S 3398 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY ' CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELF.CIRICAI. PEI( rNO. 3398 IIISMIXING DIVISION APPLICATIONA'ERMIT PLUMIIING-MECHANICAL l\,7 • ,IIUI[,IIIN(;I'kO,IEC'1'11)EN'I'IF'ICSFION , BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO, APPLICATTONSURMI'TI'ALDAIL OWNTH'S NA - ie I PHONE CONTRnIIOIt:S NAME: LIC NO: N NIC CON-ROL# CHI'I'EC'IIIiNGINFEE I,IC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ ' cilr COfJTAC'I` _ PHONP //,,��--,, BUILDING PERMIT.INI'O ' yJ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) In DO EI,F,CP PLUMB Mltcu DCOSTR TO S ATION t j• h y 9 II t I J d !Cha...9(cot na QTY. 1 LI CTRIC PERMIT' "PCI, p' p s JOR DESCRIPTION WOO, 1111 S a' 7000) ID J flaBue es P dmylce . L 1,0 1'IRMIT ISSUANCE ll -V h� ti_G llf and effect ,Ir'(��,) a(r}SLCy��(/�}���Jj ,fDWL ❑KITCHEN REMODEL aUU License Class -IL�LicH av /-/ — 4 an nI'I'LIANCIel-ItIA1DENCIAI. ❑ADDITION ❑I'LUM1191NG kF-I'IPIi 9 Qfi6 DCIc Cmnraaor F.Drn ARCIII 'CTSvWFCLA N PANELS ❑MULTI-UNIT ❑S'1'RUCfURAL ZO um and myl airs. ul a sed exp tem nl: MODIFICA'DON O Z 41 Z UPT02W AMPS p El INTERIOR El CHIMNEY REPAIR h.Y j Lice seJP 01-1000AMPS IMPROVEMFNT 0SWIMMING POOLS 66' OWNER UTI. U OVER 1000AMPS ❑HATH RI:MODHL/REPAIR �I3FMOLITION C)C 6 I hamthy affirm Tho I not exempt from the Car meters License Law for the k 3 C OF fella,ing rc n.(Section]1131.5,Racine, and Prnfes is Cod,Any city or matey SIGNS 13LEC(RICA]. HFR 41 Ir,rn which rcquiras v sbuml In cnnswet,aIle,inipruvn,toadish,or repair vny cucmre prima its issnunce,also regnirex the applicant for such Permit ofile a signed statement SPECIAL CIRCUI UTAISC. } that leis licensed unwrmnthe prmoeimasorthe Connector's license 1-tOw(Chupre,9 �DO ( ingwiW Section 700oofUlvixion 3 Ortho Rosiness lord Profession,CodeJur I EMU METER OR POLE INS'(. F W ennvuenc c a nue he is exempt therd"rem ant the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of ❑NL'W kI,DGIADDITION ❑Dp OLI'HON ^N Sectinn]OJLS by any applicant l'urupermit wbjvice'the appllcnm lira civil penalty of TOWER DEVICES ❑TFNAN'I' ❑FOOD SERVICE manmro than live hundred dollars M500). 0 Ln.,ownerofthe property,Or ntyemployeas with wages as their side compensation. SWIMMINGPOOLTI.ECTRIC IMPROVEMENT p. will do the work,and Wemocw¢is aotlmmrdcdenuf(cred for see(See 9044,❑usinca, ❑OTI IER W m and Profesoons Can, The Calnmemrs License Lew does net apply to;in owner of OU'I LEIS-SWITC1 US-FIXTURES 4 pmpcny who builds or ilnpmves thereon,and who doessuch,ark himself or hrough his own employees,provided rho such Improvenarrlts art not intended or ,It...it for NEW RIiA1D13N'I'TAI.ELECT R SQ IN; sale11,haweve0 the building or itn,"Arroent is sold within one yeenut cmmpletion,the SQ.FT FLOOR AREA VSQ.IR. ,builder will have the burden of pmvmg that he did not build or improve for pur- poseofsalc.). L ns Owner of the pmpeny,ata icachowdy conaaeding with licensed conn, m TOIAI; tormnedth napt,(S 7094H : w adPrf ns C.Ia)Me Coamnors 1, ^y' ,O.,c Law does ma apply Into ofp pony who builds or in cases ticrcm std