25559 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY .- .-. PERMIT NO. 25559 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING.MECHANICAL BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATIONSUBMTFI'ALDATE UNIT# LOT# OWNERS NAME' - I 1 ONE: CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: 6� NIC CONTROL# A;111'IE�INECR: LIC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ ( CONTACT: t PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE ,.. VW w PERMIT ISSUANCE BLDG ELECT PLUMB Mto IEECtHH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION pppL1ANCES-RFSIDENTIAL UU ® L� I hereby affirm that l an licensed under fChet 9(commencin with JOB DESCRIPTION P400 yo ual Poionso per g { d E❑ Section]006 e f Division 3 of the Business erM Rofessioa Cade,and my license is in ppp)O-S � �C pFj,UU fuccomeandeffect. r� /� •ms`s L' u] License Class -� LiC.N �`1�-•'---s IIP T02011AMP5 L' at. Date Convector 201-1000 AMPS v i� ARCHITECTS DECLARATION SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA stsQ. . Z' rn I understand my plans shall be used as public records. OVER 1000 AMPS F ria I"'t�i SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed professional aa' V OWNER-BUILD ER DE me Comment SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. �(OyI_ IngreM1y n,(Se that 1 am exempt from Ne Conveaore e:Any Law for the 41300 r¢n following remora(Section 7031.5,Business and Improve, Professions Code:Any city or county TEMP.MEIF.R OR POLE INST. k tam? which rcquiresa Pcmxtmconstruct, ,the.pltegimprovgh permiti,fit repairmysouctne `�Y� prior,.s lisensedfmsoant to the Nevisios fin,the Co perminoLiease Law wemmt POWER DEVICES yF°'j that heis licensedp Sectio7theprovisionsof the Contractors License Law(Chapter p-dXo�' Y(commencing with Section 7")of Division 3ofNe Business and Professions Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION W_m orthat he is exempt haefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of m ore OUTLETS -$WITCHES-FlXTURES }� / J (/ O a V D Q Secrirn703L5hy no;applicant for 4 permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of Z] , 0 nmthan foo hundred dollars($500): NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECIR _SQ.FT. ❑ omownero the stpeny,ormycmplaya¢withwegnustheinole comp emanon, r $TORIPS TRU ON p. will dothewos,nod the structuralsnot inmicemseawdosnotpplyusloclorroffiened for side Business of /A �(((� and 1'mfusious Cade:The Convenors Liuuse law does not apply to an owner of property whobuildsor improves Hereon,and whodoesiich work Nmselforthroughhisits NIT own employms,provided that suchimprovememe mermimended reoffered forage.If, 11 L however,thebuilding orimpmvemem ismld withinoneyemofcompinion,theownm- TOTAL: race builder will have the burden ofproving that he did not build m improve for purpose of - �V CYC dale). ,;.1- DME ❑ I,uownerofthepmpeny,am ndusively cantrmtwgwithlammedconcommoro QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT EE APN constmct the project(Sec.7044,Business and Profeseians Code:)The Contractor's License law doesnotapply Coen owner Ofpmperty whobuilds orimpmves thereon,and PERMIT ISSUANCE _00 who conractsfarsuch pmjectswith ecentructor(s)limnsbInitiated athe Contractors se taw. License ALTLR-DRAIN&VFNT�WATER(FA) PEE SUMMARY ❑- 1 am exempt under Sec. ,B&P C for this recon BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE T IDB ..S SANITARY Y N Owner Dote DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOFAREA,,COPD. RECEIPT# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION , SCHOOL TAX Y N IMrtby offirm thatlhave ecmiftcete armnsmio.1f.insum,or a certificate of dao RECEIPT# 'Compensation Wuranee nr acerdfed co y thereof(Sec.3g00,LebCJwhich FIXTURES-PER TRAP PARK FEE Y N •�SI emplaytt's ander,thia permit. RECEIPT# \ � GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INC.40UTLETS Policy# BUILDING DIVISION FEES inat I' I GAS-PA.SVSTEM-OVER4(EA) PLANCHECK FEE Certified copy is hereby ed q :t, Certified copy is filed withsh five the city inspection division. GREASEBNDUSTRL WASTE INTF.RCEPI'OR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP SOILS FEE - `COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed lithe permit is foronehundred dollars($100) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.2WFT. ENERGY FEE or let.) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,Ishall WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR not employ my person in any manner so at he become subject to the Workers PAID Compensetionlaweof Califomia..Dete WATER SYSIEMITMATING Date Rettig# z NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after mating this Certificate of Earn o should NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL SQ.FT. itart ptio de,o s ou TOTAL: a f/] becme hwithc subjecttothe such re Compenutiis ermisio shall Labor Code,you must BUILDING FEE 5 forthwith comply with each provisions or this permit shall be deemM revokW: . Q(� W CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE 5 z s I hereby affirm met there is a constitution lending agency for the performmce of U O the work far which this permit is issued(Sec:3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC PEE.. •0 ILLender's Name - 0 U Leaders Address QTY. MECI IANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEC W co 1 unify that I have read Nis application and nate tint the above informers..is MECHANICAL FEE y( (J. erect.I agree m comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws misting to PERMITISSUANCE •DO a S y y buildingcommuction,and hereby authodre mt represeativeste ofthis city to enr upon the CONSTRUC RRITAX V shove mantioned propeity far inspection purpoua. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. (We)-gree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against imbilairs,judg'insim.emsts index ichmayinanywa eecmeageinat Mal AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,"CFM) in:�r (��SSSSggqqN, _ of llmlmnbngof his tit. C 1�0Am !A� AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CPM) Signemre of Applicm o to EXIIAUSTIIOOD(W/DUCD PAID -Jr HEATING UNIT(TO 100.0W BTU) Date Receipt# IW-ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the ft Cupernt tinoor u icipai Code, panuto9<oi handlandtellHWdammatnlal HEATING UNIT(OVER IW,000 BT U) TOTAL: Q•�`� as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the He1. alth and Safety Cada Section 25573(gT - ` — ❑Yes 13 No VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) O - .: 1 1 - ; I.d ISSUANCE DATE Will theapplicmtorfuwrebuildin emu BOILER-COME OHP OR IM."BTU) g he Bay m.Air Quality cawhichcmit P A D h.e�a,mdous air conteminanu a defined by the Bey Arae Air Quality Manegem<nt BOILER-COMP(DYER I W,000 BTU) 1N{� 'Ie[] t� �II ❑)Y 11 No NEWRFSIDENTIALMECH. SQ.FT. SEP mss# IJJ� I have read the haardous materials requimmenta'umiei Chapter 6.95 of the California Health k Safety Code.Sections 25505,25533 and 2554.I understand that /� if the building does not currently have rimmunt,thsat is my responsibi llty lm notify the ^fIY le Ul-Ct11 IIVU occu nt of the requirements which must be met prim he issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. - - s� 1n Ownse,m ahorvndagent Date TOTAL: ISSUED OFFIC