02090153 CITY DISIONO VIINPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: IIIRLDIp1GA�WOOD AV PERMIbN�p90153 19I'1/-11ftf RAYMOND M AND BARBARA APPLI(MYSI)A7L002 qqq• PHONE: SANITARY NO.L J CONTROL NO. OO ARCHTTECT`ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO F BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ��t�bl ZO=� LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION t REPAIR. MS BATHR1vtJ/1?ASE to c® OZ� IhereM1y uffm uu,lati licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencin r-yt� with Section 700D.f Divisimrlafthe Business and Professions Cade,and my license ,.h.full force and d t. DEC200 o License Glue 1 e Lie.« 3 1 2 Date Convector 0.5 ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION'.' m S 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records p O L tensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ����D��■C; � 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from,he Contractor's License law for,he $20000 t Z Gfallowing mason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Pncasinos Crate:Any city or county which requires o M t t construct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any awcmm - e 3$ •Port.its issmoroe.itiotivesthapplicros fur such permit m file asitnwxatemem --- _ ........ A. A .... .,.._... .._. M the is learned pub t,Blk piavisronsofthe Contractors License,Law Chapter 71 `i i O .QCean aFi'T•{{\f'. r Valuation (cum 'ng with Sec 7000)of Division 3 of me Qusmessmal Pmfessmna Cak) �,�,y (aL r,i„ ei.rit ?'.hl :r1lJ+'s: of that he is Agmpnhcofrom and me basis for the alleged eAemp,inv.Any violation t -of Section 7031.5 6y my epplicah,(...penrv,subjme the applicant to.601 penalty, P y�P of not mace than five hundred e.garsfs5oo). AP roc'.;.",o Occu ane e 01,aa.wnarodum n 102 - PIERS pope y,ormy with intended wagamed their ale(Sens7r. will do,'m work:'and'ihc ode:TItruchie Contractor's en a Law snot apply to an .. Required Inspectionsl:a f.: ' rBusihesi vnd Piofessinm Code:The Commct.r's License law d«s no,apply,.an 3• - owner.fp penyWh h Id nmprov th naid hodnessuchworkh'm If 104 - REBAR orflaomgh Micron employee,.providedthattinch imporwmero arc no,imemlexim i 105- - ANCHOR-BOLTS - ._ -_ _...._ _.. `nlf red forsl .'If.hive e,,he M1u,IJing cop bemem rssadwnhm rob year of F 'cdmpletin,the owner-builder will haw the burden of proving that he did not Wild or 106 - SEWER & WATER r improve for purpose of sale.). - ------ - - -- -- - - .._._...—._... - ----202-----UNDERFLOOR....PLUMBING----- --- - --- ---- - ElLia,gwnerohhe property,am exclusively comnning with licensed conuamosam - - co,.iwn me project fSro.7044.Business and Professions Cwea The Comment's 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL ELU : ".1 NM ,,, , License law does not apply to an owner of propcny who builds or imposes,hereon. -- _.and-who.contracts for-such.p cls.withacomnc,or(t).lieaused us,..."t..me- __.__.-..__.204_.=...UNDERF.LOOR_FRAME S _----_. _- c m,rL le 205 - UNDERFLOOR�,,IN(S'ULATION t d ' < I' `B&P for arc an d': 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING r "WORKERS COM SATION DECLAR ON 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER hercbran. ngrprnneyorpr)y .ntgnher.u.wmgdealnvam- 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL = 01 heveeod will'maintainacceeiecdie'of'Conmem`ht self-mmarc for Walser's 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Campgmmain;as provided for by Section non of the-Lahr Code, for the 305 — FRAME perfow f he workf rwhich,hi pawn is issued., 306 — HOEDOWNS n.rCIy'Pn.n,wCeIr.C"scOMnc'JAIaNCllf�S1Oi 11T0tM,RhNnN�aePUOEa,TNPimepS�EIeOpAf_yPXcalTvNek�E.1 otrIwnMOn`aN P nnm TIe ipNlt S.cNfUp-Kk,eR.FhtriRA-iOrNewiuMCdr�srE AWfoe1 lfIO.r°ErforRdrd'n.iie" fp hhaP"o¢ub h$n°dFmrtr`-ni t. .:lI '3330-.3 70 4_:..:...,.-... INSULATION ElIh c ndwillmwc sdetl 308, .. .,SHEETROCK 30itkTERIQRiI LA A'TT HHi_as/',_ , dt 311 Y ,1,SCRATCH COAT ush' s - FINAL ELECTRICAL_--_.;f._`f_.E-._'N., ER... G._ Q,Yt.,'J �-C,r have Weiser 501 Pi502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY c NDTICpushoudd 5 0 3. FINAL MECHANI CAL . ENERGY h c meh fo voe uv rtcomplywlhsmhp�Positions 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY C _ -505 = -FINAL-ELECTRICAL' .,....-_..-.._...._._ _ a,> he by Piwihvuh answmo 1nd,ng g yf ,fiepAomn 506 — GAS TEST b(the kf which,h pe ua,ssued(Se 3097.Ci C) " , 50-7-'�--FINAL-PLUMBING- - --- '_ -- D-Z Lcna4 Aearca._ ' Y I ,.,.I 508 - FINAL MECHANTCAD'i, VO leen fy thmlM1 cad m's appl car and atom,he the hove mformmon is QkTa''Qr[ny- jAI hPehPLibtIo Ge(WAeN'77edgWf menDeA,uEdTRpIcO5NTpAt StNntgi.ay:DlfiePd5fm`eAn1x}'igNf'ysOj�paesW;n;nd'NIt Lkr:nepL hr`P pC.'Ohh(rp Y.."ImP;ljLeYsfe, lNi,hYrT♦CHi,XyLolfCNuOpeNm_'-naoat �'' a — GRADE NAL[. sNatnt .V nor spn 510 NAL P NI ING 51 NAL said C -` , POIIRKS DateSOUCGLLISSUedby - .Srtpot F.f lC , c. rRe-roofs HAZARDQUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE t ID , ^ Wll,h opphcam (wren ldtag occpantmm or handle hdzwdo uus ertenal Type Of ROOF -- �adfncdbythe Cuq.ninn Municipal Code Chnpmr912 enJ,he Health andSftyp1; iii ;code Ov�v553O lr 'r, t ¢ '" f a �4 All roofs shall be inspected prior.to any,roofing material being installed • ; if]the pphcanto artyrebuihing <ui,flay eArQnto deuces h n If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection I'agree`to remove cion hamrd 'air com m non¢as defnw by the Bay Arta A1r Quality Menagemenl 'D tactall new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with `all non- oint source re Mations 1 ha a read the h i-aus mann Is- gmrcn rRs undo Chap r 6.95 of the, ' C hfa&.Health&safety Coda,Sectio 05,25533 and 25534 I, ndersand that I „if,he build ogd yrcspo sbh,yt - ufY m< _. __.... . . . . ._ ... .. - _.-_,... - _...._.__.. Oce Pfitof,h re , re m: 1, m m, n ni m ce of CemE t f' esn cu niy mea, ,rot t sat p p Signature of Applicant_,_- 'Owner a,mcnu as All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better v u. OFFICE....