QTY. "P, NG PERMIT FEE ,ho,onaratIal h1 l t. In coir t (,)I mel to...nam m the Coundai O 1 License Law, PERMIT ISSUANCg ❑lam Otani under See. ,R&P C for th is reason Owner Dat` L'I AER-DRAIN A,VENT-WA'IF.E(FA) VAI A'TI 2q9� oo� WOIt under p COMPENSATION Dl[he following BACK FLOW PI<(YI'IiCT'.Ti 140 I hereby nlLirm under p�nnhy of penury one of the following dedumtione: (have and will mainmin aCeniMme o[Consenun selFimurc for Workers Gompeo- DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,COND. S 'IYI'1?CONSTkUCI'ION xmian.as provided for by Seen am 3]00 of We Labor Code,for the perfmmttmec ol'the work for which this permit is issued FIXTURES-PER TRAP ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,its required by Section 7700of the Labor Cw4',f nbe erinnnnnc0.111 ' k "Moot this. to issued. GAS-PA.SYSTEM"II OUTLETS � u ( P APN My Workc oP m cn in more is nyI' yya i1Atef. nl Currier: r GAS-EA.SVS'I'F.M-O R (EA) CERTIFICATROPE TAIIHONFItOMWORKERl' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GRTASOINDUSTRh WAST iINTERCI?l )k HUILDING DIVI51(]N PEE,ti Clhls section nsrd nn be contplare free T to humlreA J011arc(Slip) GREASETRAF or lcxsJ W�,yfps1/ya(�'q1 /�f��y'/��'�{,�}'1% 1) PL CHEC Icrn i fy th:f`in thu•pMugtfxll Ct c balkfRr whic�fhispennit is issucd,Fsha11 SEWER-SAA FARV STORM EA.2 )FI` 99(� not employ may person in any manner.co as to become subjeel at the Worker'COmprn- I 9J L ERGY -'E 2 OL O,z sation Laws to California,Dale WA TER I i FA Plitt WIV I iNTYELECTR z Q Appl rurl GRADING FTI? NOTICE TO APPLICANT:if,alter making this Certificate of Exemption,you should WAfEN SYS'T'EM/I'kL'ATING j become svbJect m doeWorker's Co per,., n provi-ar,of the I,uhul Cn I,you nunl SOILS FEE I urtnwilhcantplY with such or..Wor,mthis panot,hall bedeemc4ovoked, WATER SERVICE Q CONSIattle is ac0NLItNDINGng ENCYagony NI1W ItESIDEMCIAI.PLMIf. SQ. PATO UO work rwhich this that them isaeo (Sec.amending agencyliarthe performance of Ihne Itueiptp (J. P: Leaders Name for which thicpermit is issued(Scc.3W].Gv.CJ O U IcraIv,Hanle 'TOTAL. I,enJer I Address TY)'fAl: � 1 cenilY that 1 have read Otiu application and slam Wm Lha¢Moes infennation is RI-,?VCF I111.DIN( F'.; Tai] correct.I agree la comply wish all elry tool county olainlanee.and stele laws relunng m Q'ry, MECHANICAL PIiRMIT(, U z building ennMmdionand hereby:nnhoriue repoesenmtivex Oak ciryto enter upnnhc uEISMI HJ? abovemctnioned pmpeny for inspection purposes. PERMIT ISSUANCE al C (We)agree m save,inJmnnify mad keep list less Lha City of Cupcnino against : ! fliabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City ALTERORADDTOMGCH.mmoire eoflhe 8ruming of lhisp air LU IN IgiEAPl'I UNDIikS"I'AAL COMPLY WITH Al NO POINT Ant HANDLING UNIT 07010,00 CFM)SO ( ' EGULATI ( YJ I/ 1iCH (CAL Fiili �6 �Q//�/ ( AIR HANDLING UNI'I'(OVER H1,1)00 CFM1CONS' CfIUN'1'A% S�geamrco pplicanU ammeter ntii Or EXHAUSTHOOD UVIDUCT) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSUREHOUSING TIGATIUN PEE Will the upplluum ur l"wore bullJing xcnpam mire nr h:mAle h:nnnlous material HEATING ON[[(TO 100,000 