983! q G zoI NO. STREET LOT NO. VMAR1 G�� OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT•'W �gJ' . OF CUPERTWO Date �•, 19ne� Permit No. Fee I- 2 'Z—'k Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises �7�144, r v :a Owner / �y� a �1�i�(i Address . By� Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT Approved Phone: E ECTIucAL wspEcrua 3 -�/ Size Service Conduit --- `y.............Number of Outlets.................. Siie Sc'vice Wires... ..............Number of Switches................ Size Service Switch.../".y---------Number of Receptacles....... ----- Size Sub Feed Conduit..................Number of Fixtures...... ------------ Size Sub Feed Wires....................Ranges.............. KW .............. Number of Circuits ................... Oven !............ KW .............. NEW RPL FEES Number of Meters......................Signs.......... Transformers ... .---- ......--- ---------- ---1.......... Misc....-------------------------------------------Dryers .. /.....------------------------- ----------------- -----..7.57 Motors .....�/....------ HP .................... Phase ._----------------- Motors .................... HP .................... Phase ------------._.--- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors.................... HP .................... Phase ------------------- H P Charge................./.1.4.. TOTAL FEES ;2" X -f Rough Wiring/Q��/{� .. I�............. ....... Fixtures �..� O'/ T .I. R JrFmal ,Finish Wirin ......otors .OATC IXIR[CTORAT --G.�...6. ----- DATE ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE COKE n�I �Z BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE COPY III J , CITY OF CUPERTINNO I� To .......................z5v ............................... 1961. I You are hereby authorized to connect the ELECTRIC service / r Owner or Tenant ... (..- - i! U I - / %- No. of Wires ....j'2 ............. Size of Wires t -n- ........ Size of Switch 10.a.4. Motor Load ............................ Voltage .......... Phase ... HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. .................................. Voltage No. of Meters.. Light ..............110 _.'f ...... New Servim �..........Ream.ed ............... No. of Add. Meters .......... Heat ..._......... 220 xf�........ Three Wire ..................Move Service ......... Power .............. Three, Phase ..........._.....Move Meter ....... _... 104 1/60-300 - �ELECI'RICAL INSPECTOR