02020070 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLYI(�O�� CITY OF CUPERTINO B1111.)ING-HLPCI'RICAI, PERMITNO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMIfINC MI?CIIANICAI' :�CAJ,S . 2813 BUILDING PROJIXF IDI:N'I'1 FICA'1'IUN allHANNOADDRLSS: SANITARY NO, APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DA'I'I. JWNHR'SSNNA IH I'H(3 Ii: CON'IRACIORS NAME: LIC NO: NIC ^ CON'TH(ll.# RCI 111 FC11/4 CINHHR: LIC NO I ADD ESS. - ❑ a�r1 /"1 ._CONTACT _ " PDONE BUILDING PERM IT INFO - 517 5 jJ ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG PLUMB MI-C-IH� Q� Ia_V ❑(/ L� LICENSED CON'TRACTOR'S DECLARATION Q'I'Y BLBCTRIC PERMIT' FEE I mmhy affirm that I am licensed under toort inna of Chimax 9(.......limiting JOB DESCRIPTION qaZ with Section 9(N0)of Divisiun3mfthc9minesn and PmfensionsCmte.and my llansu in OO in full force and effect I'ERMI'I'ISSl1ANCli TIAL ml^ .IT)WI. ❑KITCHEN RHMODEL <-U License Class LicX r APPLIANCES-REST DFN'IIAL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE PIPE y< ale—I(1 tOO Cnnu'Jr it ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION ❑MUI.TI-UNIT El STRUCTURAL PANNI. I unJemanJ my plans shall be used us Public records MODIFICATION Z80O IT TU 2W AMPS ❑INTHRIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR F4F"W Lu,u,,d Prnlbssion.] 2111-11NN1 Ahll'S IMPROVEMENT (]SWIMMING POOLS OWNER-RUILDER DECLARATION tYY J OVIut IINOAMPS ❑BATH REMODHUREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION C Q I hereby M.that 1 oro exempt from the Cuntme¢ns I icemc law for Ne pKj B lay U following reason.(Seldom 9031.5,Business and Professions Ctda:Any city..,nmmtY SIGNS ELI!CfItICAL ❑OTHER y which require n permit m emm�ad ahe,,improve,demolish,or repair any menu. _ _ f"iOS pnono its issuance,aLo requires the.pplieem Imombpenin,,filcasigned statement SPECIAL CIRCUITIMISC. } that he is licensed pursuant to the previsions ofthe Commenor's License law(Chapmr9 Ic3�00 mminmecingxi.h Section]W(hof Division 3 offs,ltusinesx and Professions Ca,c)or 'I'HMR MCTIiR OR NTLI:INST. ' Q.EL e C that he is cxmnpt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption,Any violation of ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑DHMOLITION Section 703 L5 byany...hemu fora proratsubjems unc ooTema ma civil pe.any,,] POWER IIIWICES ❑TENANT ❑FOOD SERVICE nm marc Nan fee hundred dollars(8501). F Z P IMI'ROVIiAIFNT p6 -1 Las omework,the pension,wine, onnyemntendedwith wagesos faIsSee. 044.]bsinOuraporroates, SWIMMING POOL HLECfRIC E me will Jothewon,aide:The Cmuaure innot tra,License conferral rsole(,1111,tho nvoin,eof J1 ❑OTHER W 3 m and Profession,who Code:The Contthereo License law s such nm apply s un r Prot of OUT'LITS-S\VITCIiP_S-PIX'T11RE5 L pmpeny who huilJs or improves therm..,and who does such work himself or Nmugh his..it employees,provided that sock improvements are out intended or nffmcd for NEW RESIDEM'IAL HLI=R SQ Pf. sale.If,howeve%the building or improvement is sold within one year of comptetion.Ne 1 , SQ.FT.IlOORARG LSp.II'. mer builder will have the buNcn of proving that be did not build our in.prove for par- -L low of sale.). El L as nwaerof ro the ppeny,attmmr m exclusively .mnir,with licensed emimas a, 'IYJI'AL: O/ onatmm ec. Rilimes the