R'I'U) v,defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code Senium 2S532(rdl 1117,ATING UNIT(OVER I00'sio R'lIII ❑Vies ISNi VENTI LAI ION FANS I NO LE ICES I O) PAID - ��--" [)ate Receipt k Will the applicant or h mre building racupvm use equipment or dreier,which BOILER pHi'OR IIXLOIXI RT'U) rid hnuurdous Illy conumsinmas in delluel by the tiny Are,Air Qua9ty M,nugcmem isvict7 'TOTAL: C]yes �61. ROI LER-COM P(OVER 10,009TU) laced aha M1:rzorJnus materials interne ums' Chapter 6,95 of the Cali- AIR CUNDI'I'IONEN ISSUANCE J 'E fomia He, h Satre GJe,Sminn 5. 5533 and 25534.I ondcrstan that a the I �J Y NEW ItESID1iNTIAL MECH. SQ, -y, �� _7 built"g mcurrcnlly l' Icmnt my ra.ponnibility¢ til" t e uu1 n no oCl e c onsh. xt cola c u�Of O mer rind agent r D m 'TOTAL: I c,JUD try: s OFFICE h HR. 2.1545 12:aJ8M i BRIRI•i F'UL'LY: h10.241 P.Z/2: Brian 1(aga6 fmdk Engineers . Surveyors . Plenners • March 2, 1999 960069.50 Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way,Su11ta200 San Mateo,CA 94404 Subject: Oak Valley—Foundation Verification Dear Chuck, On March 1, 1999 we performed a field survey of die location of 6e foundation forms for die buildings bring constructed on Lot 4-10,4-11 and Lot 4-17 of the Oak Valley project is Cupertino. The resu!ts of that survey clearly show that the location of the foundation forms are consistent and in conformance with the design location of tic buildings,as said locations are shown on iluc plans prepared by our firth. This letter Is Intended to provide you wide the verification of those units per our survey, if there are any other questions concoming chat location please do not hesitate to call. Sincerel), LAND SVS • 4W GSL O BRIAN KANGAS FOULK BRADLEY ti 0ILBC Bradley A,Bilbo P.L.S.6141 EXP,3!31/02 Project Manager rl No,6141 �F Survey Department SlFOF OALtEOq��*s� E40 Price Avcnua • Redwood City,CA 94083 . (W5 482.8300 . PAX IE50)482.0399 • • ENGINEERING WEST INC. OBSERVATION CHART OAK VAL EY DEVELOPMENT CUPERTINO, CA. PAT BURKE BTRAU88 EROS. PAGE 1 OF 3 660 137.0076 408 187.1923 DATE: 8-29.98 THIS CHART INDICATES THE DATES AT WHICH EACH COMPONENT OF:EACH BUILDING WAS OBSERVED AND FOUND IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS. LEGEND N.0. • CONSTRUCTION NOT COMPLETELY OBSERVED • CORRECTIONS REO'D. LIST GIVEN TO CONTRACTOR. FON. . STEEL REINFORCING,HOLDOWN ANCI4OR BOLT OBSERVATION 1ST FLOOR ■ UNDERFLOOR FRAMING OBSERVATION ROOF PLY. • PLYWOOD NAILING OBSERVATION EXTERIOR PLY. . PLYWOOD NAILING,HARDWARE OBSERVATION BASIC FRMG. . GENERAL FRAMING AND HARDWARE CIBS VATION UNIT I Lol Plan I OPTIONdn, AS'S I tat fluor Roof DIv I Ext Basic 4 0311 1 04/12198 9 4!9 4/98 4 8 7C 03110/99 1 04114199 08124,99 08/24/99 07/01/99 4 9 5C 31BONUS 03/10/99 1 04/14199 07/09/99 07/09/99 07/29/99 4 10 20 3 03/01/99 1 04/0259 07/20/99 07/14/99 0729/99 4 11 30 03/01199 04/0299 07/01/99 06/30/99 07/16/99 4 12 48 3 11/13198 12/1058 01/21/99 01/21188 0125/99 4 13 6C 2 0928198 10/09,198 11/00/96 11/13/98 12/15/98 • 413 6C ADDITION " 1 02/09.99 02/09/99 02/09/99 02/06/99 4 14 2A 2 02/02/99 03/01.99 1 05/10/99 1 0521/99 06/04/99 4 15 I 