01040062 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDINc61VISU)N PERMIT CONTRACTOR-INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS'. - e - PER MIT NO. 1 L711040062 OWNER'S NAME: q .APPLICATION SUB DATE' - 04/13/2001 PHONE - t - SANITARY NO. -CONTROL NOr iter O O ARCHITECT/IiNGINEER: - - BUILDING PERMIT INFO s m BLDG - ELECT PLUMB MF.CH Ru f=1 z z y' 1 hereby ofLICENSED m in ramli CONTRACTOR'S uu der 1 U ions Chap Chapter 9(commencing lob Description .' 5=F. with Section 70001 of Division Sof the Businessand lMdnoin., 9.and myliccnse •'' •] ,_ - 6 S= is in full tome an tf �t 9 , mck!u a°°nsecl°' __ Lie'a_(_�p REMOVE 'SHAKES INSTALL-.1/2" . CDX - 3�1u- Date_ �� comme,m go AL.E� & . 3@4 CERTIRINETTED -SHINGLE. t A CI1I'1'IiCI"S DECLARAION I understand my plum shall be used as public records o LicensedProessional J N 2 4 2002 QWNI3R-UUILOIik DECLARATION e to- I thereby arum thin I am exnupt from the Cer mcusr's Lire"sc Law few the r Z a following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business and IioBcsions Cale:Any city Or county 5_2 .Mfr requires a permit to construct.aper,impose.dcmnrsn.of repair any stmao i 3= priarhr it issuance.also require,the h,plicwtlor such perminn fileasiead stem:nen t Ural he is licensed pursuanuolhe provisions of the Contractors License lye(Chapter 9Sq. FL Floor Area - Valuation - (mmmencing with Sechm li7 W)of Division 3 of the Bromeu ail Profession,Cale) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the at lege)exemption:Any violation - of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit wbjects the applioirt to a civil ptaal,y ` - ofnot more,hanfive handled dollaa(55()(1): - APN Number Occupancy$• -Br50 01,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. ' 'will do,he work,and the structure is not intended or oRertJ for sale(Sec.71 Business and rrorasipna Cade:The Contractor's License law does not apply m and Inspections r owner of property Who builds or improve.tberton,and who doe.sen work himself 316020 c&e or through his own employees.provided that such improvements arc not intended fir offered for sale.If,however,the building or improvement is sold within fine year of completion,the mvner-bullder will have he burden nfpmving that he did not build or 305 FRAME . improve for pugv.e of axle.), - ` - Oi,as owner of the Fropeny,amexrmsivcry mmmrting with licensed rmnonorsm 307 — INSULATION . corewcl the project(Sec,71M4,Bwiness and Professions CWeO The Contractor's 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF • ' License Law does and apply m an owner of property who builds or improc%thereon. and who charmer,for such pinjcets with a conrmclodid licensed pursuant to the 602 —. ROOF RI_VWOQD NAIL Commcmrs License Law. - 0lurnaserniunder Sec. ' ;B&PCfor mi,heaven .. 603 — ROOF, BATTENS - Owner Dune - 604 — ROOF IN—PROCTRESS - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby alfimt under penalty of perjury one of in,EOlowthg Jcclumtions: - ❑ 1 have and n will himmnin CeNm Era of Consent m sell=inure for Worker's _ Compcnmtin as provided for by Section 3701 nl rhe'IaWr CWe, for the performance i he ark faT is h h this Fannie I,issued. I h' d will oiri m it k L 1 sat I : required by Section ,t t 'm of the Labor CWe for,the pc liar runes.of the work tear which this per i i is issued.M�yN'�"rkeu Ct pa ��fs vs.s1,�jrm}'!m�ua`q:�rpg anA l'nll�ty m�.nhcr rc�j�l1 Carr :^,..kstf�6h S•" ryN\No �Ot2.�38]01 •i . - CBRfIFICAI[ONOI'LXIiMPS'IONIgts1MWOIiKIi14S' - COMPENSA'fION INSURANCE - ' o a l , r- (This salon need not bearnpletedtlife larnit is Fitorelmtieddollo, ($100)ortes) I 'ri,day that if he pato taecot the wok lo, Irl tl Iam't W,I - t shell nor employ any"rom in anynaIam,, m m beet se t b,lecr li r the Wn kers' - Con,m,Ilua Law-a Calilorria.Data s It J Not ICE 10 APPLICANT:It,uRernmking the Carp IIlam it Nempt on.youshould [ berehJ eh theN A Compensation p 'li Isot the Lal rCape.yor meq z.. O m - n forthwith ply with 1 1 r i s or the pe t quill ho Men ed revoked - - CON59'NUC'I'ION hENDI NG AGENCY - a � Iheeor wOhtlinl - ihn land;,:goncy for the pa lnnnunw - .. -,,I the work for which this per it is:.nucJed(Sri.3017 Ci,C') I` ' - Lra , Lender's Name z . Lenders Address - � ,. " • V 1 ordify the I have read this applirulina and stem that the mine information is emmea.I ma F,comply ihat)1.1, J „art, 1 W slam l w,retain], .Q C.7 r buildingr 't ori mad l byre th e p s fit r ftp lyt ate I m WQ rhe move mentioned p pe ty to,inspectionp rp t„, 6 (we)agwe to tda tilt' n l keep harmless the City I Cii,pediao agairsh y liabilities judgm c r and asperse,which nuey in any way carom eye na and C.1 City incors,4rear,at the grommg f la, annit. APPLICAM UNDFRSTANI S AND WILL COMPLY WITH AtL N)N POINT --�' r - soukce � ulATlolgs. �_�— _Issued bytl�e Dale S: a of Applicant/Comromnr Dam 'Re-roofs - - HAPARIy0U5 M 1 S DISCLOSI)kli - WUlrheepplicamarumtebuil gnatpmgm6orhandle haranlnusrmtlerial .type of Roof as defined by the Cupertino Municipal CWe,Chapter 9,12,and the llcalth and Safety CWe,Seed..25532hm? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being.installed. `. Will me applicant or future building havolanl use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove' emit formal m,,onmmhrants a defyeJ by the Bay Am.Air Quality Mawgamem - Di...ct? ./ - _ , all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ❑lies :r. pNh all.non-point source'regulatibns. I have read the harartous materials requirements under Chapter 695 of the - CalifomiaHealtheFSaf”y CWe,Sections 25505,25533 mid Z1534.l uademmmillion """ ��, Him,building does nor currently If...wnangthanis myrespomihili,ylonmllythe `' y �7 ' occupant of the requinancids which mus,be met prior to issuance of a Certificate of X I Occupancy! <iguiWuore of Applicant Date— at ate— aamariaea a fit - nate All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better'. OFFICE ',