcc, no the Workers' Co'npenaa'ion Laws of C.1ifom.a. Dum NUI ICE 10 APPLICANT: It, ala, nicking This Ccnit.cate nl facmption, you should beconm suhiccl to the Worker's Con,pensa,ian pools..,, of ,ha Lab's Cn ]I, You mus, Ile(hw all courtly with ouch provisions or this per ns' Ihall he declined revokcA. CONS 'I'kUC'I ]ON LFNDING A(.ENCY I etichy al1.m„hat there is it con,wc,iou holding agency riot the,wrfonuanee of the wink for we;cls' pull pcm,a i...uvnal (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.) Lender', Name Lender's Add,,,, 1 ccdll JG 1 have mad oris application and spm (hat the starve inli,rn,mion i, correct. 1 a • e it onq,ly with all city and county mJ.n tacev and .ape laws rda,ing ,obuild.n cons ,tion, and healthy carbonize mpmunmtivesafmis city m enteruq,n the aM, mon ped pe)peny for imp,Oion puaPwcs. ( c) me or save, :„dem d kce(I hunnles,he City or Co,errino again„ , Gaal it , j smeou, awts a x m, whichmar in any way aeem, against laid City in , quence if it. gra ting fay., pem,h. 2 -O APPLI( .TUNIIBRST NE I D ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT Issued b Date SOU .li '1 TI( :. C Y' / a2-wool Re-roofs —goamreoiAppucanmimtrortor Dale HA'/ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or fu(um building occ'upnm xoom or handle h:vurdous materiel Type of Roof o, defined by the Capon in,, N%.pal Cao, Ceapll 9. 12. and the Iivnbh and Safety Code. Sec, out 25532'al'f eve, No - All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will he algtiaam or Pape ba;hlimgoKenwnt ata... iip'neo( of device, wnia, If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit h,rzard,msn nanNnal, ldefined hy,ec Italy Area Air Quality Managnnanl t ` all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with \' `1 No all non-point source regulations. ad the enmnlons materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the (h&Subtly Cole. Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534. I undenwnJ that ' ose, not eurmn'I l Imam, (ha i, i„my res,ms.hild, u, na(ify the rcqu.nmenu wi ch n (be met pr.nr,o issuano, of o Certificate of 4.orhan.d Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class 'B” or better an.d ag,m Date OFFICE