27932 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUIL ;N i-ELECTNICAL PERMITNO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT PING PROJECT IDENTICAL 27932 BUILDING PROJECT'IUEN'TINICAT'ION BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATIONSSUURNETALDATE q2Z- LIBE[2T CT. UNIT# LOT# OWNERS NAME: PHONE: CONTN R'SN LIC NO: NIC CONTROLk ALAI] Yv t4o8)LIC 83 ❑ RCUITtiC1'/ENGINEF.R: LIC NO: ADDRESS: ID i� c213 r6 .NIACIN: PHONE.: BUILDIN PERMIT INFO �1'�� '[�'j]a,L� C4�� fi / QTY, ELECTRIC PERMIT FTie i�U I� I �r-'-�`"I _3: PERMIT ISSUANCFi BLDG E UM MECH LICENSED CONTRALTO ' ECLARATT APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL J DESCRIPI'1 N p tyZ IhercM1y afftm tvtlem licensed and rovisionsofChapter.(commencing with ts1 O Section force and)of Uivisinn J of Ne Bu' ss end Pmfeasiom Code, d my licrnse is in PANELS L'V fullse Cladeffect. II�/] pQ„Z License Class Lic.If UPT02MAMN mQy Dae Convector 201-1000 AMPS Z8y2� ARCHITECTS DECLARATION OVER IOW AMPS SQ.ET,FL�OI�ARFA arsQ.Fr. I understand my plan shell be used as public records. KNE SIGNS ELEC RICAL WJ 4q '—.4 Licen Pural.ional Lzo�'Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. OaU 1 ercby affirm that 1 um exempt from the Contractors Lice se law for the W 3 u.h follow ng rcmon.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:A y city or county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. 1��'oyJ whichissuan yuires a pemtit m enns1.0,after,improve demolish,or rc r tiny structure O yW poo itstt,alsorrymrestintit"ie tforuch nnutoflea igned semumu POWER DEVICES paa� Iy LL�p thah islim.sed,mxmnnothep viol C a ' imn Law(Chapter SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC n.$a.o�' Sled cingwit Section7000)o ajl.,messand fissions Code) ATION ,^y or that a iemeopnh from dth alleged exemp' nyviolaiono VfLEI'S-SWITCHES-FIXTTJRES r �ZQ Sectio T(131.Sb an plc if a tsubjects the app l' notoo ivil penalty of � p .... thanf, a W). s El 1. saw Graf ormy employees with gcaustheirsole mpensation, NEWRFSIDENTIALELECIR _SQ.FT. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCI'ION ywill cwork,mdthe tract isnotinteadeclar ctel orsale(Sce.] ,Business and Pro sximi,Cade: e C tractors Lia law dos not apply m a.owner of progeny hahuildsmim ex thereon, hodoessucbwmkhimselfmIhroughhiaOCC.GROUP NES.UNITS ownempl mo,providedtetsochim mentaerenotimendedoroffeta forsele.IL however,t buildingmimprove is sold withinone yeurofcompletion,theowner- builder will ave the burden o ving that he did not build or improve for purpme of 4e 1.4 ns owac oft perry,am exclusively contracting wit licensed contractors to QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE UNITS as cothe prr ml(Sect 7044,Business and Prefeasions Cale:)The Cmlractars License law does not apply loan ownerofpropen,who builds or improves therein,and PERMIT ISSUANCE whoemormts forsuch projects with a convactorts)licensed pursuant mhe Contractors License Law. ALTER-DRAIN @ VENT-WATER(EAJ PEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 am exempt ands Sec. B @ P C for tie reason IIT. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE SANITARY Y N Owner Date DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,COND. RECEIPT# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX YN [I Ihereby.ffirmthalcwcaccnificmeof canoe...selM1insme.maa.ificateof FIXTURES-P TRAP RECEIPT# Workers'Com,nartion Insurance or a terrified copy thereof(Sec.380y,Lab C.)which PARK FEE Y N coverasllempl.yce''sundertia,mon. GAS-EA. STEM- NC.4OUTLETS RECEIPT# Policy# BUILDING DIVISION EE Company GAS- SYSTEM-OVE (EA) PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Certified copy is hereby furnished. ❑ CenifieJ copy is fled with Ne city inspection Jivisinn. GRP SFJINDUSTRL WASTE I RCEPTOR GRADING FEE �. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' CASETRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE rlc(This section need not he completed lithe permit is fortune hundreddollan(I HE) SEWER-SANITA Y- EA.2W . ENERGY FEC ` I certifythat in the performance ofthe work for which tis pmiu isiscai Ish< WATER HEA not employ any person in any manner an as to become subject m the Werke.' PAID Compensation Lvwsof California. Date WAqFltSjTEWR^1N0yDate Receipt art Q Z Applicant Z NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should NE ID. PLM SQ.IT. TOTAL: (n become subject o the Workers Comperwtion Provisions ofthe labor Code,you most fnnhv di comply with such provisions or this Permit shell be deemedece.ked. BUILDING FE a /d W z CO NSTRUCf10Nction GAGENCY SEISMIC FEE 2. ?O 5 I hcrehy hick t is that is i sued(Sm.3 lending agency for the performance of �� the work for which this permit is issued(Sm.3097,Civ.CJ ELECTRIC FEE OO lender's Name v PLUMBING FEE [V� Lender's Address QTY. M IIANICAL PERMIT FEE I certify that 1 have read this upplication and state that the above information is MECHANICAL.FEE �^ correct.lagree to comply with all city and countyordoones and....cliws.I.B.gto PERMIT ISSUANCE tiIn building construction,and hereby anthodx repumematives ofthiscity toenter upon the CONSTRUCTION TAX V 7-. above-mentioned Property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. (We)agree or save,indemnify and keep handle.to City of Capmiao egrinst liabilities,' mints,costs undexpcnus whichmvy in anyway accrue against said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,00(1 CFM) I.con . fthegrantingof0u.Nmit. t s-18'qsz AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CFM) Si aura. PP .mottoDate EXHAUST HOOD(W/DU(7O PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SURE HEATING UNIT(TO IW,WB BTU) Date Receipt# Will the applicant an Boum building occupant storem handle h neadous mmedal HEATING UNIT(OVER 1 W,IgO BTU) TOTAL: us defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Cede,Sect253J2(ep CI Yes 11 No VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSID) Q ❑ " - ISSUANCE DATE Will theapplicantofuture mildingmer,mt useeyuipment.rdevices whichemit BOILER-COME JHP OR 100,000 BTU) tI�(� N hamrdous air romaman inta m defined by to Bay Are.Air Qualify Manvgemem BOILER-COME(OVER 100,000 BTU) WAY 17 1995 District] ❑Yes ❑No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH.—SQ,FT. CITY Ur WrtnuNU I have mad to Safety n e,mateo s 5505.25533 under Chapter understood of the if Calthe buil Health@ Safety Code,Sections25505,t it is and 23534.1undcnotif[hat ifthebuildinge renot mentscurrently have ast be, tato is mysuanceofa enotify to occupant of the requirements which must be met prior to issuance of a Ccnificam of tXcapaney. Uwner or authodu0.gem Orae ISSUEOR . OFFICE