01010050 C1 BU'OFNCUPERUNNO PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRIi.SS PERMIT No. 22057 MC CLELLAN RD HOT WATER INC 01010050 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUR DATE RETEKOS JACK G TRUSTEE 2531 GRACELAND AVE 01/12/2001 PHONE. SANITARY NO, CONTROL NO. (550)298-8494 G ad Z ARC[11'I'IiC'I'IIiNGINEF.R: BUILDING IiLP ILRM 4) IN1 BLDG ECI' I'LI1MBIi MLCII Q z'u 1=1 1_I 1=1 I= 2d F�< LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description L o'z_o I hroa ereby art n I at bectrwd under pnwisi9m n.,of Chapel 91ememing P==� with Section 7NX0 of Divixinn 3 ofthe 13mine—ad ProtJ.axmnv Cods',and my licca, < is in full hate and thea. s < I:i«•n,cros, x REPLACE WATER HEATER a`<P a`-' One Contractor re 3 C ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION g 1 undentuW my plam,batl W u,J os public rctori m at< Liccn,d Professional ,6oO the,I OWNER-HUIhDEH D[CLAR6raON 'u K- I hereby ostia than 1 1, exempt Tann the Contractor's License law for IM ZY .1hichinguire,atenniton]IliLS.adlesnnd Pte. enioli Cal¢nteiray stcuunty ce o isn1 I P n I I I f p I f.l p Y,structure 'L 3� prat t L. y hilt .\:In. tf I p II I I ''g J hant,m noel 1 wdpnrw, tt ( n i fd Chmitine" soLaw fe,coc9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuati ) fcoumhmemg with section V01X0 ill'Ili Nei, l of me liuxineas nnJ'Pnn Anion,CWeI oIr deal M1e i. ntpt mem000,ant or Nei, sore cts the r ammo,,Anydinlnall, $SIDID f$ocean➢U LS by ane dredd llforupetnit,,hien,the naalicum mocivil renuhy of a.t mom man me nattered dollar,Issllol. APN Number Occupancy Type 01:¢owner of the properly.m eny employees with wri their,ole compenwtion, 397113023. will do the work.and the structure is not intended or allered far sale(Sec.1044. nuxinces and Professions Calc:Il.e Contractors License Law does not apply to an Required Inspections sof property Who build,or improves themon,and who duce such work himself or through his own employees,pmvided that such improvemmns am not intended or 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY offered for suit.If.however,the building or improvement is sold within one year of Impletion,the owner-builder wilt have me harden offaroving that he did not build or 506 — GAS TEST completion,for pvrpaseof,Wc1 507 — FINAL PLUMBING 01,ons owner of the proper.,am exchcskely convecting with licensed Contractors m Lm,huct the prospect(Sec.7(94,Business anti 1'ndess r,Cale:)The Cuntmemr'a locne,Lawd.s,not apply ,,an owner of pmpeny who builds or in i m n,mention, and who cnnvnctn 01r such ptnjmls will. :.,..vv:mrmgs) li"e"d person,to It, Conuxaor's l,ccnw laws 0 I mu excnlht Under Sri. .It&P C for this reran Owns, hall WOR KEW S COMPENSAI[ON DECLARATION 1 hereby atfrin under penalty of perjury,one of the falh,wing declarations: 0 1 have and will andinsin a Certificate of Convict 14)self-insure for W'odeT's - Compnsmion, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Core. for the ptonoance of the work fill which This permit is issued. 01 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Inwmncc,as required by Section 371X)of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work fop which this Permit is sued.My Worker's Comrenerion Inwmncc currier and policy maedi are, C'arrlur: Policy Na, CER'rIPICA'MON OP EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSAr1ON INSUIXANCE ffhl,welion need not W mn.p10111 it the plrmit In for ane hundred dollars SI WI or 111,1 1«Wily that in the rerlbm.ance of the work for which this permit i,issued,1 shall not employ any pernun in any manner a.a,u.hecnme subject to the Worker' Compensation lane of Cslifomiu.Date Applicant NOTICE 10 APPLICAbi If,after making this Cenificam of Eaen.ption,you should Wim nuhjeo w the Workcrx Comremaimm pros sums of the Labor Code.you must Q O fonhwim comply with such provisions a this peril shall W deemed mvoked. z Vi CONS`T'RUCTION LENDING AGENCY > I brachy aaimr that there is v consmetion landing agency for the prfntmence W ill the work for which Ibis permit n issued(Sec.3O)7,Clv.C.) 0. Q LcnJcr's M r 5 z U, Ila',Addres U O I artily thea l have read thi—pplication i I vol I".1 the above infocmilam i, tY f~"t correct.I ugnar to emuply with all city and cuunty mdlnun .,and ower It,,slitting U ,,buildingum.vmslin ,and h,shy allani,ncptcwrflabmof in,city In timerupon the a,won scdo W amply far inspection parallel. F y (Wo)agree m save,indemnify and kap harndes,the City of Cuprtino against C4 liabilities,judgmems,cons and expenses which may in any way uccom against said U z City in comegrenee of the granting of this remit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. y' Signature of ApplianatConmanor Date Re-roofs IIAZIRDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future Wilding attafam wom or handle haanduus Uaemal Type of Roof us refined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12,and the Hcahh and Surety Code Section15532(a)P ❑No 0 yet All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will heaaphradorfuture brildnggerunc i legaipmednrdlsiee,which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove midi haewdnux air conmmiona,ahs defaced by tat Bay Ale,Aa Quality Mana,mat )IN11 t7 all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ID Yet El No all non-point source regulations. I have rad the hamrdnos morriah syuirancnl,ander Clec er 6.95 of me C'afilnrnia fleallh.G Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 umb,mnd.hal it the building d.w,nor cmarialy have a moan',that it is any re,ip ihility Io nmifythe oacupum of the reyuirenat which must b:met prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date Owner or amoriecJ agent Date All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE