03050122 CITY OF CUPERTINO '-' i.n ' 4 "' 3"•"��"�` "' BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT �CONTRACt,WIINFOORMAT ON . BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO, ABLE SEPTIC 03050122 PERMIT ISSUE DATE 520 REED ST. 05/27/2003 1 IT T11 I SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 377-9990 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ¢ �Op LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ib Description I Wreby.farm that 1.m licensed under providoos Oof Chapter 9(commencing ��W E� i INS Oon7 )of Division Jof Ne Boo d Nor...Code,.ed my he,..is awl Era '+<� nfull fo r. �A7�L�a� p0Z Licem,Ci. , L'. ( CLEAN OUT FOR SANITARY SEWER Data N it Gor lD JUN 1 0 2003 undcrt).nd pl ns JUIf1EC1'SD in", Odss su0 Licensed Professional BUILDING s� OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION G II 1 hereby orfirre that I am exempt from the Con rector's License Lew for the -o O following mason.(Section 703 I.S.Business and Profession Code:My City m County 3$ which inquirex a permit to commuel alum,improv,demolish,or repair any structure -Z1^^ prior W its ismance..tso requires to applicant for such permit in Bk a signed suemenl < that he is licensedpursuanttotheprovialonofteConlracter'sLcense aw(Chapter9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area [� Valuation Y�$ (Commencing will Section 7M)of Division 3 or the Business and Professions Codc)or $5200 Q .. that he u exempt thcmfmm and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any Acted on or }s�N�srr�tv Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit mhjecu the applicant to a civil penalty of 3 2 �`J-uU le�0 Occupancy Type not mom Nen ave hundred dollars($500). 2 6 -uU ❑1,n owner of Oie property,m my employeu with wagas u their sole eompenudon. will do the work,and Ne moon a isnot intended or.Bered for We(Sec.704x,Business and Profession Code:The ConuactoY.License Law don not apply W an ower of 106 - SEWER ReggkTURSpections property who buildsor improves thereon.and whodou such wmkhimsefor(hmush his 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING own employees,provided(hat such improvements we not Intended monerod hassle.If, however,the building.,improvement is sold Mthin.m yen ofwmpledon.the ower- 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING builder will new the burden or proving ton he did not baud or improve for purpose of 507 7 - FINAL PLUMBING sale.). ❑I,es owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed conuectom to Consumer the pm)ect(See,7Md,Business ad Profasaloas Code:)The Contractor's Li. moss law does not apply to an owner of propeny who builds or impmws themon.and, wheconacts for such projesn with a eontrector(s)Roomed putannt to the Conu ant's License law. lameaemp(under Sec .BQPCfmt1us.. Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hemby frmn under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have end will maintain a Cenificete ofConsenl W elf-inure for Workee,Compen- W on,As pmvldod fat by Section 37M of the labor Code,for the Performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑I hew and will maintain Workm's Compemadnn Insurance,As required by Section 3700 of the Labe Code.for the performance of the work for which this permit 6lssued. - My kefs Compensslion lnmonce c.nicr and Policy n ber r /LI'TI ✓/✓� Polity No: C RTIPICATE OE E%EMPf10tJ MWORKERg' COMPENSATION INStl ApKW (This section need trot a completed lithe permit Is froom hundred dollars($101)) or lass.) 1 certify that in the perrormance of ow work for which this Permit is issued.I shall net employ any person in any manner an as to broomm,mbjecuo the Workete'CoMMoSlu on Laws of Califomia.Data Applicant NOTICE To APPLICANT:If.error making this Certificate of Exemption,you should become sohject to site Worker's Compensation provisions of the labor Code,you must Oforthwith Comply with such provisions m Nie pertnil tall an deemed revoked. zr~ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY FNi . 1 arehy enlrm door Nem lea mrulrucu te.lending agenry for to performane,of y'> Oie work for which this Permit Is issued(sur.309'1,Civ.C.) aQ Undoes Name =z Lcndee.Address U0 I cenify that I have mad Oils application and state the,the show information is LU F correct.I agree W comply with all city and county ordinances and sate laws Tabula&to OV building construction,and hereby mhorim representatives of this city W enter upon ft W above-mentioned property for inspection pulp..&. 4 (We)agree W an.indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino again) ILbilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any my atom tgaln(said City _ U Zin consequence of the stenting of this Permit APPLI ANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY H ALL NON- NT Issued by: Date SOU RE TIONS, S WITH eC Re-roofs S awrcuf AppliuMCommelor Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or forum building mcupen(nom or handle hazardous material As de0md by de Cupcnlno Municipal Calc.Chapter 9.12,and ote Hearth and Safety Code,Secti..25532UI7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Y. ❑No Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove .it narardoua air conuminanu as defined by the Bay Aro Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑Yas ❑No I hew mW the harardtms .nie IOik SafctyCodc, mateJe.Iaifu. SccumA2=.29533i=95 crnmtd Nnif the buildin& d me unently hew•tenant Nu h h my Taspamibitily An lfy the occupant of Ne aima •wnleH nm.nxmetpd.,W n.mm.r.cnreae .serer Signature of Applicant Date Own,,m mdmlxsd/gem Dote 3 All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Rt " PERMIT P-1 6 6 31 CUPERTINO SANITARY DISTRICT Santa Clara County 20065 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Building C Cupertino, California 95014 D f1 n�7 Telephone 408-253-7071 U CONNECTION PERMIT IN 2003 Date ! n( (I ? APN: Boo ^} �r ROS/PM/Tract/ o. Lot No. : Property Owner ` �f` �7 ';� F �, 1y1 �,' f ' Mailing Address: PAN (I/We),being the owner(s)(owner's agent),hereby make application for connection of the at I ri 7 consisting of the following Type of Buildings: Residential: Single Family Dwelling; Muld Family Dwelling_; No. Units Commercial ; Industrial_; Other No. Units • Do hereby request a permit to connect the sewer system of the Cupertino Sanitary District. