NO PERMIT NUMBER Z22a� I Cie ( RN 1t Let No. I No. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File Nazi Ovwy 07 Sanitary No. Dote 196 application is hereby made for a permit to �r r � .�I��'���.//�III `a Story, Type to be occupied only as r.=1TrC in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Spec icati on filed herewith, • r Estimated Value of Improvements b a� nm . FEE$ Plan Check-$ Owner ddress Cont'. �r Address Phone r� S /— TSO State License Approved APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Data � 1965 FEE$ / Contr. �dy. r�"`'��^�-%� Address i Phone ���� 7 State License . Approved 61 67, OG APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Dare 196 GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ L / Contr. �'^9�tiQ `�'O Address 02i'`+�•$�� � Z^^L / Phone � / l0 State License /,�/�SRj 7 Approved vC o- APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT S� Date 11196 �� FEES Contr. Address 30 's �� 1NL��. �J�^C-�-'�' p ' " ""^"' �G./ Phone `v o -u / `� State License 14-21 Approved WILLIAM D. I3EfQLVICH Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California _ RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION 26-G7—BUILDING are 2 or UNDERFLOOR L -z;�.S ate _/ pe-for F AME — YJ Dare �/ -tor � L E R _ _t actor FINAL Date Insoector ELECTRICAL ,OUTLETS SERVICE SIZE SWITCHES 2d L w UNDERGROUND g, RECEPTACLIS r/° ROUGH WIRING — tGv or j114 / ya D a Inspector FIXTURES FINISH WIRING rt 1 /-J ate Inspector H.P. CHARGE FIXTURES /r0 Date Inspector PB IT FEE Motors Da ctor TOTAL FEES 3 17'1 FINAL Data Inspector _ PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE I I MATERIAL STORM DRAIN I SIZE I LbLTERIAL WATER SYSTEM SIZE TERIAL TOTAL FIXTURES / ° 0 UNDERGROUND FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUGH Date r MAIN DRAIN FEE a °% ROUGH COMPLETE - J Do to or STORM DRAIN FEE MAIN DRAIN O " S Dte for WATER SYSTEM FEE �� GAS PIPING oll- 6i.5 Onto I r GAS PIPING FEE S� - FINAL 6Qe Date Inspector PERMIT FEE '-2 MISC Date Inspector TOTAL FEE � � M_ LSC Date Inspector APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES 0�6 COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT MISC GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER PERMIT FEE p2 FLOOR FURNACE TOTAL FEE / .� INSPECTED Do to Inspector OFFICE COPY (1ELECTRIC -SERVICE NOTICE Qa-� UILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ...... ...... ....... .......... ..........—..... 1965L. TO You are hereby authoriz to tonne e rical servic r Owneror Tenant ............................... .... .. ...... ... ..... .. .... --.... .. At ................ -c> .. .... ........ ............. .......................... . . No. of Wires ......a?............ Size of Wires ..v..?..... Size of Switch MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ............. .................. Phase .................................. HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. ......... ............ ...... Voltage ... ... ....... .—----------- No. of Meters.... - h ...... ....... N Service._....... Reconnect.... Lig' R No.of Add. Meters................ Heat.t�**-------- rm W .... ..... Move Service............ Power...... Ph e_i move Met .............. 'sp ELECTRICAL INSPECT Bid". Dept uifkc Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. . ....... . ............. Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. ------- f LotNo. ...../----------- ........ Owner or Tenant ---------------- . . ....... . . .......... At - ------ -------- --- ----------- Tract ---------- ...................................................................... DateConnected ---------------------------I/ ..................... ---------------------------- 19. Date Fina -------------------- - -"--- - ......... ....... ........... .�� ... .................. BIND 1NiPE R ill 7/63-IM OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTIN . ................... ........................ 1961�. ------------------ -- To You are hereby a;�� . ! ,,,zod C�1e elect se r Owner o Tenantk-� :4,0� se '**'-"-'---,------ . ......... At ....................................................................... lop 7-�mf............. Size of Wires ........ Size of Switch No. of Wires .. ....... .......-......... MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ........................ Phase .................................. Heating Load ...................... . K. W. ..... ................ Voltage 1-1 �' No. WMeters..... Light.. 110' --- New Service................ Reconnect.................. ftt__ :*�:�:�:,��: Wire................ Move Service............ 'No.of Add. Mete H 220............ Three Power............... OVMeter- --E-L MCAL INSPECTOR'............. / GAS SERVICE NOTICE O11"a. COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTTIINO 196.4/ ........_......... -'1....................._...._..., . 'Io 1"ou are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or TenantAt ... w/22 ' �/r�f/. � ................... 2W—g /' // New Service 'w<.... No. of Meters ./......_......._. Reconnect ...................._........ Move Service .............._.... — No. of Add. Meters .._......_— Mme Meter .......................... P UMBING INSPECTOR I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO '� '•'•�`. 19.�.�... Building Permit Date........._-...- ........r-� --', .. .�•- ..; .� n .-.3 The Building Located at .... ?..y?. .. ....`7-1%::. i ., .----..... ..� � � �.:::�;.Wil.-y�,.� Owned by — .•. .. .�. ,t:..7.,----...... .fi=r. �"�................ Has Been .-(Co ompllete iFor Use As: ......�.` 1. ..................._..................... G II ---._...._.........................--................._...----....---....---.......................-......----.......................-- .......-.....................--....-------------------------- ............................... f' �-� ...............! . BUILDING INSPECTOR 1 102 7/63-500 "~ ROUTE SLIP File No . Date Out _ _/,—S" Date In _ Location " Subjeat Note: / n — Approved Date Insp?ctor ROUTE SLIP File No . "5`/ 0 e 7 Date Out / z — — S— Date In Lccaticn � � Sub i ec_t. Notes Approved_ 6A AUOL Date Inspector• �gl zzzo � I /L/c e /e/% � LOT N0. / NO. STREET N ` AP.IrICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT t0 v x CITY OP CUPP.RTINO o LL Sanitary No. 5 V ?0UGXrJr96P 196 6 - Permit No.0 r 0 LL w T�/ A/j lica(tiio'n1 is hereby made for a permit to itn�'S I U liU� P7'� () ,�w : w• �c�� // '' Building to be occupied only as ��G.r 3-on accordance with 0 o plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. P1 Ck Fee e o CS 0 Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 2�/ ��� Fee$ 1S 0 z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * Z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of j 0 Cupertino will be complied with./� -L A.r /' 3 Q Owner �a "`."'es /ti a r,,. �n4 tc'7i Address 'ZZ -Z- mac..�E�/O r' Z 1 > -- y z By �. /-/is....._ �o. �t Address S C_c in,n E re y n I ww < 0Phon Z 2 3 f� -� ,J Approve t; State Licens CS-3; MING INsvrcroR`" ✓