1762 �20/z9 C s 0"'Z' s. (-0, mo_ LOT NO. 36 � j� S EE ® C'A OR BUILDING PER IT \ ts� ' `ion 18 1962. FICUPERTINO (_g 4l Date j"" RfL Permit No. Z SI YFY>;J.a permit to eK a--r a story,Type S �' T Building c� at SOretscT �'� 60! " to be occupied only as -Y,^«<F in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith; /S 000_ Estimated Value of Improvements,$ do_i Fee$ T� 's. s hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and• all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and-use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. ".. 1 OwnerPiT2 - CT.4;vE _ Address -S-S4- /! FipsrST. S,-T, By � 9K c - Address t t �-i'�ONPMCMB�.AGENT _ �• "Phone �� 7-•�1 APProved X 1 - `ButLDING INSPE40 i S - l e rc e z e = e e : Q ul -tan rJ a _ FBF f ,F . F • F in Ix W F PI l w Q H z z z l z XR. y A t" tz `� � ro tz r, �, { / \a \\` �. wa _ } 7 T. o % Ot ; r: . Cn .0\j §: ( ƒ\ , & ` � \ & } = E � \/ f } a « § � 2 X00 § E ® » Z - } ° z m nE ` \ - � . f / � � �« �t? � � � � ■ o ® r ƒ° \ 4 / ( FIXTURES___ NUMBER MAIN DRAIN I UNITS I FEES UNITS FEES Water Heiuc, 1 Size •water Closets ,Z �� Material r / Bath Tubs To Curb Showers To Prop. Line Lavatories r2. �� To E�' 2 _ Kitchen Sinks �� N Con .fl Dish Washers / 11 SEWER aOXfiil Waste Disposals Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines Size Water Softeners Material I Bar Sinks To Main Drain Comb. Sink-&Trays To Dental Units w Drinking Fountains Floor Drains WATER SYSTEM Hoppers Restaurant Sinks Material Sand Traps T TAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee ; I //. 6-0 Area Drains Main Drain Fee -- , Water Leaders Storm Drain Fee Sp "nkl r Varves II Water Sys. Fee I /.O O Permit Fee /.6w TOTAL TOTAL FEE RE OR OF INSCTION Partial Rough• Rough Comp l to - Final i 50 \ ~ { ( ; � � } ƒ, } ./ , j � � § O $ z 0 CA IA 0 0 r7l ; � \ �� � � � � ° 2 ,&2 ® �cense ON . \ \ \ — ƒ ) »� . : } } ƒo c ( ® 7-n 2� }� m� \\ mn CMD farcy / & \/c � m ,0 (\ , \\ R \ 0k ` \ a ; .§ / r ; / /'} § • \ � no . ■ on ` � /�\ / � \ / / / �2 \ / � : � / f \ \ \ P4 0 0 ))) \ ) X (D \ \J � � \ } � ) k : : : � . 12 �n L75 i7) iZ L;5 i7) U�- CC LU u � \ \ J Z U , Z Uj LU oa u LLI 14 X LLI \ / 12 . \\ Ntate License f y g % �n = c . \ \ \ \ / ) a | $ no n - \ o _ \ ! a ; z � \ \\ � \ � > > > - z2 `} § - V \\\ 00 % J 1 Remarks (Check',b) Type of Appliance Units Fees II New Replace I Relocate Gas Ranges I I I I Wall`Heaters Gas Plates Circylating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles Steam Tables I 3 Gravity Furnaces I I 11 1 S I Suspended Unit 1 Floor Furnace 1 1 1 I I II I Miscellaneous i� I i NAME TYPE) I I I II I I ` I i II I I I I II I I I I II I I pp lance Fees 1 1 -11 1 1 r s� Inspected and Approved ..............:_.1................_........................�... DATF. .INSPECTOR HOUSE GAS PIPING Numbec of Outlets I , I Size of Main I �' Gis Piping Fees 1 /.od 1 Tested and Approved ..� I .L.1.... . ..........:............ .,...... DATE 'INSPECTOR --titer. a ate License/697X� n G w 'O n n 7 Z \ O 1 \ v n C7 > ss m m Q 71 T < n � � p77 lei S H T d � H v z Z G T ^ y. O A r i Remarks (Check 7) Type of Appliance (Units Fees II New I Replace Relocate Gas:Ranges Wall Heaters h��4 Gas' Plates Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces / /. ✓ Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles Steam Tables �� avity Furnaces Suspended Unit Floor Furnace 11 NEWMiscellaneous NAME TYPE pp lane Fees //� Inspected and Apprdved7/ .02..x._... . - ...................._....I DATE INSPECTOR I � . . 40 y \ } ` j \ 0 - G \ 1 /m � Z A \ q