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE GRANTING THIS PERMIT, THE OWNER AGREES: 1.To comply with all existing Ordinances,Rules and Regulations of the Cupertino Sanitary District as now or hereafter amended. 2.To maintain the House Sewer(that portion of the sewer within private property)which includes a serviceable cleanout to grade and accessible located within five feet(5')of the point of connection with the Lateral Sewer(that portion of the sewer in the street right-of-way of District easement. c �, e , s+ 3.To acquire a Plumbing Permit from the f 114' of �( ! ' !�_ :��! �V� ;Building Department and obtain the required Building Department inspections and approval prior to use. 4.To expose and inspect for serviceability the Lateral Sewer prior to starting construction of the House Sewer. 5.That this permit does not constitute a request for the issuance of an encroachment permit for sewer construction in the street/public right-of-way of the agency having jurisdiction thereover. 6.To connect to sewer within one(1)calendar year from the date of issuance of this permit. 7.To call UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT(USA) 1-800-227-2600,at least 48 hours prior to starting construction. 8.SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITIONS: �Arkf(i�� I '1 .4"7i ( i) / tlx ® A BACKFLOW PROTECTIVE DEVICE shall be installed to protect the above property by the owner. Type of device and installation shall comply with the Plumbing Code Requirements of the jurisdiction shown in 3 above. Fees: ,ti Serer Service Charges to June 30, A 6 No..Units E x$ 16 t;i/month x /y no. months (31010) r Backflow Protection Device Inspection Fee 1 ; :,.,'' (31020) Connection Permit Fee: (31010) 1 Additional Connection Fees ( ) Total: Considerations and Considerations of this Sanitary Sewer Connection Permit with attached Exhibits,are hereby agreed to and acknowledged by the undersigned Owner(or Owner's Agent). Failure to comply may result in.termination of permit. Acknowledgement: f 7af=+\ Owner's Agent: (If Signing for Owner Please Print Your Name) Receipt of Cl ! 1 ' i ,.--"acknowledged and permit granted. MARK THOMAS & CO.,INC.,district Manager-Engineer A By Revised 1/00 NOTE: See Details on other side of this permit G`f-rw uhw ( f 1 1 TYPICAL CLEANOUT FOR LATERAL SEWER Distance from Property Line to be as close as practicable, not to exceed five(5') feet. J v Removable Cleanout Plug dx 0 Finish Grade Wye for Riser ' Sewer Cleanout Box with Lid to be accessible and maintained by property owner. Short length_ Riser Pipe Adaptor coupling 1/8 Bend FLOW m I alerol Sewer House Sewer Lateral Sewer slope House Sewer slope determined by District determined by building department — CLEANOUT TO BE SAME SIZE AS LATERAL SEWER— Notes: • 1. Distance from the property line not to exceed five (5')feet. ' 2. Property Line Cleanout, Lateral Sewer Cleanout,to be same size as Lateral. 3. The maintenance of the Lateral Sewer Cleanout is the responsibility of the Property Owner. 4. House sewer minimum slope determined by local Building Department plumbing code requirements of the agency having jurisdiction thereover. TYPICAL BACKFLOW PROTECTIVE DEVICE INSTALLATION TYPICAL BACKWATER VALVE TYPICAL KELLY VALVE INSTALLATIONS INSTALLATION dar'm diaignol Remimion. Accepted By All Jurisdictions FIGURE I FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 Inetolled Below Grade Installed Below Grade hnlalled Above Grade Shown Between Street R,ghl-af-Way and Building Shown At Property Lina Cleanout Shown Adjacent To Building Regmru Regular Me'mtenante Iw Requires Mlamum Maintenance Raoul-.Minimum Maintenance Volvo To Be Removable Valve Should Be Removable > VALVE ACCESS BOX FINISH FLOOR f Lu KELLY VALVE oc VALVE ACCESS BO% EFinieh Grade Flnieh Gmde F v' BACKWATER n vnlvE FLOW Al' FLOW Al FLOW Al Notes: 1. The Backflow protective device to be located on site in the house sewer. 2. The type, location and installation of the Backflow Protective Device shall comply with the local Building Department plumbing code requirements of the agency having jurisdiction thereover. 3. Device to be accessible and maintained by the Property Owner. 4. If a Kelly Valve is installed at Property Line, it is to be readily removable for Lateral Sewer Maintenance. 1 CITY OF CUPERTINO0 3 oS o Z Z REPIPE/SEDERS/MAIN SERVICE •CUPERTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # �(� ^OO Date: S•- aa - n3 Building Address: Owner's Name Phone #: Contractor: Phone: License#: Contact: Phone: Cupertino Business License#: Building Permit Info: Bldg ❑ Elect ❑ Plumb Job Description: Residential Commercia ❑ l Cost of Project: _.p • Qty. if Applicable Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BPERMFEE Bldg. Permit Fees BUILDING PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Issuance PLUMBING BPREPIPE Re i e of Fixtures PLUMBING BPFIXTURE Pbl . Fixture PLUMBING BPWSVCS Main Water Service PLUMBING BPSEWER Sewers PLUMBING BPSEWAGE Sewage Disposal PLUMBING BENERGY Energy BUILDING BUSLIC Business License BUILDING •