2459 f)lC 'CL.IT LL N'N _ L Ik"iC r NU.� STREET LOT NO. � 1)7 3d.SS r o APPL CATION IF,OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ° < ff OCT 14 9963 e OF cuPrRrlNo 5 U jLL ° ys LL w Date- — - - 19� p emlit No. - ) Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to Install electrical a w wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said LL wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the o0 > City of Cupertino, and all other laNcs applicable thereto. 03 zj Use of Premises `?rfSlnri..cIZ L) ,,41r � J o J O r1 3 a Owner La F Fn l'ro v n (/) Address N w w By n�1 _ Address R dV11 l7 f �O AAOA AGF„ AppfOve a 0 925 KIFER h'OAD _U Phonc:SUNNYVALE. CALIFORNIA ELECfAIUL INSPECIO; PHONE 793-5,121 Siate License: 12422 NEW RPL FEE5 Size Serve CondultJ-------f'..`1-------Number of Outlets....-2-0-.._... .......... .......... ......'.�.�. Size Service Wires........... . '..:....Number of Switches..... .......... .......... ....:...... Size Service Switch_.. ..'°..'...-Number of Receptacles.._'..._ --------- 3' ?° Size Sub Feed Conduit-_--------------Number of Fixtures..._.�V.... ---------- ---------- ._a, Size Sub Feed Wires....................Ranges..... ------- KW....-.....-. -- SJ I Number of Circuits---A_ :._.7.. Oven ._._.------- KW.............. ....._._ _...._.. ......,7,5- Number of Meters.............---------Signs.......... Transformers........ .....--.. - --........--- Misc-----------------------------------------------Dryers----------:Z..-.---------..-..- ----- --------I------- -/'-'---- Motors------------------ HP----------------. Phase---------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors.--------------- HP_------------------ Phase........ ..... _.-. Motors---- --- HP--- -----.--.... Phase....- H P Charge------- -------- F TOTAL PEES OR � INSPECTION APP (� ( ROVALS �----. --- _---._._ ---- Rough Wirin" ..... - TOR . Fixtures DATE lIMCDAT[ fflCTOR Finish Wiring �- Motors ----- �---.. ------ _....--------------- "' I fflCCTOfl OAT[ IRf Kc OR � OATE CJ Mffl[CTOfl OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPFrCTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO / I ............... 196x I To You are by rktfiorized to ct{Sdn ca electrical servi a for _ jp�1�p `lJt I Owner or Tenant -----------------" �-k1-:?�'....," L ti»... }j._ S.1 Q,f 1 �. .....f.._..... .. . -Y•i�. _ ............ At No. of Wires ------!f�;?........... Size of Wires .r�.�...... Size of SQA K I ` I Motor Load .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. .................................. Voltage ................................ / Light-----�. 110....ff... New Service...:.. Reconnect............ _.. No. of Meters.._ No. of Add. Meters _ .. Heat....... ......_ 220....✓ T Wil....._ .. Move Service.......__. ............ (Power..._---------- Three Ph'e....../.r...... Move Mylter.............. Ir ELECTRICAL INSPEfr'"I'O�i �� 104 7/63-500 121 " `l