00010044r 0 z F W G U U ft, Q F A PPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Ooolam( CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT 0 .. BUILDING. MEC MECHANICAL PING PROB N(: A1HCKSrrB AL nuu.mrvr. vxodecr mRNnY'IcnnoN I� FERMII'N( 50001 BUILDING ADDRESS: �{ SANI 1'ARY NO, APPLICA'l ON SUBMITTAL DATI'. V/ A E' 1'110 B: CONTRACT( NAME J jVf) N/C CONTROLT, �WNER'S C� V/f ❑ ^ ARCIi1TELT/IiNGINBER: LIC NO; AUURES,S: �N Jp CONrAC7E PHONE: In(, BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT [I[ UUMMBB MECH El El El �Ny/ tar/Q q ^ ^ O / El Consultant Fees d ny AP%& (Initial) LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm That 1 am IicenKA under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Secliun]IX)0)af Division 3 alta, Bovine, and Profe,si... Code.andmylicenocis in full however effect, QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT 19:1: PERMIT ISSUANCE JOR DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL' ❑SIUWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL � 3— Duro Cnmm Date Clens Contra APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL [I ADDITION El PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑MULThUNI'1' ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INT17RIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOLS REMODEIJREPA1R ❑DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER ARCHITCC7`S ARCHITECTS DECLARATIONPANEIS I undersand my plans dI W used ox public records UPT0200 AMPS Licensaf Professional 2014000AMPS OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATIONOVER ["AMPS I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following no on. (Section 7031.5, Baine., and Pnrfe,i tar, Cale: An, city or ,,only SIGNS ELECTRICAL Indicating which require, a permit at construct. shoe, intprovc, demolish, of repair any strucare prior to its osn:me,, also requires the applicant lin such Fortino fife adgncdstmemenl tam he is licensed por,urnrro the provisions of the Gmummrs License Law(Chapter 9 (emarancingw,In Section RXXO of Division 3 oche Bu,lnassumd Professions Code) or that he is exempt Ihe,eftvm rad the basin for the alleged gumption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant lir. Penni, subjects the apF1' ,,.cieil penalty of .to mora Than five hundred dollar, 0350X0. ❑ La, owner of the proPeny or myungnloyces with wages its their sale mntpemaion, will do the work, and the,truamm is not Intended ondfcred for sole ISa.91W4, I3uxinc,v moil Pores...... Cuda: The footman., License Law it, nal apply,, an mvncr of SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECT RIC OUTLETS -SWITCHES - FIXTURES COMMER 1 ' C:1NIIW BLDG/ADDITION [_1 I3EM01.1'rION ❑'I'I3NAN'f ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT OI ITER prapary who hood. or iar,00va, ihmcon, nal wan doe,,ucM1 work him,cll'or thrvcgn his wn cmplayees, provided Inn such Impmvenumr, are ern imm�AcJ tar u1creA for o Sale. If, however. the huildmg or ngnoventent i, soil within enc your sal annplmiom the NEW BEISOFNTIAL ULECTR PI'. .PI'. FLOOR ARRA S/SQ. FT. owner -builder will haveIha burden of proving Thal he did out build or intprovc or f ar- pnmof sale.), I] L it, owner ol'The III .at exclusively contracting with licensed ntmmctor, Ia .......el the project (See 7144, Baninc, and Profcssfan, Cow:)'Ira Contender, hi- sclawdoesoutupplywanownerof property vsho build, or Improve, thereon.and TOTAL: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT PEI? who contracts im,ach projects with a controclaI bossed parsaanl m the Contractor', License Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE 1 am exempt under Sec. . Ii & P C for thio re.sen ALTER - DRAIN & VENT - WATER (fs) VALUA'T'ION nor Data WORKERS PIiN3AT10N DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE O 6— nderPCOM lhereby Ing andwill mai under Penalty I)( ofCaYon,oftheitexce following dmlke", Cs: �IM1av, and will maimuinu Ceniacar,n(Consnuo,df-inwmfnr Worker's Camper- onion, me provided for by Section 3710 of the Labor Cedc, for the performance of Inc week for which this .is is issued. DRAINS - FLOOR, BOOP. AREA, CONK FIXTURES - PER TRAP ✓ (-� STORIED TYPE CON5'TRUCf10P 1 have and will maintain Workd Compensation havomme, a, required by Section l]W nOne labs Ctde. fur the pe ..save of the work for which this Permit is i,uad. My Werk lion rand Policyn �� Camiec nw Policy No.:� CERIIFIC OMPE SATIO INSUROM WORK[RS' / CNN INSURANCE GAS -EA.SYSTEM-I WC.40N'LISTS GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 TEA) GREASF/INDUSTRL WASTE IN'IERCT:PfOB OCC. GROUT` APN 3vL 5(S6< BUILDING DIVISION PEES (Thioseetion need not he