01050090 CITY OF`CUPERTIINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: PERMIT 13UILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 2201.5 MC CLELLAN RD GB GROUP 01.050090 OWNIiR'S NAMI:. A[TUCATION Stili nNra WATKINS VIENNA R 8921 MURRAY AVE 05/09/2001 . PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL No. (800)653-7172 O C Z ARCH(I HCI IIENGINHHR: BUILDING PLRMI'P INPO sO CO HLDG ELL'CT PLUMB ML'CIt ufy C7 1=1 Lal L= a. add NS LIC rmthtIaCONTRACTOR'SOF.ionsof [ONhaps Job Description I hereby... . afllnn that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter Y(c('mmencing �m F m ""See 7lXNB of Uiv" 3 tithe llnnincss and Pr �C he y(l h cerise r, ,t rau fm ml elle. �D/- CC,II)) (,//. REROOF/SIDING AND TRIM rt Licansc C,_1 Lica_ K o d u nate Commc,m F a I O fin ARCHIiCI'S URCLARxi I understand my Plam.ball he used.,public record, of O LiccnmJ Pruf xional OWNER-BUILUIiR DECLARATION m I hereby nlfirnt that I an,exempt from,he Cnnmacmr',License Law for the C> Ibll—ing rca.....IScaian 7031.5.Itu,incnx and P I ..was Cndc'.Any city or uemy 2 p which requmr a pcnnil 1t,mn,l uet.Nler,improv,,dennoli,h,or repair any structure n5re � prior..as i.suanve.al.,require.dicappl icant or such permiOo file a signed statement that he is licensed purruannuthe pnwi.innsof the Coomaeme,Licensc Law(Chapter 9 Sq. Ff. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 7003)of Division 3 of the Husinev and Professions Cade) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any,mixion $10294 of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollar.($500). APN Number Occupancy Type O Ltower.free propertymmy cul,kyce,wrdt Iac,las rbeir.,le c.mlen.lnion, 3571301 2 X10 will do the work,and 111c stnmaue is nnn mended or oI'fced for sale(See.7(W4, Business and 1bolessions Calc The Contractor's License 1.aw d,ka not apply to an Required Inspections owner of property Who build,or improve%thereon.and who does ach work himselfv or through his own employees.provided that such improvements arc not intended or 305 — FRAME offered fell .Is.IL however.the building or improvement i,sold within one year of 307 — INSULATION completion,the ownaobuilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build.' 6 irnpmacfor non,..eor.ale.). 601 — ROOF- TEAR OFF- ❑I.a,owfc,0flu,pmp..y.thin es,lu i Iyc, tmcna,will Iieen..dconor,lon,to 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL Lindorcl the protect IS .70.14.1 ar Profen s Cale)The Cnnlnemr m 'n cec Law does not )ply ml ,if ,pert,wea;'Mld..r improve.menton. 603 — ROOF BATTENS and who comms. r such wit c tad,)bccnwd urs t m @c comme..r.,lacen Law 604 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS ❑I am exempt t er 5 _ — _ .H A C �hiz¢anon Owner_ al OR 'O. HN A'TIGN DLCLAII f • I herebyif innunder Israeli,of M,jo,one of.he following declaration.: n ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Convent tv',clf-imam for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code. for the perlormuncc nl the work fur which this permit is ismeJ' F 11!1 A L E D 01 luoc and will maintain Worker',Cmuperoa.ien htsnnmce,its required by Section 97(X)of the Labor C,de,for the Ilelharence nr the work for which this).'roil In ....ed.My Worker,Comf�,jy1'allonl oJnnrutee carrier and l'I liey noorwZerar• NOV 0 8 2001 '�Aily Smile Caniee,( R IC el (A'E.CEMYI'10\ 103WORKERS' p COMPI!NSAI'[ON INSURANCE BUILDING (Titin cclion need nal be nmq,lered if the permit is lin nuc hundred dollars IS l00),u I'll.) - , - 1 certify than in the peifnnna fee of the work for which di.,p_mtit is inured,1 .,ball not employ any peso.in any canner so as to account subject to dte Wnd.en' Compene.ion L.ws.f California.[)ale Applicant NOTICH IU APPLICANT.II,after making this Cer iGcne ul Eaemp.ion.You should become whin'...the Worker's Corm,wh a0.n froull r,of the LaMrr Code,yon mut Q Q ronbwidr comply will,such pool,!om or IM1is permit.bull hu deemed evoked. In CONSTRUC MEN LENDING AGI:NCY 1 hereby uffino that there in a ev nametion lending agency for the perfomtmce of the work for which this pcnnil is issued(Sec.3W7.Co.C.) LQ Lender's Name Z Lender's Admits, V I aunl(y the have real.his application a sun 111,11 mea ale infollo,a m is li F'I a rrect.I a,"to comply h d1 oily' r y m� u.n,vs and.,are law,relming Q V .o building con..m,.tinn, dherch 1In prem ..siva.of this city e,eneru n �] the ulxwe-memiuncd p pcny f nspe- orpr a, IWc)agrecn, vein mnilyl eph a c cityofcupe no eint to liabifities,jad&nen ,ro11 rates . 'fin any way accrue rgair 1%aid U Z Citv in comcquen of the gramim > �[�p ,/� ^ APPLICANTIJ 4'RST NDS Ll IPLY WITH ALL NtN I�r Issued by:c�VC HN/y�J�. Date SOURC17 RTIC I S. Slgnammuf ApplleenVCmi nem _ Ice Re-roofs HAZ DOUS MA'1'Ir.RIALS DISCLOSURli Will theapNiean.or ream wadi areapant.lore.,handle haoudomaraterial Type of Roof as defined by the Cupertino Atunicip dc.Chapter 1.12,and the Heel@ and Safety Code.❑Yen 25532(x)^ No ` All roofs shall be iWpriorring material being installed. Will me appli .r falure 1, 11lrr re n, eegon,rocritm devices which If a roofis install an inspection, 1 agree to remove mit hueunlon,oil confluninunw u.vAd , H: Nva Nr Quuli.y MunagumnnD;,,r;c,'r all new material ft u derstands and ll nnply with �Ye.. all non-points urcI have read m hard a tegt em oder Chapter .95 theCaliforniaIlcaOh Swild ,dc, 1i - 31 and 25534,l un 'n., d that /�Iffin,milmngd -,n ncunemly tact t. m h i.al"cxgmsibilit n a theI/eupamofd requiou"o,- cl o be r.prie,to iwnmce of icam t onapaanv. Dale Signa. of Applic Owner "aadronlede, — — eatF'— All roof coverings to be Class "Br' or better OFFICE