27906APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING--IIOLLCrRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PING PRo(:-MEDHANICAL BUILDING PHO,INC'1'IDNMTIF'ICA'1'1f1N FICA PRRMrr NO. 27906 7 9 O C G v BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. A1P'f.IGTI0N SUBMITTAL DATE 6leS UNIT# LOT# tX _ `CONTROL# J OWNERS A E: PHONE: ' �/ / .2.. CONTRACTOR'S NAME: - ��qq 7 /006 WXg.IC NO: Q ii'ri H£9Y/ODCZ /nv a. S £c Q L S NIC ❑ , ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: ti 12 q oft✓ „ n`p 5411' D S E'. G. ex` "711. CONTACT: PHONE: T' 1 n ^^ r/I O n n1 p / �s lJ K. , 1. /-� /C< -7;7 0— U 7 �V QTY. ELIiCPRIC PERMIT WEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Bl. PLUMB CII PERMIT ISSUANCE' LICENSED CONTRAerproa DECLARATION Chapter 9(n, (commencing with licensed and Ihereby afhmuhatl 3 of um Section Professions etf Division J of Ne Rmineas and Rofesaions Cade, and my license is in pppLIANCGS- RISIDFNTIAL - LOB D�c` E/�■i�1K�aT_aF``eT '�/I/ PANELS ' e and full fence and effect. License Clusa Lic. # �? y par UP TO 200 AMPS Ilene — ECT S Dr� ' ARCHITECTS DCCLARAT'ION I undcrsmnd my plans eM1sll be unit us puhllc records. - 201 - I(MXI AMPS OVER INX AMPS $Q. Ff. FLUOR A rA , $/SQ. F4. SIGNS ELECTRICAL. Licensed Prufessinand OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt form the Cmrrwuuri License Law for the TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. following reason. (Smion 7031.5. Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county which reyuires a permit to common, cher, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prim to its issuance, alsorequires the applicant for such permit to files signedsmtemem POWER DEV[CES that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Cantrances License Law (Chapter 9(mmnmening with Section 7")of Division 3of the 9u1imessamd Profusion, Cade) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION or that he in exempt therefrom and the basis for alleged exemption. Any violatimi Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of OLD LEIS - SWITCHES - FIXTURES r inure than five hundred dollars ($SIXB, 1:1I,asnwneral shepmpeny,nrmy nnployceswiWwegesnstheirsolecompcnmtion, (- J[�' NEW RESIDENTIALELECTR SQ. IT. - STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCI'Ilix ,ill do the so,k, andthe stmaturn is not imcnded oroffcied formac(Sec 7(v4, Business and Proessions Cale: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of progeny whobuiWxorimprovea thereon,nndwhwicessuchworkhimsslfnthroughhis own employccs,pasvidear l that such improvements e not intendedoroffcred for sale. IL OCC GROUP RES. NITS however, the hawing.' improvementiasold withinone yearoferandermi,theowner- builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of �- QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE sale.). (3 Las r ropny, uesdusiv ennrsm Cad:) FLOODZONE APN construct the project (Se. Tk, Beninese ad Professions The Contmctor'e Licme haw does not apply toanownemfpropenywuobuildamimprovw thereon,and - PERMIT ISSUANCE � whoamwnsforsuchprojectswithacnmraGor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Licrric Law. ALTER - DRAIN&VL'NT - WATER EA ( 1 FEESUMMARY ❑ I um exempt under Sec. , B & PC for this reason BACK MOW PROTECT. DEVICE. ourimmirrmS SANITARY Y N RECEIPT# _ Owner Date DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF,ARGA, GOND. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOL TAX YN ;;-I hereby affirm that lhave eccnificem of conacmmaelf-insum, ore ccnificme of Worken'Campensa,ion lnsumnce oroc<nif¢d copy lh:er1eof(S!ec.p3900,Lab Cc.)wrhi�ch FlX'1'URPS PER TRAP i RECEIPT# PARK FEE Y N cover.ull employee's under this permit. / 4./0 /U / — [ / Policy # l REC..IIvi GAS- EA. SYSTEM.1 INCA OUTLETS BUILDING DIVISION HIS ComLL''any STG. TS FUys aO ipc'nified copy is hereby famished. GAS - EA. SYSTIN-OVER4(EA) PLANCHECK FEE GREASEpNDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE - ❑ Cenitied copy is riled with the city inspection division. ' CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE-,,s,„,�.. _. <ypp; rya,; ('I lik,cmma need not ba mmplend i true Finati6sfor nn0 hundred dollars($I(X)) GREASGIRAP;•,,; ,. s�•".• •:..- SOILS FEE - SEWER -SANITARY- SI' ORM IiA'(2WF7: ENERGY FEE or leas) :• I. -10A FA R NT/BLCCfR L•� W TERSY TING - PAID Dam I certify that in the performan<e of the work ibr which this remail'�y Is I not employ any person in any manner sat n, m become v;g' ,tl f or Coommotionuassof Califnnem. Dane 5_ 111 Applicant - NOI'ICH TO APPLICANT: IL after making this Cen[Bate of Ekempti ,y shdulA become suhjectm the Workers Compensotion pmvisiom of the labor C ,you must •" E' IN RSI 1 MB. SQ. FT. OT fnnhwith comply with such provisions or permit shell be domed revoked. i GATE,� ` t,I BUILD[ 'E SEISMI CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AGENCY that rthere is icacd,Stinn lending agency for OW'performance ❑m work for which this permit is issunl (Sec. 3097, Civ. CJ I.kfor which Leader's Name � ...,..... �'s3''-^S• T .a...s_,.��.. ELECTRIC FEE _� Leader's Address Q9'Y, MECHANICAL PERMIT F7113 PLUMBING I7LL I certify that I have read this application and state ilia, the moose information is I agree locomply with all city and cnuntyoMinmcesnndslntelawarelating to PERMITISSUANCC MECHANICAL FEEmeet. buildingcouswction, and hereby amhariu mprocamtives ofthis city tocmmr upon the shove -mentioned n for in, Gion venae Y R puTosm. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. - CONSTRUCTION'TAX (We) agree nt save, indemnify and keep harmless rhe City of Cupertino against dgmts. comm linbilities,jurn adapenua which mey n , s ay in mywccmeegainst said City AIR HANDLING UNIT TO 10.000 CM) in emseyuence of Ne granting of this panni,. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10.000 CFM) Signature of Applicant/Comrctor Dme EXHAUST FOOD(W/DUCTT PAID HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000BTU) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Date Recei Will the the Cuantono tme MunicipalCode. Camsure o, handle haatilkh amateriA us delisted by the Cupertino Municipal Cssle, Chapter 9.12, end the 1leshh and Safety HEATING UNIT (OVER 1(10,0(10 BTU) TOTAL: VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESID) Cale, Section 25532(0)? 11 Yes 11 No WilHhea licaut orfutumbuildin cecu ten use pp g p BOILER- COMPQIIPOR IW,” BTU) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER - COMP (OVER 100,000 BTU) hazardous air comamimvtts as dehneJ by the Bay Area Air Quality Alanagement Area Air Quality Management Dislrin? - PAID 13 Y. ❑ No e/� NEW RESIDENTIAL. MECH. SQ. FT, I have read the titanium, materials rcm gnircents under Chapter 6.95 of the OR 72 California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534. 1 understand that If Wa building does not currently lasso u tenant, that it is my responsibility to nosily the a 'r occupant of the ref'rements which must he met prior In issuance of a Cenilinnu of Occupancy. ISSUED BY: Ownermuutho dagem 7 Dale TOTAL: OFFICE