project(SJ( , ins and Profession.Cede:)TI a Comocmrs Li- ceaseLowdessnotapplytoanownerofpropeny who builds or improves thereon,and QTY. PLl 1131NG PFRMIT FEE whocotnracts forxoch pmjeas with a vmdmemus)licensed pursuant in he Contmewrs q�� License Law. PERMITIS .ANCH C//�/p' ' ❑I am exemptuMe,See. - ,It d P C mot rcmnn : )edam, Dae ALTUR-DRA ViiNT-WA'I'1: lliAl VALUATION 'O KHRl4 COMPENSATION IARATION BACK FLOW TROT[T.DP 'B I hereby affirm under penalty of Perjury one of the following Jcclamtinns: (� ]I have and will maintain a Cenificae of Conxenunselsinsum for Warker'n Compcn- DRAINS-FLOOR.140017 A (IND. STOMPS TY PE CONSTRUCTION ation,as provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Cotte,room performance of the !,3 work for which this Permit is issued. FIXTURES-PPR TRAP �Ftl ❑1 have and will maintain Workers Compens000n Insurance.as required by Section . 37M ofine Labor Code.funu,performance of the work four which this permit is issued. GAS-HA.SYSTBW I INC.4 OUT LFIS OCC.GROUT' APN My Workers Compensation Insurance comer and Policy number are. Cartier. Policy No: GAS-EA.SYSTHNI OVER 4(11M /J/ es-ly oto CEk'I'IFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKIikS' K. COMPENSATION INSURANCE BUILDING WAS'.li IN'IERCfa'TOH BUIIAING DIVISION FIGS .This section need not be completed if the fiction ix fume hundred dollars($100) GREASHTRAP --_ -- or less)(This FF.I. I cenify that in the perfommnce of.he work for which this permit is issued,I shall SHWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.218119'. nun employ any Person in any manner so as to beconm subject o the Workers ComPon. IiNERGY PEIi Oz sation Laws of California.Date WRIER it EATER WNEN'I/ELECI'k _�,... GRAVING FIiE Z 2 Applicant - I r aoI NOTICE TO APPLICANT.IL after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should Wool IEIt SVS' :M/BEATING become subject m the Workers Compensation pmvisinns of the Labor G.le,yuu must _ SOILS ITE fonhwuh comply with such provisions or this Permit shall be deemed invoked. WAI I7RS17R TA L-�III V 7 z CONSTRUCf10N LIiNDING AGENCY NGW RT:SIPIi FI N.I'I M1 PAID O L)C) Ihereby affirm that is a construction lending agency for pecomoneernDate Receipt# the work for which Nis permit is Issued(Sec.3097,Civ,CJ T� {L11"t lender's Name AL. CJ V Lender'..,Address H1 I minify that I have read this application and state thin the above nomination enation is p „_µ t BI111,UIN0 FEE O Q N correct.l agree m comply with all city and county ordinances and suite laws rclming w QTV MG IIA�IGAI-PEItMIT,-= " FFE' -/ V Z building cnnstmninn,and hereby amhorim represenmtivm of this city wearer upun.he SEISMICFFH 1I above-(We) nedpmpeny Bar nderanly ad umpthei I'IIRMITISSUANCH (We)agree to save,InJenuJly unJ keep hunnlesx rho City of G.pedino against f:LIiCCRIC PHP. Ilabilities,judgmems,costsand eslasseswhich.nay in any way acemc against suit City AUIRR OR ADDTO MHCIL PLUMPING FEEL 4-1 inconsequeaccofthegootingol'thie permit. APPLICANT UNDHRS'1'ANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALI,NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(FU Foodd CFM) 'OU 7REGULAfIONS. MECHANICAL 17EE 10 Lf _ AIR HANDLING LN1'I'(OVER 10000 CFM) CONSTRUCHON'I'AX410- Signater dApplicant/Comowlar Umc EXIIAUSTHOOD t W/DUCT) HOUSING