01020037 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDtKo DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILI)INn ADDRB.SS; - PHRMI'r NO. 10520 JOHN WY CRL—PAC ROOFING S N MATE001020037 OWNER'S NAME APPLICATION SUB DATE MA HAN—REI AND AMY C 2515 S EL CAMINO 02/07/2001 IONF. SANITARY No CONTROL NO. O (650) 286-0450 WOO NBC)[] BUILDING PERMIT INFO c❑❑ BLD6 171.1401PLUMB MECH FEW 1- 1 L_1 I_1 ¢a z N 1.Irr,NSeau1,1111dudres ,ol oRAnDN Job Desc prion 1 nonny mllol�In:n 1 inn u'olh,w miner prodixlon,al Chapter 9(emmeen,g F PJCm is in full iareaxll nfllivi,inn BufthaBwinc,uuW 1'n,ltxaiunx CuJc.send lay llac . ayy; ix in lu111Lme:serf 'a. (g2. COMP TO DECRRTILE g 'co Liccn,c 'lax. Lice g 3 7mc_ Commaor �• �1fRCHITECr'S DECLARA ION C= I undentaW my pldnx shall M used ax Puhlic rcaoNa w O7 Licensed Prolnsiu,ul c Ro LL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION s—m 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Lam'for the lid4,wis,rea,nn.(Satin.7031.5,Business..it Profession,Code:Any city or county E x o which nquims a permit m conaruct,after,improve,demolish.or repair any structure to prinrm its i...ance.also pa,insthenm, pplicant for such peinn fme le a signed statement that he i,reensedpnr.mmmmtheprn, orrimf dicCnmr-a<mr.License D,w(Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with section 7000)of Division 1 of the Business and Professions Code) $10000 or mm he exempt therefrom and the basis for me alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 731.5 by any applicant sera permit subject,the amplicam tea civil Penalty ml col n,om'Iran We hemmed dollars(8580). A PN Number Occupancy Type M 1,ox case a.onhe pr....ly,or buy ermlmee,with wa,u,lax nho'o sola,ompmxatlon• 35918054. 00 will do the vak,z I 111Imirmb I,but'nobodat ,, Alaral Zara;dc(Sec 7044, Buil : ,dlta,i4 Cod the Corse is ll, :e Lan sec's not apply to an Required Inspections ' r orh hi,emty win employee,. ,ore hafmves.,aam are wenn dot,,asn work nmodf e n entered nix own however.t provided seal supe nen all issue ata innoneyeer of 305 — FRAME cB'red ion ode.In however.the.nave t or ire burden n,that whom one year of 307 — INSULATION completion,Ire ownc"nauder will novo ma.area of proving that b'dm mot broad o lnl'r'weforpu,,,e"'`ale')' 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF 01.asonriroftheproPery.amaadusivelycontractingwimBcensedcontraemrsm 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL iconsumer the prgeat(sat.744.Business and Profession,Cede.) Me Comment's ia..,,La.does no,apply 1.anwnerofpmpenywIf.build,orimhprova'he1rom. 603 — ROOF BATTENS and wbo commas for wen projects with a contracuM.n licensed pnnuatn re the cont^ero:^License Lw, 6@4 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS ❑1 ash exempt under Sec. .B&1•C for this reason owner, Dam WOR LI R S COMPENSATION Df CI \R ION Ihereby lB J Pe 'Ity fPelry fm felto : gl 1 t hs: 7 1 hb,b 1 I will uaifain a Certificate oI Consent to 11' far Woiser s Aunpearsatprovided for by Section 191111 of [tic I.alicr code, f the,dh.ssiuk1 1 h,l':fbrora, ned. �Ibxvc tI f b I Worker',C teen t I . r ec I J by Sealant ' Dale t1 Labor Cul p f mu fit 'k twhichtl':Ixrnt Is �3 sued Mqqy��WrAun Co,Pen t soman 11'n1icY hl , Carrico✓t11-��j F Policy No, CI!RI FICATION Olr EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE7 / ('This section need not he completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars 151010 nr]a,,,) 1 certify If.,in the perfommnce of the work fpm which alit,permit is i...oil.I shall not employ any Person in any runner m as mh bccume subject n,the Workers' Compensation Law.,of California.Data Applicant Not CH 10 APPLICAN P If,after making this Cc"i0cate nl Esenptinn,You should - 4mmasubject n,the WorAta,Compnwtinn pro,imonn of the Labor Code,you nest •O fironw;m eomndy with such pro,srors or miss poem shall en doen,ed revoked. Z F ^ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY nonny mllmt mat mere is a coned(Sea alh h097.0 s.C.) fa..the purr nl,ance of lee wink far which Thi,permit Ix i,nucl f8a.3o9].Civ.C.1 SA Lendeis Nnme D z LcnJerk r\JAlesn U C I cattily that l time rcoJ this application and N:na that the alms,infonnntion is I.. rr creat.I ugme it,comply with all city amt county ardinanas and name laws relating _ U rebuilding consunclam.and hereby authorize mpresemativesof Ihis city re enmrupnn } W m' those mentioned proPeny for in,paton purposes. E.r a (We)agree move.indemnify and Aap narhde,x the City of Capnmo against V] liahilitias,jar heals,ensu and exposes which may in a way acme against said U 7 Cityins a 'recut the gmminr,71'LPemJt. APPI .A" UNDERSTAN AND WILL CO WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: / SD F:o' ON� i>.'T/n /lam Y• ys� Date Signature of ApphaamfComrncmr (%!/� Mate Re-roofs HAZ\RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant nr Imree building eccpam store nr handle hvaNnw mmeriul Type of Roof a a ined i,Ibe Cup"in,,Municipal Code.Chaffer 9.12,and the I Iedtn and Safety Cd'.Seen...25512(ap'l O Ya" 0N All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed, W lltm afpliatm orkro chuddiugo"m"aal a,,ac,biftabut ordacka,which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove •Toil 1a annonx d.e....Ii ,awii os hon,al by the Huy Area Air Ouant,Mamagaoein nl,nicrl all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Yo` °No all no E source regulations. 1 nave or,al me ha,.nlo..ataferials meyuiremens..,it chapter 6.95 of 1 �- CaitornialleallppXSufdyC«les$eetinn.,255115.255p unJ 14.IunJcnmod that him,MhilAi Olaf,bat cumcnit nine n t.aha it ism ' msihilitym nndly the -lam Q 2- � LVIJ ecupon f 6 requiremcmn whi vat M mel prior i uxna of a c ain a:nc of Uceu nq'. �c CG � �, ' Signature of Applicant Date ow micro aamoi,ed.gal Dale All roof coverings to be Class "13"or better OFFICE