28410APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY $' ® CITY OF CUPERT'INO BUMMING - MEC T NICA1 APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING CF]BESNTCAL ISUII,DINf: DIVISION HULLOING PROdKC'I'IDEN'1'IN'ICA'1'ION I'IICAL iRMIT NO. 28410 ^ • 1 0 L V! 4 9 BUILDIN^G/ AD(DDRRtHSS`S���)x,�r`'� �{.Jv ✓v ��\y ` UNIfN LOT#/oS SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBM///LTT��,AL DATE [ OWN[ PHONE: D)RjNgME: 1.1. NO. N/C x /CONTROL ^ Cq Lf `PERMIT ARCIII'TECT/ENGINEER: LIC ADDRESSs-141 „- /- ( r s ,sN.O� / �r CONTACT: �—Lb \l�/`V 01���_ -��1� QTY. EIs,,EECT/�RRIIICCC PERMIT FEE BUILDING INFO B_ I.D(: ELI❑';Cf PLUMB ME❑CH ` LSF PERMIT ISSUANCIi ZWz � 00 yr Z, GF -dm rn Q y Fy2 40te— :lz tanj N LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under Provisions of CTuprer9(commencing with Section 700.1) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full foe Class affect, License Class hic.p APPLIANCES "RESIDENTIAL PANELS UP T020U AMPS LOB DFSCRIPI'ION \ UPN/ w •� Date Co.'.or ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. 201 - 1000 AMPS SQ.IT. FLOOR ARCA S/SQ. FT OVER 1000 AMPS SIGNS ELECfRICAL $$ LhY•mne Profcaxinnel =y W Q 4OyU a13ay¢ OWNER -BUILDER assn DIfromDECLARATION 1 ngreas n. (Se that I am eacmpt from the Cornerstones Ca License Law for he following reason. (Section 703 L5, Business anJ Professions Cade: Any city ar county SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP.MEfER OR POLE INST. ^V4OJ Yonas y K OO roW �ZQSectinn)UI wt: a3— which rcyuires a permit to coremmt,Mer, iniprov, demnl lkb, or opainuty Mmome teent far such pcnuo fileasigncJ stam Fri nnuia issuana,aBo requires the apPlicamni that he is Iicensd pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 700B of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cade) or that he is exempt herefrom and the basis forthe alleged exemption. Anyllviolation of LS by any npplicmt lora permit sunjenr the applicannUucivpenahy of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). ❑ I,mownmofthepropeny,ormyempleymswilbwagesaslheirsolecomperuation, will do the work POWER DEVICILS SWIMMING POOL ELECTRICo VALUATION '20Ow OUTLETS - SWITCHES - FIXTURES NEWRESIDENI'IALELECIR_SQ.FT. STORIES TYPE CONS' 1' RUCTION who doesOCC.own TY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOODZONE APN ❑ Lisownerofinepropcny,an cxel cly contracting with ie tsedcommnnam Al construct the project (Sec. 7044. 6 ess and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Lewdoesnolopplyno erofprepanywhtbuildsodmp vestherwn.and PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER -DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) FEE SUMMARY who"reams fznsucIt x with acontrectons) licensed pursuant t the Comaxon's Lile se Law. ❑ nl an exon n under Sea B & P far this reason PACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OUTSIDE Id;I:S SANITARY YN RECEIPT Owner Date WORKMANCOMPENSA NDECLARATION ❑ I hereby a firm that l have a carinicatcof intent If-in.Fure,o n xmficamof 0 1 Com action In once or nifi P ti co .800 Lab CJwhich rsailempl ca" 'sperm- policy# DRAINS- FLOOR. ROOF, AREA. COND. SCHOOL TAX YN RF.CF.IPF# p1X'1'URES-P13H TRAP PARK FEE Y N RECEIPI'p GAS "EA. SYSTEM -1 INC.4 OUTLETS BUILDING D ISION FEES Company GAS- EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(EA)IFEE q PLANCHECK FEE V ❑ Cmified col is It GREASMIDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPI ORGRADING F£F. ❑ Certified cop is file dt c city inspection divisio GREASETRAP SOILS ME CER' FTCAT (1'EXEMP ON- 1WORKERS* CO ENSATION INS ANCE SEWER -SANITARY- STORM EA. 200F1.1?NERGY PEE pTtisseatinn rte. of he,complmed ifthe it is foron Mind dollars 1$ 100) m ins.) I ttnifythat in Ill rmencc of lh mkforw this permit is issued. I shall not employ any parson i any mann orae subject to the Worker% Z Corepens:t ion [.Los, Cali lit. I tc so us Applicant a z NOTICE TOAPI'LICANT:If making this CF 'tr epuo ATER HEATER W/VENf/LLECTR PAID Da tear # ATER SYSTENUTREATING E RESIDENTIAL PLM1IB. SQ. FT. T AL: (-i,, become subject'. the Wonka x compensation proves mus( > forthwith comply with sucM1 s ns or Mis its deem ed.0 RU 10 % NG ^ l L lw •1 .I .I. TOTAL:LLE RI £E 7 Z 1 hereby affimt thin th p tion Irn age y for he ormance of V O 'he wink for whiehthis pc it i7as (Sce. 3097, b ) fl. Lenders Name F Lender's Address U I certify thin I have ad this cep cation and state at the above information is >. corrttl. lagan to comply ith vll city and county o antes and state laws existing ro .a' buildingconstruction. an eexti,tt horizerep artifices of this city to enter upon the U Z uhovcmentioneJ ansae for inspection It osn. (We) agree to save indemnify a cap harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgmenls.c 1. evndes a Ir It yinanywayaccmeagainsrsmil City Q TY. MECHANICAL PERMIT Pf, INO FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE MEC NICAL FEL ALTER OR ADD TO MECII. CONSTI1 CHON TAX AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,(10) CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CPM) eomeq he yra in t Permit. EXHAUSTHOOD(WMUCI') PAID cof pplicw nmraa r ate HEATING UNIT IT 0100.000 BTU) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Dam Raaiplp IIIiATING UNI 'I'(OVER 100,000100,000 BTU) 'TOTAL: i Will the applicant or future building osamant snort or handle namNoe, material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Calc. Chapter 9.12, and the Ileahh :tad Safety VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESIDI Co t, Section 25532(a)7 ❑ Yes ❑ No Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipmentordeviccswhichemil hi,mdme; air contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management BOILER- COMP CHIP OR RK.000 BTU) ISSUANCE DATE rI�� pp p� tr IAB RY BUB 100,000 BTU) District: NEW RESIDENTIAL MUCH, SQ, FT. ❑ Yea ❑ No I have rcud the hazardous materials requircmems under Chapter 6.95 of the SEp 20 1995 California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533 wd 25534. 1 understand that if (he building does not cumenrly have a tenant, that it is my responsibility to notify the cocoanut of the mquiremems which must Is, mel prior to issuance of a Certificate of r Ur u INO �'CI ISSUED BY: OOccupancy.u Owner amhorieeJ agent Data Owneror TOTAL: OFFICE