MI'I[CATION FF.E �n`� HAZARDOUS MATHRIALS DISCLOSURE V V WiIIthe applicmu our furore huildingoceosmt xtnreorhnnJle baannlousneacH.1 I IHAHNGI SETITO IQo( 011'1'HE C 0Y.defced by the Cupertino Municipal G xle,Chapter 9.12,and the Health an:f Salbry _ Codi.SecJnn^5592(x)'7 IIEA'TINO UNI'I'(OVBH 100,000 II'I'U) �/ VEN'IILAI30NIoAN(SINGIHRL'SIDI PAID q-6-Od 72-'81 - D:me Receipt# Will the upplicanYor future building mca.pann use equipment or(levies which IBIILI?It-COMP19111'OH 110,gXI IITID emit low,naoms air ormuniums us JuGned by lie tiny Are.Air(saucily Managen.em IOTA: j Dix.,Irim'7 : HR Iog000 it FU) Ye's n x I1O11.Glt-COMP fUV yy/ E u `_bheve reed Ow LdlurJnus n.acrial.,mtpiiretmm�,s under ChapmrG95 ul.hc Cull AIR C(INUI'I'IONI!R � ISSUANCIi DATE fern,HI In Safety Cale.Seen,,,,,255th,25539 ad 25534.1 undurxtund dot eta the nNEW I HSIDHN'I'IA.MSCII, SQ,Fir d ' ..t�t�.my nnva6m.DaL Hon ins mire.,pumddli.ymarnu'y Jre oa.mum ' eacm. cocatawhith must hentG p��rinicx.mcN n Cerlil' m:'fkm Esmay. o l� DO Ownerm t .zed.gem Dim TOTAL', IssuBD 1{Y: OFFICE .L'�'Le�-�iT Inspection Query for a Specfic Permit 5/28/02 PERMIT#SITUS ST SITUS STREET Uot# `-ANSDESCRIPT= : InsT ' DATEDESIRE D'ateDorie Ins ecto Units PasslFail-'Code 52813 10191 ILE13ANON IFOUNDATION 6/26/00 6/26/00 DS 51F S2813 - 10191 ILEBANON FOUNDATION 6/27/00 6/27/00 DS 2 P 92813 10191 ILEBANON UNDERFLOOR INSPE 7/19/00 7/19/00 DS 1 P 52813 10191 ILEBANON 202/PLB UNDFLR 7119/00 7/19/00 DS 113 S2813 10191 LEBANON 203/MECH/UNDFLR 7/19/00 7/19/00 DS 1 P S2813 10191 LEBANON FRAME/UNDFLR 7/19/00 7/19/00 DS 1 P S2813 10191 LEBANON JINSUIJUNDFLR 7/19100 7/19/00 DS 1 P S2813 10191 LEBANON SHEAR/ROOF SHEAT 10/5/00 10/5/00 CC 3P S2813 10191 LEBANON ROOF SHEAT 10/6/00 10/6/00 CC 2P S2813 10191 LEBANON SHEARNAIL 11/13/00 11/13/00 JS 1 N S2813 ;10191 LEBANON SHERNAIL 11/21/00 11/21/00 DS 3P §2813 10191 LEBANON IEXT LATH (309) 1/4/01 1/4/01 CC 2P S2813 110191 LEBANON IROUGH MECHANICA 7/3/01 7/3/01 AD 1 O S2813 110191 LEBANON ROUGH ELECTRIC 713/01 7/3/01 AD 1 O S2813 110191 LEBANON ROUGH PLUMBING 7/3/01 7/3101 AD 1 O S2813 110191 LEBANON IROUGH MECHANICA 7/3/01 7/3101 AD 1 O S2813 110191 LEBANON ROUGH ELECTRICAL 7/3101 7/3/01 JAD 11 O S2813 110191 LEBANON ROUGH PLUMBING 7/3/01 7/3/01 AD 11 O S2813 10191 LEBANON ROUGH MECHANICA 7/5/01 7/5/01 JJS 2F S2813 10191 LEBANON (ROUGH ELECTRIC 7/5/01, 7/5/01 JS 2F S2813 10191 LEBANON iROUGHT PLUMBING 7/5/011 7/5/01 JS 2F S2813 10191 LEBANON ROUGH BUILDING 7/5/01 j 7/5/01 JS 2F S2813 10191 LEBANON R PLUMB 301 8/14/01 8/14/01 JB IF N S2813 10191 LEBANON TROUGH MECH 303 8/14/01 8/14/01 JB IF N S2813 10191 LEBANON ROUGH ELECT 304 8/14/01 8/14/01 JB 1F N S2813 10191 LEBANON IFRAME 305 8/14/01 8/14/01 JB 1F N S2813 10191 ILEBANON I IFRAME 305 8/15/01 8/15/01 JB 6F S2813 10191 ILEBANON IROUGH ELECT 304 8/15/011 8/15/01 JB 2P S2813_ 1_0191 __ LEBANON ROUGH MECH 303 _ 8/15/01 8/15/01 JB _ 2P S2813 !10191 LEBANON T TROUGH PLUMB 301 8/15/01 8/15/01 JB 2F S2813 110191 LEBANON FRAME 305(483-5800 9/11/01 9/11/01 AD 4P 52813 10191 LEBANON . jR PLUMB 301 9/11/01' 9/11/01 AD 4,P S2813 10191 LEBANON ;INT SHEAR 316 9/11/01 9/11/01 AD 4P S2813 10191 LEBANON 1307 INSULATION 9/26/01 9/26/01 D 2 P 52813 10191 LEBANON IDRYWALL NAIL 10/5/011 10/5/01 ILS 3P P e1