NO PERMIT NUMBER 22420 Janice Avenue ) I NO. �EET q;,! LOT NO.' 'I _1 :. .. . CITYOF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT SANITARY NO. FILE NO. DATE 4/l8 19,-$_ I Gunite Application is hereby made for a permit to 20' X 4o, rnnBt a story,type to be occupied only as Swim Pnnl R S3pa (Private) in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 11,000 FEE$ 56.00 PLAN CHECK$ 28.GG OWNER Bill Desjardiri ADDRESS 22420 Janice Ave. PHONE 446-4825 CONTR, T & F Const. ADDRESS 535 N. 7th St. PHONE 295 7657 STATE LICENSE 153343 APPROVED James J. Sisk/m BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION FLOOR STEEL PRE-GUNITE FRAME BOND BEAMS LATH WALLBOARDS-INT.8 EXT. FIREWALLS MEM RANE LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UN R-F TIEDOWN -MISC- DIAPHRAMS ROORE 9 US IH ESS IOPRSIN C..LA MOW ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR H (. UNDERGROUND ROUGH RO H WIRING ; 7,3 , ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING FINISH WIRING FIXTURES INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING&A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS&INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROUGH ,L0. &COMB.AIR PARTIAL ROUGH CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE FINAL APPLIANCE ROOF DRAIN 8 LEADERS MAIN DRAIN FINAL GAS FINAL PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS AW • LOT NO. 70' E '. I I ­'� W CITY OF CUPERTI • CAF�AL. d PPI ATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FE r7 Building Per.No. � Dare 9 Y O Sanitary Per.No. 3 v Application is hereby made for ap��e��rmit to- IQ1FiL� = w a � story, Type,��L?KQ/�� �� / Structure O '' LL w to be occupied only as � �//� �L CJ �( n accordance with OQ Z Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. m ';3n " t40 ' F EstimatectValue of Improvements,$ — r �,� PI Ck Fee$ O O It is hp�ek?y'a�reed that the requirements of the r, w Cupertino Building aq�Zoning Ordinances and all Fee$� other lawsyppl' ab)e fO the construction,location,and Z - use of buildingss within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee$ ZO complied with. , DeS22Y A1J'r,9 u+ ZOY✓tyERF PHONE ADDRESS Q— CONTR.OR AGENT ADD S �PNB UILDING INSSP ECTOR _ Z2.+-t"o Q Qs`"L CCQ tL. .• LOT NO. / NO. ST79 • -gpt0 CITY OF CUPERTINO CN ` APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT { . q8191 t L Permit No. Date �` � r'� ,19_ Fee$ I—� Iwo- Application is hereby made'to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with t pr visions of the Electrical Code of the City ypertino,and all other laws opplica Cher to. Use of L __L Work To Be It%A W C Premises y, W Performed Owner ,li t/l// pe.,JJ AAOI✓ Address Ot? /rte t : z Z ' Phone 7� L�s'/Uj—[ 0 � / � !�"' l fN �� Address By 7/1 Contr ctor,Agent Phone, -)—� i7 Stats License af Appro lectri IInspecto I' I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE OR N'S T� COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CAL FORNIA. • ®ce 1 W a. " N 3 Z - = 3 O D C L L L Y Y Y Y Y < Y Y ~ r D• LL 6 LL LL .G 7 J J J W Z Z Z Z K N I Z N O —l�NO�siK/ VT E�Qg Age LOT NO. / C. ' ' � CITY OF CUPERTINO • APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT ^1 h y � e/� R s' Permit No. �JJ<C Date 0 �� ,19_ Fee$� Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code 'of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Work To Ba Pramisesi� LEr Performed . �'L �e ,Owner/ Vis` l( k2esTN uw Address -2 .2y2-0 T 4.4/(C/r A1-' Phone `In By Address 6 — � y( Cueo �, Agan Phone Z S s' '76 E? State License Approved / Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ®1A WW LL N H Z F s � � D O ,n Z � i 0 r Q J ro w i Z pg A Z O p O w r O w C. 7 N N m > M O O r N Q N �n O O Z z r t: 3 0 Q w Q p O m i s a F ¢ w p V w_ x V,' m O m O , u z O O ,=Z a a .-. r $ p 0 Q m W LL O Z :Z i in a o 0 0„", V w a s p Q �? C' ' o i xF x �jg "' Z ¢ wpZ w < > ad �� zu O 0 -0 ^ d0 § o ,Q- Na aai0 O OwtiO °uic OmmJmZop a: w rwxWvri aVg$'^ 0aFU ,o- OiVF go- >O O Z OZFZZ ZZ n . aOmjuOuNZ Z m rc rc Oz 8rc � pOZ NO £ Um w OMw p 6 O rc Z 0 8 0 O wQQ wnw c: ZO sgz $ a Fz £ Q = i . ,- 0 ug =7 _� o % � � ,wx aZZUO £ f S 6' . 0 ' N N O. Q N "595 1' O$ O , Z of w 0 0 0 0 0 $ O Y O > w w _ 0 0 0 0 N - x U U m m m N m N Q Q w > > Q x p V w N 1" O N *i P m P ff T Ate` LOT Nd. NO STR J;10 CITY OF CUPERTINO • PSK APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT NSanitary No. Dote 19 I Permit Na. Fee S /D - Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to fns all plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto. Use i �i Work To Be�,e�si i / �rp/ Premisewc* Performed f���r= G lGslFa Owner I I ID{S.ffl0AV Address 2 Phone yr�1p 7�2� By I (LFf Address 7 ,� sy ,e/' fl Contractor,Agent Phone ��7�� State License .15:3 U Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S i COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 1 ®ce Z Y LL Z � W f O Y Y y F Y Q O 3 1YL LL Y y C Yt E C O d O u O N LL LL .� o •x U u` ° o 'o $ o F V w 'o `x_ c o` o u` o N H H H Z N F 4� H °C Y m i a h f N Z C \ \ 7 r c c it ° Y d O o C O C C Y Y W « y W 6 >. F S c .c c a C p N = Y 6` K N ° N y O O C C ° p O J 0 0 Y H x U � 16 « 3 0 E 'c ,c o` a r u o «° o > o 0 0 0 0 0 o Y o o u a u 3 3 m N 0 Y o 3 3 3 3 m V 0 Oo LL x z N < 3 N o: > N LL a CITY OFXUPERTINO • ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, ON_ 0859 Date.... ...............1l.......... 19..14" qq Bond Deposit PERMISSION IS HERE Y GRANTED TO OPEN Fee $........�1................. Sfree//f. .........' yy^. Sidewalk........... :,�Dri�vew)ay Approach............ , Applicant ........1.-....-�..........._:._....;:.. ./ '..4'Cr-GLeP..'f- ............................................................... Location .`....p1.. .X.. .Gl........_. L,..'._...la,.^(....! :.,.......... ............... ..... ..... ................ ....... Pur�poee .....7..., '............. .,....._.................................................................................................... Contractor ..: .aC4 ............................................................................................._�'........................ .... Conditions: , G17Y DIRECTOR 02! P-' 'T ..IC WORKS 10300 71-6 , RE AVENUE CUPERTINO, CA. 9SO14