27910 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BITI1.UIhb-ELEG RI AL FERMI'(NO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL 27910 BUILDING PROJECT UIBN'1IFICATION 1 . INADADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATIONTT LISUBMITTAL TE s DA 1 1/^ ,t T g� UNIT# t LOT# 11e �J DW ?RS NAM I?: PIIONE:r� (�>�3 CO ACTON'S#AMI?: LIC NO: w.� N/C CONTROL N r N III'ILCf?NGINf;E,R _ !IC NO: O ISS: 46a_a. x /v ❑ 1[Ml -0•1- C. CONTACT; PUONE: o BUILDING PERMIT INFO QTY. LLEC1'RIC PERMIT' � PI?[; R0 EL PLUMB N YTI• B 04 PERMIT ISSUANCE �LUMBB LIC ENSEDCONTRnderpmSDmofChaTION APPLIANCES-RFSIDFMIAI. 1py DP RI� p;z lherebyaffrmtrion3osum fthe Bulocitimad riowoons Cae, nd mmecense with f4•+f�gV\�yj 00❑ Section]OW)af DivisionJof rhe Businen end professions Code,end my license is in PANELS p;W U lid.force b'<u License CWss LiaN. g-3Gx� UP T021HIAMPS " m6y Dram Cnmm 201-I1N1f1AMPS 20HLARCHITECTS DECLARATION SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.let- 1 T O'L O 1 understand my plans shell be,used so public records. OVER IOW AMPS P oo�:m SIGNS ELECTRICAL <yF,� Licensed Pmfeasi...I �4• OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. ippi55,,O4Uf— I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Comment.License Law for the u+3pooa following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Pnfescumms Code:Any city or county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. ' m.] which requires a permit to construct,alma improve,demolish,or repair any structure C Q� prior to its issuance,vlsim,drestheapplicant for such permit,,file.signed stetement POWI?R DEVICES ty.. O that he is licensed punuunno the provision of the Cantmctors Liana Law(Chepter 44Q� 9(coomencing with Section]OW)of Division 3 afire Bmarmisand Profession Cod SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION y _y or that he is exempt herefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of i Section]031.5 by an OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES 1 D G 3Qydredd larv(Spennit auhjects the applicunnn.civil penalty of ` OO urn more then five hundred dollars(SSIXp. � � ❑ I,usownenffthC propcny,ormy employroswith wagesustheir nolecompensmion, NEW NESIpI?N'fIAI.F.LF,CI'N _SQ.FT. STORIES TYPE CONST'NUC'I'ION will do thewark,and the strucmre isnot imendW,roffiamd forrale(See RW4,Business - - .ad Profenimul Calc:The Contractors Liana law does not apply I an owner of property whmbuildsorimpravesduces. ,and whadoessuch work himselfiroda ughhia employeesilding rimprsvchimpnvemeitsaonm iamnfoompl&red theownr. OCC.GROUP NES.UNITS however,illhathe vl the burden of proernving that he dhinonmymaror improve for treowner- builder will have the harden of proving that he Aid not buil)or improve for purpose„( rola). ❑ I,as ownenff die propeny,am exclusively cantrudingwith licensed contractors to QTY PLUMBING PERMIT PEC FLOOD ZONE AI'N canxrncl the prnjen(Sec.]U44,Business and Profession Culex)The Contrecmr'e License Law does not apply to an owner ofpropeny who builds or improves thereoc'mal PERMIT ISSUANCE whocantmcmfursuchpmjaewiNecon"cior(s)lirenudpunua Rothe Conamemr's ALTER-DRAIN&VENT'-WATGR(PA) License law. d FEE SUMMARY ❑ I am exempt under Sec. p&P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICI? SANITARY Y CS N do.ter Dune DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF EA,COND. RECF:IIT# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLANA'I'ION SCHOOL TAX Y_N ❑ hercbyaffirm that lhave acenifoute of wnsem to self-insum,or acenifcute of FIXTURES PP P IUCEIPI'# Wmkerc Compenvtionlnsurence ora cenifiedcopy thercof(Sec.Jg00.Wb CJ which PARK FEE YN coversell employce's under this permit. GAS .SYSTEM-1 INC.4 OUILLTS RECEIPT# Policy ll BUILDING DIVISION FEES -- Company GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Cenifuedcopyix1mm1byfumish4 ❑ Cerriful copy it 0l.J with the city inspection division. GREASE/INDIIS'1'RLWASTRIN'II?RCEPIOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXIIMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP P SOILS PEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE. Tilde section nod not he completed ifthe pumit is forone hundred dol (SIW) SEWER-SAN R T MHA.200 ENERGY FEE or less.) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permh is in d,toroth A . W/VLNTp'1. not employ any person m any manner,m as o the Workero pglp Compensation Law x f ia: D I ?R SYSTHM/fREA 1 O Dme Rcccipt# O z Applica t Z Q NOTICE TO APPLICAM':If,after makingthis Cen m.mof Caemption,yo should F. RILS I! IAL^ S TOTAL: r h become subjecunthe tankers Compenmtinn provision of the lsMrCode,y mus - Ing forthwith comply with such previsions or this Permit shall be dccmed invoked. BUILDING E 1 �� a [� CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMI l hereby nffrm tbxnhere iso construction lending agency for the performan, of O the work for which tbislxrmlt is issued(Sea.3097,Civ.C.) - \ Lks Lenders Name Q U hander's Address Q7'Y. MIiC LAICAL PI?EMIT FEE TNG FF.E 1 certify that I have read Nis application and state that the above in(ormmian is L1a c rrect.le to comply with all cit and animations andsmm laws acatin ur PERMI' UANCC MI:' ICAL FEE gree pYwi yon Y B V � huildingcmetmction,andherebyauthodnmpmsenmtivesofthia Cityocnterupoathe CONSTRUCTION TA% y aWve-merninned Property for inspection purposes. ALT ER OR ADD TO MECH. F7 (We)agree m save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino uguinst liabililics,judgmems,costs end expenses which may in any wayaceruevgains,said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,00X)Cl'M) nsequcnce oft of gof�thi�s ypermit. as //L /Rr, AIRHANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,0000-11)Signature of Appliam/Camrncmr"L 77 Date EXHAUST I IGOD(W/DUCp PAID HAZARDOUS MAT17RIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO 10b."BT U) Date Receipt# Will the applicant or future building occupant sore or handle hmnNooe material fIPATING UNI'I'(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: n..defined by the CuPcn ioo Municipal Gr1e,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code,Section 25532(q:' ❑Vex 13 No VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE REMO) BOILER-COMP(3HP OR IW”BTU) ISSUANCE TE Will Neepplicant or fuwre buildingaccupam uuequipmem nrdevicu whichemit . D huxardom air mntaminenu as defined by the Bay Ara Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(OVER 100.0010ITT U) P A B District? ❑Yes ❑No - NEW RHSIDHN'I'IA[,MECH. SQ.FT. .APR 7 1 have read the hexerdous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of th nde " Q 1995 oe Califoa l le th&Safcty Cade,Sxtiona 2.5505,25533 and 8534. 1 undersand that ^/` ifthcbuildingdsnane t emonaly haveamnt.that it is my responsibility in mainly the Ory r occupant of the requirements which must Po met prior o issuance of Cenifiam of Ur'C Occupancy. Owner or authnrimd ngcm Dale T0'1 ISSUED BY: OFFICE