01110069 CITY OF CUPERTINO - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT N0. 11570 LAKE SPRING CT DRAEGER CONSTRUCTION ING 01110069 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE TADA MICHAEL B AND LEE_ MARSHA 605 COMMERCIAL ST 11/14/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 536-0420 G ARCHITEC(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INTO QBLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH h C=1 CJ I,--] L, i LICENSED CONTRACfOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I um beensed under provisions of Chupmr 9(commencing Job Description o »;hSection]arol fDivision3nineBudressendPme,lion,Code.mdmylicenxe SIDING. ,MN is in full fnrcc Linde I 11 5 o 6 Licenu Class Y / Lim.M 0 �a B�p /� �� 13 d.U Dale Comaaurq-,10,O w E Sp A ta d.Fii RCHITECf'S DECLARATION 5 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records i o O Licensed Professional JAN 0 9 2002 = thatOWNER-BUILDER a DECLARATION m 1 hereby affirm that 1 i. exnnp,from the Conics orLicense: c Law for the which Seniorsconstr,Business and Professions Cork: cit orcoum BUILDING $21000 g mason.l Y Y Y F O whish requires o Permittomnswn,aha improve,demolish,ore a sir any awcw¢ _pnonoi,s issua,tce_elm rtquim,lie applicant forsuch permino Bleeaig,md onemem -- - -- - -v i-- -- that __- - thatNoislicensedpursuplatodFF W,humsof,haCommerce,Lice. aw,(Canner 9 SSn�,-�g F� _ (commencing with Secim.,7 00,1 of Division 3 of the Double.and Professions Code) . 1 ,,�'l f•[3btiiSt4U� � ed%� "s.:' l nl • a nation or,he,tie is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation -of Section]031:5 by any applicant fm a permit subjects the applicant o o civil penalty :ol not more than.file hundred dollars(55Wb 10ApN 1[FVtDATION Occupancy Type Cl,as owner of me p upcny,or my employee with wages cut their sole compensation, -will do the work,and'me'stmema is no,intended or offered'for aside(Sol:7041, 102 I, Briinesa and Profession,Code:The Corrosion's License Law,does not apply to an 103 - UFER Required Inspections' ' owner of property Who builds or improvesthemon. d who does such work himself or through his n employers.provided th t such improvements am nor immilded or _ _,,. _ ,..,,,104_„ REBAR, ..:'offered forst If. the h,'Idng p emelt is old within mile of .__. .-.. _.,... _._. .... _._.. .....-._.___... completion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he dud not build or 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS ' " '' '. improve to,purposeor,ale). 106 - SEWER & WATER c as owners(jbct(Sm.gamBusinessandnwcrisions licensed TheCoeeronto 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ' on the pmjcn(Sec.]UtA,Business and Profession,Cade:)The Cnnwnor's ' License Law does nor apply to an owner ofproperty who builds in improves thereon, 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL'' .and.who ca.re I'for such projects with a.contractor(s).licensed-punuamac me Comacmr s License law , 204--'.- UNDERFLOOR ,`FRAME ' Clams ,m andersgd '' B&P C for this Mason 205 - UNDERFLOOR 'INSULATION Cbntm ' °a" 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WO<TER'S COM SATION DECLARATION " - 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one nfahe following decimations: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Cl 1 ends mrd will provided maintain a CbyiOcum of Consent m xeLathaure for Worker's 3 04 _ ROUGH ELECTRICAL s Compensation, as provided for by Seniors tblo of the Labor Cade, for,he performanm cube won for which his permit is issued; 305 FRAME - - C I have tie will mainiam Worker,Compensation Insurance,a:required by section 3 06 - HOLDOWNS 3700 of,he Labor Code.for the performance of the work for which this permit is Bided.MyW kers /� _ - INSULATION cave1'I Ano 4.1hey,1." oM, DR rss" 9 r 3'081 t- ;SHEETROCK My C m n au n Insurance ca 'er end Policy nu be m 309 EXTERIOR° LATH - :L'I" COMPENSATION INSURANCE' ____. 310 ` •.:INTERIOR LATH -IIThii axion need no,be compinrd if permit is for arm hundred dollars '_�- fsI001 ar leap) .. 311 - SCRATCH COAT cnmpe ation Lows of CaliforniaDate ono orkt ..Hien thi 'issued Tl ..31.3•• '•-.•..ROOF".NAIli•'... .. . 1 of fy d t in,h pert ratan perm, _....• ., .. ., .._:.'.•,,. •-• . ,hall n r crop).,any pars n m any mmhc t become object m,hewn ker` 501 - FINAL ELEI.CTRICAL ENERGY ._Apples, - - - :.:-. .502" FINAL" 'PLUMBING ENERGY .- _ _ ..... ._._. WOTICE TO APPLICANT If atter making the Certificates 01E rapt you'should t . z Accome bjentothe Worker's Compensat provisions tt n ofthclabo Code,you must 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY h Mcomplywi,h uhp ns Orth . 1. n_. - arenkee. _504 - -FINAL .BUILDING- ENERGY....- ... z - .. . . . - a Q Leaders a 'CONSTRUCfION'LENDING AGENCY IheAby 0- thtthe,. sacnswtlo lendingagenyfrtheperfrmence 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL of,M1 k for hich U permu Issued(S i09]'Crv.Ci e Name" nf/ 506. .-. GAS TEST . z LenarsAdd „' .' T—"41L 507 - FINAL PLUMBING . t..t UO Icenify thotlhavc reed,his npplicena stem Na,Ne above information is 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL $,o�+ cortebl:I egrce,a comply with ell city and county ordinances and state laws relating 509 - FINAL GRADE rQ C.2 ,0 building construction,and hereby'oathorize reprcsanmtives of Ink city to enter upon ...� heaboe pungpropen ,f nspectionpr 510 - FINAL PLANNING y' (WaJ gree to sae indemnify and kap harmle ,hefty fCupertinoagainst W) liabilities,psgivena,costs,andeapeal,,whichmay nany wayacc gins said 514 - FINA PU IC WORKS -U-Z City to consequence of grnnung of this permn. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ACL'NONPOINT SOURCE REGULATIONS!,I y':',"' Issued by: Date Signature ofApplicomisConlinshin ( "1 "'Onm' Re-roofs '1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCbOSURB I ! ' the ca p a i al Type of Roof _.. .__. ..... _.._.,_ - W II the applicant i future building a pant stare Lir handle hes.) an moven - m def ed b ,h Cu n n Municipal to 9 13 entl,he Nc 11n end sat,y t a ,. Code °Yes 355J 'a) I L "t it 1 ,, t J' .' s . 4- . 1 x. \, 1` .. .: .; SSI" _All.roofs shall.be inspected prior to any-roofing material.being installed. W11 the pplicant for: building occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is insta'lled'without first obtainin an'ins ecnori; I a ree to remove mm ' it he ardmma ism defined n h Ba Ams A Q al ty M nagcmem g P g n tr=t all new materials for Inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with V °Ye t9 all'bon-point source iegulatlons. 1 have lead the hazardous conedidsmIldrensiall audit,Cuinic,6.9i 0(the California Health&Safety Code Sections 15505.25533 and 25534 1 muderouland,him if th.cililldingdoes not currently have a tenant,that it is my responsibility i ou(ytheoccupant of thequim to hrbh mon he , no suers erf' CeaBcea of rc, p oa° an Si nature of Applicant Date es;rwoe ser ntta flan Data All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better _ .