2473 M9:4/ `� '-te .�-�/F' IAT NO. /5 NO. ff'STNEET� '?'• • W fp eAPPLICATIO FOft BUILDING PERMIT 1 ° / ''!�'CI'�I�\IOF CUPERTINO o a " ) JUL 1 }l 196J E _:. � Sanitary No. 13I 53 u � / t1 y i 4 Dare 7 /� 196�L Permit No. ��t u.o o Applicatidnlss hereby madee..for a permit to eia•/ z in- -a . / -estorY,Type /))_�///� Building • 1-1 to be occupied:only as t.zr— #1, i// 4 o o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan.jllg-d;herewith. �ww 3 Estimated Value of Improvements;$ o2? O" . 'Fee.$ o▪ a a J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the•Cupertino.Building•and Zoning Ordinances and ▪ z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of 4, d 0 Cupertino vill be complied with.m r• .., Ownner ^ Address - / ! a /����By ✓ `-i' -rL i Address _ / 1 .O u - � a Phone 947 — S0 3� APProv.: � /f G / State Lcense/Dk93/ BUILDING INSPECTOR . RECORD O- .INS !CIA 'APPROVALS FOUNDATION 7/ 7'- DATE0 ' . INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR 69'o/ - 3 I �" ; DATE INSPECTOR 7-. /7- 3 ��� I'RAMBL��► _ - DATE i INSPECTOR dr n I PLASTER //-7-Si I ;Wa DATE I INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. 11 DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. I Ii DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. _ i1 . � DATE I INSPECTOR FINAL GAS 1•41;I ATE / 1. INSPECTOR /o '( ,: :‘�acesC 4- LOTNn. 7 3 NO. -STREET ') APPLICATION..j FOR. PLUMBING PERMIT z a ' �� • CITY ;OP CUPERTINO x CO ' ' .'1 L 22- c, 1 ..t , Sanitary No. / 9 0L±.. y - Date i , a..i , 191Permit Nom` iU ,/ -e_ I'•• Fee $ / mU LL - • o • pplicatio is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing L6- 142 pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices i N and/or fixtures in accordance with.the provisions,of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and nil • r laws a'..licable thereto. w x O o Use of Premise` i _ •/•_ . • • > in /�J� .. 3 Owner . ' /. . ...2... Address • oa zJ ▪ z By 14/ tin/f ./,‘,. A Address /• ^ — _ .� ▪ O NTRA OR, AGENT — i Phone,'�_ / AL / ,- ' - 1 A Ul ) `i ao State License/7-) /. 7— Approved ,.-`'.I . . '. �_ y tOK, Ae rrrr (� PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTUIFES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS FEES UNITS FEES II Water Heater Size Water Closets Material Bath Tubs To Curb Showers To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen Sinks Not Conn. Dish Washers Sewer Boxes Waste Disposals 'Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines I Size Water Softeners I Material Bar.Sinks To Main Drain Comb.Sink s Trays To,'Curb•. j Dental Units ',:•!; • '• • II Drinking Fountains • Floor Drains I WATER SYSTEM Hoppers Size Restaurant Sinks Material Sand Traps • TOTAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee Area Drains Main Drain Fee Water Leaders Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler Varves Water Sys. Fee Permit Fee 'TOTAL TOTAL FEE RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough... ? ���0 (.Partial Rough.. 'Sir ',.Rough: Complete.. ✓1P�� • Main Drainl' /y 9 4. Final... ,_ /04047! -V' L l LOT NO. IC ' NO. lll/// SSS�hhrHRR� ECT N %AP_PPLI_CA ION FOR GAS PERMIT z `— D CITY ioF CUPERTINO it ° IJUL 241963 ! ��� � o ¢ Date 196_ Permit No. =o r,;y nF C�PER_.,. Fee -- I, is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes o 1-1-1 and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes i H and/or appliances in ordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City w of Cupertino, and oth r laws hp 'cable thereto. w x s. Use of Premise -:. �..�/✓. a ' 00 • . 3 Owner /.J. t " — Address ' OJ „ ., � Z By }r tC ani T /� Address ` . C TRACPO', AGENT 3r yds- • — `m Phone �GZ �j,: . r Li , :4; 0 aState License//. C l/ / ..-:-4:: Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR rs S Remarks (Check V) a Type of Appliance Units Fees New I Replace Relocate Gas Ranges Wall Heaters Gas Plates ■ Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles Steam Tables Gravity•Furnaces Suspended Unit Floor Furnace Miscellaneous _— (NAME TYPE) HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets K Size of in h_ Gas Piping Fees I / Tested and Approved 1. /• ATE • • INSPECTORS e E a Multi-House Gas Inspection Card • Gas Permit No. GAS PIPING APPLIANCE FURNACE APT. TESTED AND INSPECTED AND INSPECTED AND NO. APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. .aS' 8 9. r 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ;i.