02040137 CITY IDF c DIVISIONNO CONTRACTORv 11 INFORMATION:-. PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10370 LINDSAY AV SAHLIT ROOFING 02040137 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE KEATING JERROLD K AND LOUISE F 10481 DAVISON AVE 04/24/2002 1 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 255-5094 E O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: RIDING PERMIT INFO H BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH HZto L J ILL] h= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirthat land licensed ander provisions of Chapcer 9lcommeacing Job Description �_�� m with Semion]000)of Divisian3of the Business and Professions Code,and my license REROOF in full force n IT "!A p i z�u License Clns - Lic.X "I TO i LL O N Data�� Cantrac u i, Ablrcrl T'SDEC ARATION _1 1 u plans shn ed uhlic records 3�af 3 6 p 0 Lice d as.Iarm ca OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION mIhereby affirm mat I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the n S o following match.(Sectiont ]031 5,Busltesvandmpr Profess ons Code Any city stmetury wh h requires p rte t t ti t t aIle improve,demolish, repair any stivdure $12400 a. .pro tons ace also requiresPreapplicantfn such pc Permittofile a.Law ._.-._. . .....___-__ l __.__ .-_ ____ _ _ that rte wit pu_ I,om0 Previsions s finContractor'eu a � on,C de) �. 3,gp�-g .p,. 1.At.1 - - Valuation (commencingwith Sem ]m'b ofDivision3 [m Bushes dP f Code or Ihat he is exempt therefmm and the best,for the alleged exemption.Any v olauon ' -of Semm�]n3I s of not more man five ahu ndorreg donnrammr(asspoaon)n.i,snnjems me apph=ant m a siva pmlalty - .. Occupancy Type30cIWME ❑I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compeneatlon, will do the work,and the structureis not intended or offered for sale(Sec.70al D weal Business and Profession,Code:The Conwc,or•s License Law does no,apply man' 601 - ROOF TER`IAIdWIhIspection&"" owner of properly Who builds m improves Hereon,and who does such work himself orthrough rms own employees.provided in,or oomine el in he ino or .602 _ ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL offeredr rule If,ho tfie nmld n6 nmP ov , Id -ithin-one Year of completion,the owner ha Ider will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 6 0 3 - ROOF BATTENS '' fmprommrparposeofsale.). 604 - ROOF IN-PROGRESS Dip with licensed cnntmcmrs Io ..___.. ._.. .... ._._ ownerofine pmpeny,am B.,inivelya Professions ..p•- cicense the project(Sec ]to. Business end Professions Coder The Contractor'sth .., License Law does not apply man owner with property who b,i Ids se Improves thereon, " .r and who contracts for,such.projecs with e.comracmr(s).bcensW pursuant.m.me. _ ... ....... _.._ ._..-.__.. . . .,._ .i._ .__. _.._.__ __. ------- Contractor's IrunaxeLicense Law. ❑I exempt under Sec .,.a. ,B&PC for this rwsoo 0,water r,t . Oat ... WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1MINALS® I hereby affirum under penalty of permar,on I a tiflom following declamations: - A fin/ p ° 1 h a , .` t C y tical f C' .aorto If' f Worker's -"�'• ( 9 2002 Co p t .-pr ided I by Set 3]0U f the Labor Cotlee r for the pert a[d wokf who ,h spermnis mbd. °Ihave d wid mitionainor ker Compensatimi Insurance, eq' dSea on B�'`�I1Y 3700 of th L bo Cod f m prf f the work fo 1 h this perm i s issued.My Worker's C pe t o ra 1 suer and Pol y be e: Cvmq, "RRTIF Inds Policy No.: :., a vArT T.1'o.tl.4.-,.@d Efo d '41i'7�'1 v,a p, �jf. f, ,t{{. CERTIFICA710N OF,EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS'.' s. 5� ' r COMPENSATION INSURANCE' - " .. - . ..... .__ —___.._ —__...-.. -__ .._. _ ..—_____ (This section need tut be'complamd if the .it is for one hundred dollars " "- ,' d, ,•„t�,i; -- (t100 or less.) .. I .,, matin the b forma f th k( a ch permit o Issue1 snail not em to an comesuiteet m the Workers D , .f n y anti p aq t ,tom Comps s f of C_ahyf mm..UAte 5'- .:APPI cam. ANT NOTICE TO CANT If r,rmaA g th s C Q O become subject tothe Worker's Compep ov sions ofthe Labor ab r t Code,yoyou shmo ili forth rah co ply with such provisions or thisDenied shall bed to mad revoked. s 1 1 ... I �oCONSTRUCf10NLENDINCAGENCY ”. S _ I hereby trnn that th re is a construcu n lend g agency for the performance t W .'tea of the work for which this permit sued IS 3097 C C) s ..Lend Nam _. _,... ... _._...._. ._.. .___. _.. . .... .... ... 5-Z Leader'.Aidt f V 0 1 cerity,that I have mad this application and ,to that the b einformation is Lr Ey.. correct.1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and stem laws relating C.p m budding construction;and hereby authorize representatives ofdsis city to enter upon. the Qibbo(We)rigreatirspropeIrtnytl ftuarn inlysand puhrpancales, feartanC ty rls Cot) iah I c ludgm 6,costs and expenses which may in any ay fern gainst sold V city ml 9 cote of'he g ant S of this p5g�t Appiih'A TUN h�F�9 qNb�'fJYJ�[yAPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT`S - U _ , Is TI ', • . Issued by: Date 157glre(e ollApplicant/Contmctor. ''✓J ""' r -',Dine- i;.' Re-roofs i; ,HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE W II the appbcam o future brilduili oc pant stole or handle hand atonal ,Typo Of ROOF as defined by m Cupertino Municipal C d Chep, 9 12 and theHealth and Safety ., yyf Code 5 m 25532m)n 1 twit f Rpi.. <4, r °Y " ,i Al]roofs shall be inspected pnor,to any roofing material being installed, IWIII m applicant future b Idin cepa t se equipment r de sea which, If a roof Is installed:without first obtainingan'ins ectlon I a roe t( remove chair h b contain hart as de by th Bay A ea A Quality M nagement P g District, _ all new materials for action: Ap l It understands and will comply with ❑vas rvn i,. , all"non-points a regal' S. , ^ms,un h 'sad the hazardou ' i Is requ is is L_:'�' l havLing y t yfede Chapt 6.95;o25534 1 understand that pam of thus nal Rendnha e m bot ,tap tar to isisponsb I'ty ro notify the "--'fo H ah&Saf ty C d 5 t ns 25505 25533 endui t i uoccur a of C ri fate of m ra d Si nature of Applicant ate agent t: Came All roof coverings to be Class B oi';better s . »� .. __. . OFFICE .. . .. ._ . ... .._ -. __ ... ...t, .. 6 .