2477 // • - rI 1t! 1/LL/i I.nT NG. /9 Z •a NO. ' \T�� 1 , E p Ep FAPPLICATIbNLF,OR BUILDING PERMITr�3 ITYI,OP CUPERTINO 35 O a JUL �-_ Sanitary No. ji i LL Date _/O 1963 Permit No. �7 77 ° f`ITY (1 nUPEPi"^ e Li. r Applicghon tsi ereby-ma a or a permit to oa Apply _ zz m a /..2/ story,Type �j -� Building a L, ,,/ /� to be occupied only as 4 r��( d�32 . 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications an' Plot-Plan filed herewith. F3 Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 7doa o - Fee$ t /�' O a / z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and d a all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of d 0 Cupertinowillbe complied curt 3 17 a G-Gf'$C I0'` _ m Owner( Address fria w z • a By Lip- i�-+t...�, Address 15 z a0 Plum,. ! c -7 —y.5-tS,j/ '.4a Approved//-stir/ , State License(Ocr 57-9,1"� t('.�p'_ v BUILDING INSPECTOR RECORD'O(F INSPECTIO APPROVALS FOUNDATION 7/ Z 7//1 DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR � DATE INSPECTOR FRAME - / Z -(3. , DATE / INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER /PI 7 - 3 DATE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. . - DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. _ DATE INSPECTOR • FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR /0 47/.7 L/ 1 ✓ ✓ ^i at LOT NO. / 7 NO. STREET c�;j,APPLICATION �FOR PLUMBING PERMIT z < ,'/ ` e� -- CITY told CUPERTINO Li a o JUL 24 VVVS3 f :.1.. Sanitary No. ----77 (� o Date , 196_ Permit-No �o`- 7 /^+ `' n r b b o C' i 1 . OF CU.?:=T t' "" Pee $ c,7 / Application is hereby made"to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o a pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices N and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all her laws appl able thereto. w x I- J a Use of Premis / . <j > w rr > N i- 3 Owner ,Fat /09,. - Address z By f , A Address f' nth.. 3P ^ �/ ONTRACrO., AGENT / m Phone C� / 1 Tf 2- i ' 41 lawz J�/_ / i a o State License `/6 J�2- . Approved///M/ .� Ifili - _ 0 i %, 1 PLUMBING INSPE TOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS FEES UNITS FEES Water Hearer '/L, Size 4''?' Water Closets 4 Material's /. eao Bath Tubs Z To Curb Showers To Prop. Line Lavatories 44 To Existing Kitchen Sinks Z Not Conn. Dish \Crasherser B Waste Disposals Wash Trays C STO lyf/DRWAGE AGE Washing Machines Z Size Water Softeners Material Bar Sinks To Main Drain • Comb.Sink s Trays To Curb • Dental Units Drinking Fountains Floor Drains WATER SYSTEM Hoppers Size in I� Restaurant Sinks Material67 Sand Traps • " TAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee Atc9 C) Area Drains Main Drain Fee 7 O0 Water Leaders Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler Valves Water Sys. Fee /;O / Permit Fee 7 •0 gTOTAL ! TOTAL FEE 7 t h i) RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough... eY—.:2r -s+ Partial Rough.. 20-.23 .. " :Rough. Complete.. //-1 Z-6 ,act._ _ Main Drain ef'•—,'0 . .3 %• , Final... ./ O"Y 72. ytt_e_LA,�'f�T� /V 4 LOT NO. /1 NO. T N 4_ APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT a- i 9j/ -- ; CITY OF CUPERTINO W• ° t JUL 24 ion i� �l_tl � o J Date 196— Permit No. a U c)--'x o pr.-xi' nrn! ',747.121--1.,- Fee•$_ a ',Application is herehy.;made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes o < and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes i� and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City a w of Cupertino, and of er laws ap 'cable thereto. W 2 / LE Use of Premise // K O 0 ✓• 3 Ownerty el/ p-7= Address o a ZJ �• o By - �,. Address ' t >i."' - C RA •R, VENT - m Phone/y:0) - h 2- / Li , • , • oState License //c-V/ 2 Approved .lain" ' A , -,-”•. l'SCT^". !rrv.,. PLUMBING INSPECTOR I Remarks (Check ✓) c'Type of Appliance Units Fees New I Replace I Relocate Gas Ranges _ Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Percolators Gtr dles Steam Tables Gravity Furnaces 'Suspended Unit Floor Furnace Miscellaneous (NAME TYPE) 2-)71g i HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets I Li I 1 Size of Main I Gas Piping Fees 13.`nWyJ Tested and Approved L..._-------- ---------- --_------.._._----- DATE INSPECTOR Multi-House Gas Inspection Card Gas Permit No. ? GAS PIPING .APPLIANCE FURNACE APT. TESTED AND INSPECTED AND INSPECTED AHD NO. APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED 1. 41,411 2 _ ^ r- 3. 