39249 C��-bR SAN JOSE M7:1-1:?..�' AV2. BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Traci No. �.s..�.'.� Lot No. ...�v..4._.... . Date... Ice+ion �s hereby made for e permif }o' �j-Z,,..�+ No..�.R...2...�.l.. �c�r�.F.-- - ..... _.. - � 19....�.2_ n �. . . -�._/..... _a__- ..._............. -- - .. °----.._..�..---s#ory� Type�--����.---��W�-(�i._�I........�Z�a..-�.r....... Building .� � ..-{.�/ � Use ��na ....�. .�-�.` ---- e+ �i-ti��..-9..�: - � -- occuFfancy ---'y.------ i fo be iad only as ..... - -..- ""�.-..--- .--C4N��� Perking Space ......�-.----.__. - r in a corde ce wi P,I�rs,\� e if' fi' an o+- la f' d�yrewi+h N � � P I ' �i�`�i � C� �.. Esfima � alue f Improvemenh, --.._. .......... .... ... ........... ' k is hareby egree fhet fhe requiremants of}he Sen J'se Building end Zoning Ordinences end all other . laws appliceble fo fhe construction, locetion, end use of buildings within the City of Sen Jose, will ba <omplied wi}h. . I certify ihet �n the performence of the wor4 (or which ihis parmit is issued I shell not employ eny per- son in eny manner so nas ta vialate ihe workman's compansetlon laws of Californie. ' _ '/�, /� ' �.-..�. .6_..�-/��� r�-�'� Owner ...��...�K�'Yi✓.`ti9-`-=..�=''�--Address confncMr � Q ' By�a.����.<��R.�L,e�v�! ,-.. ... �1,'�`�Address .................- - --.... -........ ..--..._.. , Fo�m zeo-� 949-51. Mi11en at,o Helen H. Davis � RECORD OF INSPECTION Founda}ion ----C..--.--G."Co_7i..�.U.«�ame ---- .._ .. ...�----_[. -�3� Z - - - S+�cco .._.. .r,ly,�.� 9_-.J3l..z Finish .. - II.'...7.:.:.�_� � f? �3f2n� f � v � � ,� �, . vd o o� � .t,J v�S��-.,,� t . (,i.rG9 P, ,., i.�a. �,��