completed Blue permit is Corona hundred dollars(SIM) or less.) I certify tam in the performance of the wad forwhich this permit i, iomed.I shall no, employ any person in any manner sn us m became mbjed ns IM1e WorYsri Comp,n- GREASETRAP SEWER - SANITARY -STORM IIA. 200 17. PLANCIIECK (Bili ENERGY ItiC (TRADING FEC ' moan Laws of Califumia Doe WATER HEATER W/VEN`EMLFC R Applicant t j NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, afar narking this Cenificam of Exemption, you should ' become subject to the Workers Compemmion previsions of the Labor Code. You m.'I ' forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit Shall Ise deemed revoked. WATER SYSTEMlT12EATING WATER SERVICE SOILS FEE CONSI'RUCI'[ON LENDING AGENCY I arena firm that there is a cunswcllan lending agency for the per4snaame of The wed 6r which did, Fcmti, i' IosncJ Soc. 30I7. Civ. C.) NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. FT. ?'AID ])are Recap a AL: Leder', Name LcaLeader', Addis,TOTAL: a ix BUILDING Plil? I wni(y That I have read Thi, rpplicntion and ,are that the above Tolentino s O correct. agree m or, I (with all city and eoumY nnllorn<cf and xam laws rearing he � building ...... Imnion, and hereby nnlnnrirarcpr<,connive, of lois uilymenmr upon the Q TY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC Plil? 171AC'I'RIC II?I? above neem in 1.1 prnpc"Y for iollisednn Su Po,c,. PERMIT ISSUANCE (We) agree To srvc, indemn lty and I,ou, hunnle, Ila City of Cepenlno a6ltinn hahiliticg3Wgntenl,,co,analy-1w.oc, whichmay in any wry.cnacrgnir"'aid City ALT ER OR ADD TO MECH. PLUMBING FEE .name me of fle grtutin, ti thi, TeTait. APPLICANTUNDFI3S'IANDS ANTI WILL COMPLY WITH A[.I, NON -POINT AIR HANDLING ON[*[ (TO I10X)CF1,II MECHANICAL FEE SOURCE; REGULATIONS. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 111,00 CFM) CONSTRUCTION T'A% Slgarare of Appliern/Commton Data EXHAUST FOOD(W/DUCT) HOUSING MI'IIGA[ON IEE. HAl RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or hom holding ercupunl store or handle hae..does material as defined by the C.P,oina Municipal Co -la, Chape, 9.12, and the Health and Safety Coda, Scctinn 25532(.)? HEATING UNIT CTO 100,1X0 BTU) HEATING UNIT (OVER 10,000 BTU) DYcs Fl No VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RES ID) PAID Doc Receipt 0.511 the applicant or future building occupant use quipmenl or devices which emit hmardous air contaminants as defnod by the Huy Area Air Quality Management BOILER - COMP (3HP OR IdBgYr BTU) TOTAL: District? E] Yes No BOILER -COMP (OVER 1010.0g) BTU) i ISSUANCE DATE I have read the lmurdeaS nulerials mems ant@r ChaPrcr G.YS nC du Cali- AIR CONDITIONER re.25 foliaHealth Safety Code,3Tinas]Shat,25533ua1nsihib Imonifytl tealiftine NEW RESIDEM'IALMETH. SQ. Pf. gdoesn have a Tamm. that n is my rexof a CMit m notify the occapum o(thc requiremcnu which must be,mt poor m iuuanee of a Cenilicne of ticcupancy. ofthe re docs not cow which TOTAL: ISSUED BY: Owner or authorized agent Date OFFICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT INVOICE OPERATOR: christya Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot:34245017.00 INVOICE DATE......: 01/11/2000 REFERENCE'ID # ...: 00010044 SITE ADDRESS .....: 10395 MELISSA CT SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............: GLOCKLER HERRMANN S AND HILTRU ADDRESS ..........: CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, CA 95014-2620 CONTRACTOR .......: GILROY, JOHN LIC # 15128 COMPANY ..........: NST WATER HEATERS INC ADDRESS ..........: 1764 NATIONAL AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: HAYWARD, CA 94545 TELEPHONE ........: (510)293-9901 PEE DESCRIPTION CHK TOTAL FEE PAID -TO -DATE BALANCE DUE _______________ BPWHEATER ___ --------- P ____________ 9.99 ______----- 0.00 9.99 PPERMITFEE P 35.52 0.00 35.52 ----------- --------- ------------ 45.51 0.00 45.51 ID-- DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION 106 c ------- SEWER & WATER 202 ------------------- UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 302 TUB & OR SHOWER 502 FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY 506 GAS TEST 507 FINAL PLUMBING JAN.10.2000 10:11AM NETCLERK INC CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 10300 Torre Ave. CuperEno, Ca. 95014 WC #IWN' (408) 777-3228 PROJECT ADDRESS: 10395 Men33a Court PROPERTY OWNER NO. 893 P.14 BLDG # SUITEIAPT # CONTRACTOR OWNERS NAME: Glockler, Harman NAME Just Water Heaters Inc MAILING ADDRESS:103B6 Mellen Court MAILING ADDRESS: 1754 National Ave. CITYISTATEZIP: Cuperano, CA 93014 C1TY/STATEZP: Hayward CA 946451722 PHONE #: ( 408)448.2280 FAX III. ( ) PHONE #: ( 610h293-2012 PAX #: ( ) E-MAIL ADDRESS: E-MAIL ADDRESS: PermitsQu3twaterheaters.nel %D� 3 Al .7- — al 9 BUSINESS LICENSE#: 15128 EXPLAIN WORK TO BE PERFORMED: Water Heater Replacement 40 Gallon Gas BUILDING: ELECTRICAL: REAOOF: RA2ARDOUS I= AREA: YES _ NO_ TYPE OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING: NUMBER OF EXISTING ROOF COVERINGS REMOVED: C NUMBER OF EXISTING ROOF COVERINGS RIrrAINED: U PROVIDE I.C.B.O. REPORT NO. IMPORTANT NOTICES APPUCANPB CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS CORRECT. I AGREE THAT IF A PERMIT IS IS- SUED FOR THE DEMOLITION DESCRIED IS THIS APPLICATION, ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THE PERMIT AND ALL LAWS AND ORDINANCES THERTO WILL BE COMPLOD WITH. HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE. The pennime(s) by acceptance of the permit, agree(a) to Indemnify and hold harmless the City of Cupertino from and against any and all claims, demands and actions for damages resulting from operations under this panni5 regardless of negligence of the City of Cupertino against all such claims, da nds or *cions. In corAormiy, with the proVlens of Section 3800 of the Labor Code of the State of California. the applicant shall have coverage under (1), or (II) deslg- natad below or shall Indicate' items (111), or (IV), or (V), whichever to applicable. If however tram M is checked hem (IV) must be checked as well. Mark the appropriate method or compliance. emeft m]ad Waribe prw.40" of chapters owin Ream 70110) of tvtilf am autln.sa nPmfN Cade,a dmV scerse is I, full and eaecL Llesae a 591329 1 class C36 B as: 03131!2000 PAYMENT AOCOUNTfk MECHANICAL: PLUMBING• e/ NUMBER OF EXISTING ROOF COVERINGS: 0 PROPOSED ROOF COVERING: VALUATION: 625.00 NOTICE TO APPLICANT I hereby affirm under penally of pedury one of the following declarations: ( ) L I have and will maintain ■ cerddceta of eonsent it, Wf4 mune for we*,,- corn - peril as provided by Sedan 7700 of the tabor Code, for the porformanee or as work which this permit Is Issued. (1) u. 1 have and will maintain workers' compensation Insurance, as roquImd S ton 3700 or the ma Labor Code, for the perfornce of the work for which thiseo Cmill Is Issued, sty workera' eempensadon Insurance carrier and policy num- Cardy' Clarendon Polley Number 02KR0001018 ( ) e The mat M me work done Is $100 er lase. ( ) N I caAlty that In the lArfonnance of the weak forwhich this parrilt In Issued, I • shell not employ any person In any manner so sa to became aubjec ta work - am' mmponsation laws of California. I further a4mowle ige Lhat I understand that in the event that I should become subject to the workeri compensation provldona of the Later Code of Celkamle and fail to comply forth with provisions of Section 3800 of the Labor Code, that the perms harain applied for Ball be deemed revoked. ( 1 V. I candy as the owner (or de meant for the owner) that In me performance of the wmk for which this permit Is issued, I will employ a contractor who mmpllea with that workers' mmpeasdon Iowa of Caltpnia and who, prior to the of menmmant 01 any work, will the a completed copy of this term wIM the Central Forma 9umou. AMOUNTS: Scott Waterbu DATE Printed Name of Applicant JAN.10.2000 10:10AM NETCLERK INC N0.693 P.13 990 Dubuque Avenue NetClerk, Inc.: e -solutions for the contracting industry south San Francisco. CA 94000 (999) 88 CLERK le From: NetClerk Inc. Contact Name: Scott Waterbury Phone: (650)624-0426 Fax Number-, 1-(877)846-5888 Permit Application To: Building & Planning Department City: Phone: Fax Number: Cupertino (408) 777-3228 (408) 777-3333 Permit Handling Instructions Please Fax Permit to! 1-(877)846.5888 Deliver to Job site at first inspection I will pick permit up at the Building Department in 5 days HxPlease mail to Contractor address below Other: please email permit to: permits&etclerlccom Contractor Information Company: Just Water Heaters Inc. Worker's Comp #: 02KR0001018 Contractor: Atm: Arnold Address: 1764 National Ave. City: Hayward, Ca 94545-1722 Phone: $10-293-2012 510.783.6360 fl: oermitsCa iustwaterheaws. Comments: Authorization forms: Credit Cana Authorbartlon form r wsrea i,+c ret: amq tPa;,.�pet, • af�ader>daa edRMaged.ao adtlt�eyepededaaaa@d ta.t�maattueu�etadee,tax asympe■o[ae®a 9 ' State Contractor's License # 591329 ClassC-36 B Credit Card Information Credit Card Number: 5474-6331-7168-6326 Name on Card: Expiration Date: Visa n Just Water Heaters Inc. 09/02 MasterCard ApentAudmb+0ea'- By owrytloting andira uming the brign anon betow, You aathotla NetCWYk hue to act as an agerton your baWfbr thepurpoee ofsubmioing patent applications: rb Whom NAtWCb tpemt