00070147 CITY OF CUPER•I'INO nun.DINC DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ❑1111.DING gUDlllitig: PERIM F NO. OWNER'SNT§971 MERRITT DR HOT WATER INC APPLICAI(0007ti47 ONE: CHANG 2531 GRACELAND AVE' ser rrnaY�/24fo, G-]. ARCHITECAF.NGINERR: ,} BUILDING PERMIT INFO 00 (650) 298-8494 FILING Eusa' PLUMB MECH 2va 1--I -1 LJ 1�7 Fy va LICENSEDCONTRACTOR'S DECLARADON a IherebyallirmthatIamlicensedunderpr,visiunvufChapter9(commencing lob Description lel with Section 7000),,1 Divlximn Sof In,lhsim,,xand l'mfcx,ion,Cade,nndnry liven¢ <,4y1 is to full force and cheer. re w 2 License Class Lic.ro O d u Dulc Cnntmeu,r ARCHff ECT'SDECIARAHON WATER HEATER �`„g 1 andeiamnn imy puma nn:nu ere a,ea as paha,recants . Licensed I`rofes,innal ^/ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ViL! y 2 v, 1 hereby ul'lirm Ihm I um a.,nna from the Cmmacmr's Licence',uw fur the r 2< Pitiless brawn.(Section 7031.5.Busier,`,and Pmfe Binns Cade:Any city m county z=o which requires;t permit in construct,alter,improve,demolish.err repair ary structure .a5mpriermitsissuance,Aso myuireathe upplicum I'nrnuuh permit mfileasigned,,,a rat thmneislicensed personal mthe pm.;wmr%of[lie CnntmrtnaLicense Law(Chapler9 Sy. Ft. Floor Area O ation h,unmeming with Nation 71XNp of Divi,iun 3 of the Business and Profession,Cade) ua Out he is exempt ih,relnnn and the ami,for the ullcgcJ axcntptium Any vitiminn of Section 9031.5 by any applicant for a vanat subjects the applicant at a civil penally of brant than live hundred dnnan a500). APN Number CcupaVl�o o kin niter of the pmpcny.or my empmyces with wage,as their to cumpensadan, will d(the w(rk,and the stmemrc i,not intended or(thereof for.ate(sec.9044. Ba,i(Ls and Pr,lea,mn.Cne,�The C.;mtmcma:Ulan"Law does mer apply ,,at 31630070. I li�iyuired Inspections ,owner ,or apmromvuun gn an,o wY nW'h,o naJm•...(pr rohvatethat townnaenpdmnveenm ea«n are ennm woiintendedk mndedt r pl Ila sale, : awse"uthe at err .enter, sold m(ane yeasofcompldiom,thee ) will havehe burden of provingflim heAid ern MilJrr _ i-n 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY fur pup...ra1fsale. ❑I.as awner(nhe protan y.am exclusively contracting wath licensed mmmnam,to 506 — GAS TEST .,lmel he pmiat(Sec.7(44,Bnnima s ttnd Prmb„ o'Ir i(ns Cadec C(inmemr's 507 — FINAL PLUMBING LOimtua Law due,but apply ,,an(wncr al fluttery It,,band.or improv,,manna. and who c(nnews for such projects with a cnaticuum,)Bcen.ad pursuant to the Cnnvnno(,License Lay. ❑1 am exnnpl under Sec. 11 K It C for thls rmnon Owner Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DRCLARAfION I "t'hy altiro under pamliy nl'Ot Jury one of the lidlnwing declarutiru.: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Concert to whFinsum far W'orker's ui an,utlar, ;a, pmvidrd No, In, Nation 391X1 of the L.bor Code, far the performance of the work for which this Panama is issued. O 1 have and will ninim.in Wm kct's Coatpvntradnn Insurance,as rsryired by Seelian 3711(1 of the LuN,r Gale,f n the peruminate of the work ha which this permit h sued,My Warker's Compensation Insurance amrier and Policy number um: Carrier. Policy No.: CERDIlCATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (l his,vainer need not Fee mmpine l if the permit is far erne handrail dollan Shut”,less.) I cenity Ihat in the perliumnnce of the work for which this permit i,issued.I mull nm uaopla,any wrsna in limy era; a,en u,rot lice a suM1jsra m the Worker,' Compensation Laws of Culilitnna.Data Applic;n I NCJZ MatTOAPPLICANI':ILafter making thin CcniticureA I?nannani n,you should became subject to the Wurkda CotnpenumM1n Coale.tian p ,signs of me LCoale.you must Q O forthwith comply with such provisions er this permit shall be deemed mvnkeJ. F = - CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY a ' I hereby affimt that mere n a constriction lending agency for the perlbnnunce el'the work fur which this permit is issued(Sea NNA,Civ,C.) 0. Q Lenders Name -D z LcnddsAddr— U 0 I ccnilythat l have read thisapplicutum and state that he abate information'is Lis E.a a(ccs.I ag:cc m comply wills all city mad cnainy announcesn and state law,mating O U mbaimingemn,weliari:of hereby auladre repm,emative, it affix city rot enter upon U ilia anave-mentioned property for inspection purposes. . d (we)agree no all.imdelnaify Lnd We,hamaena lie City,,t Ca,mam ag:dall V1 liabilities,judgments,cine,and granting ofcatcaNO',this which may in any way wemc apuiml said U Z. City I,'ANT UNDERSTANDS R T germing D flit,pc CO ^ APPLICANTULATIOTANU$AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALLNON-POINT Issued by Dille SOURCE REGULATIONS. Signaure of ApplicunlCunmmmr Ude Re-roofs IIA%ARDOU5 MA'FCR'ALI DISCLOSURH Will the applicant or future laddingcweupnLwomErr hmtdlena,admismaterial Type of Roof i,dcthaed by the Cmmninn M.nlclpal Coda,Chapter 9,12,and the Health anti Safety Cede.Sacs an 25532(.)'1 No 0 yes All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or footer,buildinguetapanl use equipment ordevices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove. eit haemdou,air commainants a,defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management 111titf all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ore, "Net all non-point source regulations. 411, 1 have read the huuudons ntatcdalx at,irmncn,ender Chupmr 0.95 of the California Health&Sufesy Gde.Sections 25505.25533 and 25531 1 undersand that it the building Aiws nat currently have a tenant,that it i,my respnmibility to nosily the , nocturnal aldw rcqulremertn which must be met prior no i"nanee al a Ccnlfe'mu of ,occupancy' Signature of Applicant Date Ow net or aain(rimolagent Date All roof coverings to be Class •'6" or better