•.,..._ '1 (23. 74 .;5. 118 1/63-500 1 / /L' / / L�•GCILLUU' rc A:94 . LOT NO. /> NO. MEET I ARP. I A'TION�FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT i CITY OF CUPERTINO Date AUG 21 1963 196 Permit No. 13 / CI C' fY OF CU?ER Fee $ -" l Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install Ggas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 1/4 appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Li Use of Premises �ld,Q/r o l. lAi Owner4nat _ RdSfes .i.• SCr .. .• !.•ia, ael,g .rs a.li 4,:....V., rye ",,, i '•,l,!:' /spit. i. CON ACTORI;AGENT': I) -En PhonrY 1-,Ja322O Approve.►&_.r •_p PLUMBING INSPECTOR Y T it Remarks (Check I) Type of Appliance Units Fees I New 1:Replice:J-'Relocate Gas Ranges IIi- Wall Heaters II _ • Gas Plates II Circulating Heaters II -" Blower Furnaces ,-,-7 I::?B..0 Gas Fired Boilers II Warming Ovens II Percolators II _ Griddles II Steam Tables II h Gravity.Furnaces II . r Suspended Unit II . „ -' I ' .."- Floor Furnace II • II I Miscellaneous - (NAME TYPE) ,yam I ��l1Cc«�S _1r•CpJ -9424e.2 -s�.e..-C) 'I I • 21:,-c) I I . �nce Fees I- I - • Inspected and Approved _ • ,' DATE INSPECTOR 7,1 i a. 7 NO. STREET LOT NO. /� ® 6° 1:2ieutLit44-.1CUPERTP1NorOlt LECTRCAL PERMIT C , . : PUG 26 1963 . ) Date �/ ^2 / No. 'l �L CITY OF CUPERTi^'^ =Ce s i7 S'd Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 13 wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 30- !,.t- Use :7 Use of Premises a Owner E !GPC/ 9 Sa„ , : :r` rt' Address P a lief -S-0 ff' 202. WAeu - . By / �.w.ley-riGCei .:,.: ;_ Address p -/':� 9� ,tGtr (/ CONTRACTOR, AGENT :''`l�At i1Q / k Approved �fi U✓� Phone: 9/69 - Li 44 3 .3 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR „x/ . ,n NEW RPL .4- FSLS^) Size Service Conduit Number of Outlets 1 y 1 ; 90 Size Service Wires Number of Switches 3 Z .2-0 Size Service Switch Number of Receptacles Si? Le() Size Sub Feed Conduit Number of Fixtures L q .4C.-y Size Sub Feed Wires 0KW .2- 1f ASS Number of Circuits Oven KW . - A Number of Meters Signs Transformers Misc `,/� ryers- L fir CO Motors 7 HP 19 ase Motors HP Phase Permit Fee $1.00 . Motors HP Phase H P Charge 2,000 TOTAL.FEES /7 f J .t OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Win/ . �. . .-- --- --- - Fixtures OAJ INSPECTOR 1 DATE IMSP[CTOR� ' Finish Wirin I 1 { Mdtors DATE INSPECTOR DATE IMSPCROR` Final ' DATE INSPECTOR 'Pra oatr iliaNSIIIMIAElirfl • I.. .171Selltt+ tinfltl____ llatIM IllillLRA Multi-House Electrical Inspection Card Electrical Permit No. (SPT. ROUGH FINISH NO. WIRING WIRING FIXTURES FINAL 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. • 10. 11. 141111.4 12. 13. 14. 5. 16. 18. 1). t2o. g1. i 23. 24. 25. 119 1/63-500 , i a ] bldg. Dept 1 1 Office Copy BUILDING INI(ECtOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINF n Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. 114(mbing Final Plumbing Permit No )I-.)2 .......... -- Lot No. I 2 N IOwner or Tenant CitS)-Qt 4 1.- -er4`t I At ,:.-_-\--;47,-„----iLi-,Q.. .' Tract --, Date Connected ‘‘ , % CI 1 _ I Date Finalt - a 1. 1 ; - A • . - -...% Di (RVit i•.: - ... PLUMBING INSP'CIO lit 7/63-IM 9 P c IC GAS SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO P - I To You are hereby authorize o conned the GAS iv' e for • Owner or Tenant At • SLIL New Service No. of Meters laL •• -. Reconnect Move Service No. of Add. Meters A Five Meter PLUMBING INSPE/ •R to 6/63'500 I. . _ FFICE COPY ` ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE ( 1 I . .. BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO r� 1 — �. t 194 To You are hereby aut ized to conn dr a elel rvice for Owner or Tenant At I ( q , ( \,._so_. G / No. of Wires �? Size of Wires—PP- Size of Switch{'I ettc't"ti Motor Load Voltage Phase i Heating Load K. W. Voltage I! Light / 110 New Service.'. crooned No. of Meters.. Heat....... 220.... 'hree Wire Move Service No. of Add. Meters ' Power.. hr Pae .._ Move Meter /KW4_._.4��(14..1r-i% ELECTRICAL INSyECL�OR I 104 7/63-500 ��.�1 V t. �,"4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION / ., BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE II CITY OF CUPERTINO 7Z t / Date , 19 r Building Permit[No: �• � ` The Building Located at 0 t / i c‘ --IL Jr •4 L; -I. -P__`,y \ Owned by — "< C....;( X. a . .,_•^_.ca. /I'r(Completed)'� Has-Been— Altered) For Use As: •'t s. `ice•. , -3 • (• /1; 1 y Ora .a5•.•:a , -.• _ 1 piJ 7BUILDING iNSPECIOP. ' 102 7/63.500 , / .. f