5D 2 02/02/99 03/0819 1 0527/99 08/09/99 06/09/99 4 17 1 2C 03/01/99 03/30,99 1 06/17/99 06/30/99 07/06/99 4 18 16E 2BONU5 12/14/98 1224158 1 03/08/99 03/08199 04112/9D 4 20 4B 3BONUS 12/22/98 1 04/14,98 1 03/18/99 0322/99 04/14/99 4 21 28 2 03/19/99 04/14/99 1 07/27/99 0727199 08110199 4 1 22 SA 2B0NUS 03/18/99 04114AS 1 0720/99 07/23/99 08/10199 41 23 3A 3 01/12/99 02/18189 1 05/13/99 05-07-99 06/01/89 4 1 24 6D 3180NUS 01/12/99 02/17199 1 05-03-99 04-30-99 05/17199 4 25 5C 3 1223198 02/19199 1 04/02/99 04/05/99 05/14/99 4 28 2D 2 01/08/99 02/12/99 1 05/10/99 0428/99 05/11/99 4 27 40 3 01/08/99 1 02/05/99 04/14/99 04/12/99 05-07-99 4 28 6B I 3/BONUS 12/14/98 1 01/04199 03/03/98 03/03/99 03130199 4 29 7A 2 11/13/98 12/10198 02110/99 02/10/99 03/03/99 4 30 3C 3 11/13/98 12/10/98 02/03/99 02/01/BB 03/11(99 4 31 58 3BONUS 02/12/99 03/18/99 06/03/98 08!09/99 08!17/99 4 32 2B 3 02/12/99 03/10/99 06/11199 06/17/98 08/30/99 NO E : (1)•LOT 13 PLAN 6C FON. (OFFICE OPTION); CORRECTIONS NOT 013SERVED. • t0 'd OL9t 962 804 1S3M 5N1:N33Nr0N3 dL£ r60 66-0£-6nH • . 1 14JZZA DATE JOB NO, Consulting Engineers and Scientists -- 425 ROLAND WAY PROJECT OAKLAND, CA 94621 • (510) 568-4001 LOCATION TO (_' � Pel C,;j .V r f; /r ( i:-:� /,/ C, CONTRACTOR OWNER Date ✓�' /' y /i�!-'bJ/\j WEATHER TEMP. oat AM C �cr1 . ✓ r'1 /Y °at PM Hours Charged To Project '� Nuclear Density Tests_r�' PRESENT AT SITE Field Task Number / Concrete Cylinders . // c ♦r THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: ARRIVAL: SITE DESCRIPTION: -a, r f_4/ re r LOLv!,F;% Ov i?a tee:/ is i i o�7i. a� r", k'6 �,'.,J ;,✓ ✓7 �. L;J - /_ t:% Z 1� L* '/�(�� c� '/'u�(G -� J /�J /(�r°�',cl �` ...r t1 % L-J i'JGr"1.'.P-l� �:I�.0 CL vo-t'. jr I COMPLIANCE & NON COM PLIANCE: 4 } 17- A �1!'% /� /� ��j ''r � 1l :�il/ �f�•1 ��l :/'o - � � l.f J / -�.��•(a':�^,...( ➢lJ� 1 -Y� ,a' / w h /:/ it '>•kJ C 9, vP h WIIRK IN PROGRESS: I ;i %: ( 7 7 1 v' , ''✓ 1. •D: 'r d"if a.^_L. (y(.'./.0 r � ,. f /LM , f. rd t Y -L'L.,•e rL/ y., •�l - !:w _ ;,n .1,... ;f� �'�4'A-r' L- ' ci� ._� I ( o-^. .1, `� h.'C, I` - - `!�) i�.•l i r'l� / i,�i,V -\, ' /��' h('. �,� .rV/- r C arv. �,, s./� l I � � ,....a• SPECIAL CONDITIONS: G%��!'' L/ '( L / cr( r"l /.L '(.. i�/-: r 1 EAS"� ..a,.J �.: � l ��C f rl:y /i �: ;,.. ., vC(1 l' / i j Ir „nJ/ c 16 ( � •/�� ( r EQUIPMENT IN USE: COPIES TO �!.'! 1 .'... %_ 'j i' /'. FUELED D IE P A7 / SIGNED1,24 p ^i. CLIENT !/ • dBPIEN ,,,PGROUP Patrick Burke From: Jim Ripley(SMTP:rlplaydg®pacbell.not) Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 2:213 AM ro: * PAT BURKE Subject: OAK VALLEY )at Burke VCS �O )ak Valley ;upertlno, CA, � tolerance: Linear parkway planting, V,at, JI plantings within the linear park are consistent wllh the landscape onslrumion documents prepared by this office and reviewed by the city n 1* 1998 and conform with the preliminary approval douments, ames A. Ripley ,ipley Design Group, Inc. FINAL PLARRHO 00 @FF [ � TZZ SWARD WAY, SUITE 200,SAN MATEO,CALIFORNIA 944042473 TELEFIIONE(610),177-0300 FACSIMILE(610)349.2442 O wv1uA Myrrh I. 1996 5EP,13,1999 11:57H11 HO.695 P.9/9 • D I z m + s z Y y Z cr 17 7' N D a Z N ID A � y o z zo m rn I" m an 7, j n m � Fv ig. � m A m s a o w m s p z CD A o • • �AOh" //.4//id .INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (page 1 of 4) — CF-6R r Site Address ermtt Number An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made available for all appropriate inspections. (The information provided on this form is required;however,use of this form to provide the information is optional.) After completion of final inspection, a copy must be provided to the building department(upon request)and the building owner at occupancy, per Section 10-103(b). HVAC SYSTEMS: Hearing Equipment Equip. N of Efficiency Duct Duct or Heating Heating Type(pkg. CEC Certified Mrr Name Identical (AFUE,tie.)t Location Piping Load Capacity heat ourntil and Model Number Systems xCF-IR value attic etc. R-value (Btu/hr) -(B_tu/h�r �D uauu�e SRA✓o9_,',./6 �2Cz -Z�-� Cooling Equipment Equip. CEC Certified Compressor N of Efficiency Duct Cooling Cooling Type(pkg. Unit Mfr Name and Identical (SEER ete.)t Location Duct Load Capacity —„ heal um Model Number Systems 2CF-IR value (strict etc. R-value (Btu/hr) tulles y ,,424i-r / JD T ,T 1. >_reads greater than or equal to. 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above is: 1) is the actual equipment installed,2) equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF-IR)submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings,and 3)equipment that meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for •manufactured devices(from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part 6),where applicable. Signature,Date Installing Subcontractor(Co.Name) OR General Contractor(Co.Name)OR Owner WATER H ATIN SYSTFMS• ` Distribution If Recir- No Rated' Tank EBl- External Heater CEC Certified Mfr Type(Std, culation, Identical Input(kW Volume eiency' Standby' Insulation Type Name&Model Number Point-or-Use) Control Type Systems or Multi) (gallons) (EF,RE) Lou I%) R-value 2 For small gas storage(rated input of less than or equal to 75,000 Btufl r),electric rulstaoce and heat pump water heaters,list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water heaters(rated input or greater than 75,000 Btuthr),list Recovery Efficiency,Standby Loss and Rated Input For Instantaneous gas water heaters,list Recovery Efficiency and Rated Input Faucets &Shower Heads: All faucets and showerheads installed are certified to the Commission,pursuant to Title 24,Part 6,Subchapter 2, Section Ill. 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above my signature: 1) is the actual equipment installed;2) is equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF-IR)submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings;and 3)the equipment meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices(from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part 6),where applicable. Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor(Co.Name)OR General Contractor(Co.Name) OR Owner COPY TO: Building Department Building Owner at Occupancy R oviawt Marsh 1. 