00070087 CI'BUILDING UCUI N FRTNO IL NPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: RUILDINO AOf)RIiSS: I'ERMI'I NO, 21054 MARCY CT COSMOS ROOFING 00070087 OWN12R'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE HSU TSEN G AND HWALIN H 450 SAN ANTONIO RD 07/14/2000 SANITARY NCONTROL NO. (415) 493-6373 O. 0.7 ARCHITEC IENGINEIiR: BUILDING PERNIH INFO .0c HLDO ELECT PLUMB MF.CH i.E IJ =l f=1 G7-1 zLL vow LICENSED CON'TRACTOR'S DECLARATION - .lob Description Z z 3 I hereby inpon thin I um lice..,✓undo,provision.of Chapter 9(c-mmencing �° wahseeann7lRxnoflavisi,maoflheEta.int...nndrmrelinn,Code.and,nylicense REROOF T/0 SHAKES, ADD 30# x m sr ix in lull force nn,LL..{{Irµ �. /D' p w¢ Lieen.c Qlpa/ CL-7_ Contrat,lo9 Lic.k r O_ ARCI 11:1PC DIiC1.ARn'nON °—I O; I nndcrsbnul my plain.ha11ll M1e anal Is puhllc mn,rJ. u6 Llcertad 11rnt'asnlo..al ydCO OWNIIR'Iel1Ille,t DECLARATION C1on TION rKi,o 1 hereby alma tins I L caen,pt,rain the m,,in Cos hale,,,law es the F Z>' t-Ilwlt ma reaaoaeollk(Section 711.a15.Il,aIle, and Prooe.c all li Calc:Any city eel can my se t p wh rl ssu e. it I f t p r,i 1 d ilial, p" y.denent i3= am prior I y pr tnto,or lianal l hrermrLic L J_Immem mann n. epursuant I In p o.. ram Contractor's l w .to Co l9 Sy. FL Floor Area Valuation (,am,aheeI,ewith saaaoan Tian and Barisisa-rma It,edesand te. An, Code) S10625 01 mm he i..caer,ml memnam a„d m-n-..k.Tor tar anegm eaemmmn.any viown,&, of Section 7/31.5 by any applicant for a Knob subjects theappllcanuo a civil penalty APN Number Occupancy Type of in,more Ivan five nundnd dollar.(5500). . ❑1.a.ownerofthepn,perty.ormyemployeesw;d,wage.astheir.olecompereaaon, 32654031. 00 will Jo the work,and the structure is non intend,,]or offered for sale(See.7941. Required Inspections BusinessandProfoe.ions Code:The Contractor's License Law'does not apply In an y p crane,of property Who build,,,improves thereon.and who does such work himself 305 — FRAME or through his own nnployeu,provided that such impmv,mre enu anm intended nr offered far sale If.howonr•the building or improvement is sold within one year of 307' — INSULATION cnmplelion,me owneoWilder will have the burden ofpmving that he did not build or improve for nnposeofame'I' 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF ❑1•as owner of,heproperty.am enclusimly contracting with licensed contractors or 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL construct the PoNel(See.7(94.Business and Professions Cwt:)The Contractor', Lm otr>e Law does all apply inanowns,of pnpen,who build,or improves lineman, 603 — ROOF BATTENS and who roriont s for n,ah projects with a umuacno4q licensed purmum no the connocnor.l.ir,o.eLaw 604 — ROOF IN —PROGRES 0l nal escolp,ander Sec. .B&P C for this reason Owner Dune WORKER'S COMPHNSADON DECCARNHON I hereby avant muter penalty of penury one of the following J,rlamfom.: have and will a,unmhn a clailical- of Commcl n,.eRannam roe Wnd.cr'n 0.. ovation, as pro ted Tor by Seeno. 3700 of ,he Lab... Code. for II„ Krfarn,nec of the wank tier whi,l,this rcl o,I,i...ed, and will maintain W..Se,Compcmahoo doemom.as myuhed by Section .7a1 of the labor Calc,for the performance of the work for which this permit i. issued,My WorkersContKarabon hionno ce carrier and Policy number arc: G.vrie,: iii �.-.rahty w.:57/—e0'/�z� ChRIII ICA ION O'EXEMPTIOfn FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (thi.,Sanion need nal be completed&B,permit is for one hundred dollars (5100)-1 le".) - - 1 eendy that in the perf,nnance of the work for which this permit is issued.I - Shall not employ any person in any manner m as to become subject to the W'orkers' Cornr,n.ation laws of Culifamia.Date Applicant NOTICE TO API'61CAN'I':IL slnr making oris Cenifcan of Esempnion.You should Wa,me subject n, he Walk.,,Con lven.ation moviaiana of the Labor Cesiv,"u nar.n Q O orthwinh mmphy wan Such provisions nr this pearal.hall W deemed revoked. F5� CONS'I'RUCRONLIiNDINGAGFNCY' a ' lochy Olhan Ihw Them i.a mnattuction Trading agency for the performance W o,the walk for'bull thl,permit is r and(Sce,3097.Civ.C.) Pee Q lander',Nunn . 7 Lender',Addres. UQ llenity than nave'cadmis-ppncation and aunetnm the ass,inkann ion'u Is& t•.r coll'ect,I agree no caruphy with all city call moony-nllnnnces and smm law.ml.do, . Q U InbrLIingcnn,Imenian.:md hembyalli rim rcrtmnanov,of in,city ,,enter upon , �] he abovotnmioned prole%far inspection pnrpn.ea. y (We)ague nave,indemnify.,it keep harn,lee.,the Cay of Cnpcnlno ngain.I Vi liabilities,judgmenls,coals and enpense,which may in any way active agalns,said U z City in cnnseyuence of me granting of thin panni.. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE RBOULATIONS. Sigaamnornppli...trco,arno Dan Re-roofs I IAL\RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Writ the appliant or futum Wilding occupant wl store or hae havoil mamrial Type of Roof aS defined by the Cupertino hlhdcipil Code,Chapter 9.12,and BE,Health and Safely Code.❑yes 355741.1'1 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will the applicant(it future building necupvntuse equipmemlar devices wmnt If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection. I agree to remove emit hatras out air contaminant.m&-fined by the Bay Area Alt Quality Management ;,Tritan all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with G Yes ems! all non-point source regulations. I h I the hajandoes contendsyu t. J Chad 6.)5 ot the CalifirroaZalIIsnoruyCJ S f 5495051551] J45A31 1 a 1ybut he ✓/ '��/���V if1 n r It men nhyl l t than r y r 'n IC Try int ',apanlon C, r,L.wlIao,.nlW,,,prat t-','l.adatr,ra clrll Wnt ,f 0...a,a"� Signature of Applica Ia� Date 7TTL Uw�,er o,rnnho,;ae -Noy D,r, All roof coverings to he Class"f3" or better