115 Z o a g I Lor No. 7 7 NO. T N"F fit, APPLIANCE PERMIT TMAR 251966 Y CUPERTINO Date MAR 2 2 1960 196..... Permit No. // CITY OF CUPERTINO �so Fee s_ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install" gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said :- appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the,City!r of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. `' - Use of Premises 1t4_1V_ "" 17i Owner ����UIQ ,t AddresU1,41s ,: ....z: ByG ddress - 180 EjSUNN40RR91ML'CnRCI0�aMEL, C ' ' Phone PLUMBING INSPECTOR a s Remarks (Check d) Type of Appliance I Units Fees II New, I Replace I Relocate Gas Ranges II Wall Heaters Gas Plat 44� '' I Circulating Heaters —I Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers I 11 Warming Ovens II Percolat6rs Griddles I II I Steam Tables I I II Gravity Furnaces I I 11 I I SuspendedUnit p Floor Furnace I I Miscellaneous I I n t NAME TYPE) I I ' II I I I � II I I I II I I I it I Appliance Fees ((-- Inspected and Approved _ .. _ ;.... " -- _.y y . '•.,2. INSPECTOR ', .. .D TF.a.=,� . h p ."✓ f / GAS �ERVIE f��OTICE Z%pYF BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO n ............._.----_. ---5149. -........................... To You are hereby auth 'zed to connect the GAS se for Owner or Tenant -1`� �!.. ke At- .. C7..[.�.." . .- iii-- . ... L�f..:.. ............................... y 3. x a New Service .............. ...:....:`. No.of'Meters .... ---....' �` `;"' Reconnect ..:"k:, ` Move Service ........................ No. of Add.,Meters by- et tom........... .. Mby- ,M eter< :... s-e_. ,L Z. } PL+�ULM'BINIGI� INSPEC(�-OR f ✓ ttn.6/,59-5oo ��ei_V `� >1a•� `�y„i 5,, .Q,� I\ _ \..