99080074F III CITY OF CUPERTINOWUKKb -' . — CONTRACTO ECJ 6J OD NAIL " BUILDING DIVISION -PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: e 604 — ROOF IN—P R IT NO - - OGRESS OWNER'S NAME 10547•MANZANITA CT'LT37 U3' C APPLICATION S"�3M0074 , J'IVO - PHONE:SANITARY O'BRIEN GROUP NO. m@/iCp�Typl, An.. 1 1777 THE z❑ ARCHITECT/ENGINECR: - , - - BUILDING PERMIT INFO' t BLDG ELECT PLUMB MICCII - - LICENSED NSI D CONTRACTOR S DCCLARA'I ION of9 one g I norch, tiffina"ilh I am licensed under pZi�n _ Job Description hhS I 71MNp fl n of the B yl' I f rc Well ae cHITE( SaCc1,A 3787.CONDITIONEDLi SF RCE, 5�4: GARAGE1 oo t y l l h II I m m Pub Licensed Pmeo,namil OWN(R BUILDFR DECLARATION , 1 hereby alhnn the, I a erupt fmm.the Contract rs Lanese Lau for the - followingreason.(Section 7031.5. Bulini and Professions Code: Any city or county ❑ which requires it permit to construct, alter, mipmve, demolish, or repair any structure - prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such Permit to file a signed statement - -Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation , — [hit In, is licensed pursuant to the pal isimo; of the Conawbours Licedual- Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with lection 70W) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cruel - or that he is exempt henchman and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant m it civil lxrally nfnmmore than five hundreddogars(SSW), APN Number _ - Occuga3nc�y�Ty�e1 01, es owner of the prnpcny, or my employees witb w.,, as their sole compensation, ~ Requirefj Inspections . - will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sea IIH4, Business and promotions code: The Contractors Liccme Law dsws not apple to an owner of pn,fany Who hitilds or impmves thereon, and who does such wok himself - or though his own employees, provided that such impro.ements are not intended nt s offered lar sale. IL however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of - - emnpleshm, me owner -bander will have the hnrdan of panting that nc aid net builder 101' — FOUNDATION, - imprne for purpose of lade.). a ' 102 PIERS contracting with licensed cnnttmq.m. ❑Lax owner ol'the property, an esdao naly ru t consumer hp ject (St,v. 7044 B `n d P f .: . Lane ) The C h i 1'' -1.03: —' UFER-­- F License Lmvd,w,aal al,pl, t - I P open, who hadd. p s there . and whootnmets f, eh.p sects won n a contmc�oaa f .ed paaiim to rte 104 'REBAR Cofactor, Litman [.a,r ❑Itnnexemptorder Set. iB&dchnthiamaxoa 1.05 — ANCHOR BOLTS •. Owner Data .' . - - .1.06 — SEWER 8 WATER WORKHR'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION' 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING I hereby uflirm under Penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL_ 0 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to sel4msm, for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Core, for ere 204- —' UNDERFLOOR_ FRAME ' perrmman,,aofthe work (or wAichthis permit isisum. 2Q15 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION 01",a a ad will maintain Worker a Compensation insurance. as requited by Section 37W of the Labor Cole, for th galfinarmane of the work for which this permit is - 301, - - ROUGH PLUMBING isFard.n ersCompcns.Jo w etarrierand Policy n erarc 302 — -TIJB & OR SHOWER `' 'I 'rIFICA ONO E IO 1 FR ORKERS' 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL - F5 01 304. -:ROUGH EI_ECTRICRL ma.. xtc iaa nem not be completed if the permit to for one hundred dollar. '. 305 — FRAME - tsiapenm.x.) 'snumhl 306 — HOLDOWNS lunrly thin i rl p soh slot whi lith p t': ,hill not enplryan, person 'ranybann mheren ahlaetmtheWorkem 3Q7 --.INSULATION.,. .Corp f :rt(II Date^ Applicant 308 — SHEETROm a' NOfICETO APP ICANI it aftenntk gth Cart E.,andien youshotld krome,albeett the w d r: Coloparsibi .Pr of the Labor Coda yet must 309 — EXTERIOR''LATH forthwith comply wase such provisions or the permit shall he deemed revoked.— 3141 - •/' INTERIOR LATH 0 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance !' 311 — SCRATCH COAT - if the work fur which this permit is issued (Sec.3W7, Civ. C.) Z Lender, Name 313 — - ROOF NAIL Leader ' 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY I vinify that l have rad this application and sumadd the abovx information is rtes. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws rearing 502 — FINAL_ PLUMBING ENERGY to building comuuction,and hen.bymalamiza represcrouroee of this city to cma apt'n the am'a •mioneJ property for inspection puryoses. Indemnity keep harmless the CirynfCupcninoagainst _ 403 •— FINAL''MECHRNICRL.•ENERGY L lN)t6mcrosave, and O Imhili s 'r'mans, ours annex uses which may in any way ace .9. it said City t o tl ryace, - tF Innis pem d •. AP ;to .RS > DWILLCOMPLYWITiq�L gSN,rly'1-1 S 1RCE ,504. — Is, Lied by:' - FIRIRI_ BUILDING ENERGY Date Re -roofs , Sig o APPlicunV ontmctia T Dare HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will her,duandian nu'm'b«t p t.t 1 a1 n d 1 ,1 Type of Roof 505` — r ELECTRICAL_ as defined by the ftp art d MtnnlCChtt 9.12 bit the Hall IS,rty Code, h 25532(e El s •. 506 — All b' ,FINAL •f' GAS TEST ' r being installed. Will ff pp1 t f t b 'l l g P nt umeq 1 r J 'us h eh roofs shall s ected I L f nal If i roof IB ID§tai (�[t/L'1 ithou Till Ion, I agree to remove f plipp tut rh¢ contaminant9" .defbed by the Bay AraArQsm ly M. nope nem D.rdm fn Jj P � all new, materials ns ec lyt, Py I I f and will comply with � 0Yes V all non-poinhsouW%gulatF61NAL GRADE ' — � 1 have read the hau,Mous materials requirements under Chapter fi 95 of the .510 — F I NAI_ PLANK I NG California Heal Stiroy Cme.Seomr,25505,25533 and 25534. 1 understand that - - ifrhebuildin notcurrcn0amna that it is my response lityt city the the mi r 1 o n ryircn¢nts .51m�g(c(r/,��'J�tf t�p��or w tate of . Occupant . G s� Signature of Applicant: ' Date /rsrvspymns ::XII roof coverings to be Class "B" or better - o ie owmer er n dagat Date - OFFICE. -