7. 8. 9. •10. _ 11. , a2.. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. (24. '25. —118 1/63-500 C7 7.2^ -oenelt-ra,e �/f LOT NO. /9 NO. STREET iAPPLICAT ON-FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT l% CITY OF CUPERTINO AUG 2163_ fl /ti 7 $� Date . •7/,,, , I9(' _. Permit No. g kf� ''r7'Y .OF CiiPERT''I^ • Fee $ l Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install U gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said TC appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises eleri' J' net 5Lt/Z ' 1 Address '` � s `s� � a� y /G A3dre "I �c �'�l// CONiaA OR, A ENT _� Phone -�Jl�0 Approve. re�. / �J 'L ' INSPECTOR T Remarks (Check ✓) (Type of Appliance Units Fees New I Replace I Relocate • Gas Ranges Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers 'Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles I Steam Tables I Gravity Furnaces Sufpended Unit Floor Furnace II . II Miscellaneous u , NAME TYPE) II /' 42ee-zz—J l 9.ctl . • ...•'II —— p ees I Inspected and Approved DATE INSPECTOR NO. STREET LOT NO. •4/AP LICATIO k9OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT AUG 26 1963 OF CUPERTINO Date .--.All », 9y 3 Permit No. :-,2 -37)--- �: I T U �UI'C�I '�'� 1Fce $ /7, (fa y Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit t install electrical 1. wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v Use of Premises 1{24.....a 2 �J Owner e feta/A-S0- . Address 1?0. col fie,,. ro By,A.° 0 ern......-, f�e - Address RO f2-7 //Na lillH. CONTRACTOR, AGENT r / l // litia..f Approved/( �/ �0-14_6-- ZCkri �y/" Phone: 96 t - 4 q 33 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR _....--Aj. . • • NEW RN. FEES ......-- , ....i, Size Service Conduit Number of Outlets i q ..Z.40 Size Service Wires Number of Switches 3 2- 3, 20 Size Service Switch Number of Receptacles 3/ 34..P. Size Sub Feed Conduit Number of Fixtures ..;‘) 2 r '10 Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW 7.-- It S-0 Number of Circuits Oven KW Number of Meters Signs Transformers Misc 1) ers 2- /YE) Motors 2 . HP IV • ase Permit Fee $1.00 Motors HP Phase Motors HP Phase HP Charge .1, 00 TOTAL'FEES Mid C OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiringil/TY 1 Fixtures 0 YE wirEcroR .. 1'. DATE INSPECTOR ' I Finish Wiring . I ' •,IT Motors it DATE INSPECTOR . ' DATE INSPECTOR Final 1 DATE INSPECTOR i-2_". • . , . 'i! '4 UMW'• - - .1,9 " wt'Kpi . v 11 4 • : itpx....1 Lti' • 1Multi-House Electrical Inspection Card Electrical Permit No. APT. ROUGH FINISH NO. WIRING WIRING FIXTURES FINAL 1. 2. 3. 1 4. flH 5. 6.7. . d tips". 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. II 21. 11 22. r 123. g1. 119 1/63-500 ‘Ir 1 \I ' bide, Dept Ohre Copy BUILDING INSPECTOIS OFFICE CTT y OF CUPERTINO i Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. E-4.--"Ecrmbing Final Plumbing Permit No.02 :1)1 Owner or Tenant At 1 0 4-1.72. • .-> , • • 9 Qii a Tract ir I 0 . • Date Connected • r- 40 , 19 . Date Final - (irE f , 14? PLUMBING INSP" O 111 7/63-IM 6FFICE COPY I 1 A the_li k 9 ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE ./ .-------- CITY OF CUPERTIN Q - Ci In) I To You are hereby auth ' ed to connl • eat rvice for ( „Cr+ • Il Owner or Tenant ••••-•-,.... At c ja; • ! 1ô4_ $ ,...r No. of Wires kii\ Size of Wires 4- ..%/.." Size of SeThis"Ii.00A-Med Motor Load Voltage Phase 1\ Heating Load K. W. Voltage No. of Meters ty "-. Light ""i10 .eerrrew Service --r-Reconnect 220a- rill-ice Wire /Move Service No. of Add. Meters -. Power... Thr has / Move Meter... LI ELECTR CAL INSPECT% 104 7/63-500 .-, - . GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY V•-_.(X BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE ----'------- CITY OF CUPERTINO ''Z— ..:-----U , 196 LI' To You are hereby authori d to conned the GAS service for / 41- • Owner or Tenant At t O & / kc-1 -4_, @_-• - - _ New Service 1,-------- No. of Meters -2----- Reconnect iI Move Service I No. of Add. Meters i (sN"14:rove Meter - A-.A.--•—•74 te. PLUMBING INSICSOR Ly- 7 Ito 6/63.500 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO • 9 Date +� 1 , 19 � Building Permit No4.011.-7•- // 7 The Building Locatedr at t 1F' � rn - ,r.� 1 ._ ) 1 ..o r.�•z. l7�YA Owned by • n t (LC Has Been(ComPleted) jFor Use As: Vw \'`V - 1' (AiterM)' r . lir 1 BUILDING 1NSPECAR�- 102 7/63-500 c!T i