1996 • Brian Kangas Foulk Engin ira . 9urvevon . Planners March 2, 1999 960069.60 Chuck Schoenberger O'Brleo Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Matto,CA 94404 Su*ct. 011t Volley—Poundadon Verification Dear Chuck, On March 1, 1999 we performed a field survey of die location of the foundation forma for die buildings bring constricted on Lot 4•ION-11 and Lot 4.17 of the Oak Valloy projeC,in Cupertino. u The resu:ts of than survey clem•:y show that die lo¢atlon of the foundation forms are consistent and In conPortnance whit the design location ii"cho building our flrrn. s,as said locations are shown on the plans prepared by This Itner is Intonded to provide you with die verlflcatlon of those unlis per our survey. If Owe are any other questions concerning d:at location please do not hWtito to call. Sincerely, 'esE'� LAND sv� BRIAN KASOAS FOULK BRADLEY k BILee Bradley A. Bllbo P13, 6141 4 EXF, 3/91/02 Project Manager Vol Survey Department le �p CAI.iF�.e✓ 646 Nice Avena4 . Rauwood wily.cA 946e7 . (650149241300 . FAX;BS01482.6399 OPIM �as Faulk Enpineare . 9urvevora • Plannsu March 2, 1999 960069.50 • Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Sults 200 San Mateo,CA 94404 SubJect•, 021t Valley—Foundation Verification Deer Chuck, On March I, 1999 wa performed u.field survey of die location of the folued3tion tomo for dte buildings being constricted on Lot 4.10,4�and Lot 4.17 of the Oak Valley projem in Cupertino. The resu:ts of tbat survey clem•:y show that the location of the foundation forma are consistent and in conformance with the design location of the buildings,as said locations are shown on the plena prepared by our flan. This letter is Intonded to pro%id4 you with the verification of those units per our survey, If here are any other questions concemlag that location pleaaa do not he6ltate to call. Sincerely, / i+s�e LA N p sUR . BIUAN KA\CAS rOULK " BRADLEY h.81L80 Bradley A. Billie P•L,S, 6141 At txP 3/91/02 4 Protect Manager vj Na 8141 Survey Department �c Of CAl.tf� NC Nee Avenw4 0 Aawroad City,CA 94083 • (SM 48244 . FAX 00)482-6309 Rug 20 99 05: 09p KELLER LBR SRLES 530-246-0796 p. 3 6945 �,\1�Ta or nMgr� CERTIFICATE OFCONFORMANCE HE UNDERSIGNED MANUFACTURER HEREBY CERTIFIES that the products Identified below and on attached sheets Nos, are marked with the Collective Mark of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION (AITC)and were manufactured In conformance with applicable provisions of American National Standard ANS UAITC A190.1-1992, Structural Glued Laminated Timber,and that such manufacture has been at our plant In Drain, OR , which plant has a quality control system approved by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION and Inspected periodically by such Bureau. JOB NAME: Keller Lumber Sales, Inc. for Stock JOB LOCATION: Redding, CA CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. P0# 6945 DATE 12-02-98 MFGR'S ORDER NO. 4130—D • SUNNYVALE PO# 38743 5-1/8 x 18 x 16' 31GNATURE COMPANY DOCo-Lam 7171E Quality Control ADDRESS IO Box 297, Drain, OR DATE 12-10-98 AITC HEREBY CERTIFIES that the said