2789////5 NO.LOT NO. x�a D o o R ELECTRICAL PERMIT IWAN 4 1964 ' oP cuPExTlrao 01 I s� W 0 0 Dat195— Permit No. LL WCF"/uZUrPr/K-T1N0' °a / r r Fee S /��o, / g r <a Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical r wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said LL wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the 00 5 0 City of Cupertino, and I other laws applicable thereto. o a GliGQ CJ z -J Use of Pr/ ises 2 O 3 a Owner Address N w wBy _ Addres 01 CONT CTO AGENT a U y /� Approved Phone: ✓`/ / ELECTRICAL INSPECTM Q. State License: / 3 OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE p CITY OF CUPERTINO To..... ........... .. !?:7,SO -- -------------- .... 196 You are hereby authorized to connect electrical service for Owner or Tenant At No. of Wires...? ------------- Size of Wires ...... .... Size of Switch Motor Load -------------------------- Voltage -------------------- ----------- Phase ---------------------------------- HeatingLoad ------------------------ K. W . .................................. Voltage ................................ No. of Meters... ht..... 110....x.. New Service ... :!!!!7� ..... Reconnect ................. No. of Add. Meters............ Heat ..... 220 ----- — - Three Wire......-......... Move Service............ ..... Power- ............. p e ree P ase................ X�--­ Move Meter.............. 104 1/63-500 ----------- - * ---- -- . ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO ................... TO You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant . ...................... At New Service .... No. of Meters .......1 . .......... Reconnect Move Service ........................ No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ....................... ...................... ...................................... ,,PICUMBING INSPECTOR Ito 6/63-500