company at Its said plant is licensed by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION to use the AITC Collective Mark in respect of products which comply with applicable provisions of said Standard, that the adequacy of the qual- ity control system in effect at said plant Is periodically inspected and verified by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION, and that, in the judgement of AITC, said company Is capable of complying with applicable manufacturing and testing provisions of said Standard In respect of products manufactured at said plant. Conformance with the Standard In respect of any specific or particular product is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer; AITC's guarantee hereunder being that the said company is qualified to produce a product meeting the said Standard and that Its plant is periodically inspected and verified by the AITC Inspection Bureau. AITC CerflfiCOtO NO, 92- 0 4 4 8 3 5 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION SEAL LRECEIVED 1952. DEC 17 1998 KELLER LBR. SALES ®1992 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION AITC FORM 19C nRR. 2.1�,?5 1 a°Ii -D;.-k FouLv, NO.�-'a1 F'.Z/2 Brian Kangas Faulk Engineers a Surveyors . Plerners March 2, 1999 960069-50 Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo,CA 94404 Subject: Oult Valley—Foundation Verification Dear Chuck, On March I, 1999 we perforraed.a.fleld surtvey.of die location of 6-foundation forms for die buildings bring constructed on Lott I6,4.11 iffrd Lot 4-7 of the Oalc Valley proje�,in Cupertino. The resu:ts of that survey clearly show that die location of the foundation forms are consistent and In conformance wit the design location of die buildings,as said locations are shown on the plans prepared by our firm. 7n. letter Is Intended w provide you with the verification of those units per our survey, if there are any other questions conoeming diet location please do not hes ate to call. Sincerely, oa�� LAND SVS BRAN ICA\'GAS FOULK " 6RA0LCY A.8180 9 Bradley A. Bilbo P,L.S. 6141 [XP.3/91/02 4 Project Manager N� Na 6141 �Q Survey Department qt �cA OF CAUE�� E4C Pke Avun�u • Ralwood City.CA 44063 . (6601462.6300 . FAX iE60)482.6399 • DATE JOB NO. Consulting Engineers and Scientists / 9 L `/cJ 425 ROLAND WAY PROJECT/^� OAKLAND, CA 94621 r<% I air.G^n Ii (510) 568.4001 LOCATION J CONTRACTOR �r OWNER 7"v/9 L)5 /1-'-J (': -7 WEATHER ✓ / ! ��2tu/�1 ,1i WEATHER TEMP. *at AM Date ✓ r4 i °at PM Hours Charged To Project 2 Nuclear Density Tests PRESENT AT 91 E - - - , % Al ./ ' Field Task Number G 7 ✓� / %..r ,A c r p THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: ARRIVAL: SITE DESCRIPTION: R/r - / ,: r in:v-:n-: Or c✓ ;,.iter i Lu/i...: r xc �°„ I1.i,� 'i l4 74 Ca^Jc..;/ �r ✓✓lam uvo•-e ^fi COMPLIANCE & NONCOMPLIANCE: `;;a ^ ,;�/" `'v' i r c• :'G/ r-JIF ioo i^ r e7l i- ,; �.y :iP „J / 11 Gf ; '✓ �,h..5r G:e :.:""- ')I. c -.Ji rU 11cry ,.cn ! + Aj7 ORK IN PROGRESS: f G'.ar c.;.. .a / %� �� �::,h < :or:_,./. STC O-k-j /_. i..P i i,_ '.,� r /:'..:/:'�•x•. 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