01090066 OF CITY DIViSiONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 22410 JANICE AV 01090066 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE SOLTANZAD IRADG AND DEBORA 09/17/2001 iall HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O eeZ ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO O O BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH z P w LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 herebyfirm that 1 am licensed under r Cha 9(amtnerrcin Job Description a provisions Tri g iyt-u0i with Section](Nln)of DirizionJof the Business and Pvfexsionr and my license REROOF. -' is in rml tura a lir LieroseClasa ��4i FFiG;<.» REMOVE SHAKE & INSTALL COMP. _ o iti Daeennwaor a u y —( ""-> ARCHITECT'S DECLA O g I umlersu nd an,plans shall be used as public licca /it, t i 80 Liccmcd Pndcssimwl ' o wn OWNER-BUILDE0.DE TION I hereby ofBrn that I am exempt from the Comment's License law for the C?G following reason ISectinn 703 1.5,Business and Professions Coda:Any city or county Y M n which reclaims a permit in rownceh alter.improve,demolish,or repo r any nmcture n3'° vriort u' firer. I 9 rc-th appl'umt forsuch"amttofl ugrcd uasemem. __ _ _ - ma ha.1 nod po ant wthe p ohne canon<tora License «.e law(enapt 9 / 'Sq.-,Ft;,Floor aluation (commencing with Sesta ]dXy("fDviom3n"he Busness nr Proresaonx Code) n.6i:, i „va. .l. s 73` or that tie is axdmpi t itrefrom'anJ the wsix fur me alleged exnnpoon.Any violation -of 5«tion]03 LS by any applicant far a pemris subjects the apphimad m a civil penalty ,of..,more than fivehmineddollao($500). A um er "iI-•:u Occupancy Type ❑I.as owner of the progeny.or my employees with wages us their aisle compensation, will do the work-and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec 70.W.' - - Bmincss'and Professions Codc:The Contmv.,'s License Law docs not apply to an 307 - INSULATRMJired Inspections" owner of property Who wilds or improma meremn,and who does such work himself 601 - ROOF TEAR OFF ! or though his own employers.provided that such improvements am not intended or affcrdfirilr.If,ho a,ar. he Wildinj or inlimvearmin I,sold within oneyear or 602 - ROOF PLYWOOD NAF'L" " pkt the .4i IM will n the wore rpr g Rod he did t Wila'w Pr r r ma tar) 603 - ROOF BATTENS i Oi.uamwmeufinepn,pony,annsauisay<tnna<dngwmfi«nsed<mnrmcromm 604- - ROOF -IN-PROGRESS - - onuruct the project(Sec.7144,Business and Pmfcsvons Code:)The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of progeny who wilds m improves daemon. and who License Taw., c cerve pis cant to the and who comraense Law., x.ith a . 11 . rlel.li is 0 lam exempt under Sec. '•: In .."t..B&P C for this _ Owner Dae _ - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 herehy of lira carer penalty of periarym.,oLme following declarations'. ❑ 1 hove and wal•mimuid'a certificate 4 cdmscnt'to self-insure for workers Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 ofthelabor Cade, fur the perf orma nilhe work for which this permit is 6sued..r„ ❑1 have and will maintain Workcr's Compensation Insurance.as mgared by Station 37M of the Labor Code f the performs ce of the work for which this .it is issued:MyW k r.Cn .w 1 once cam<i andPati carner r <, 1 i`', r !.. .i`it. €. �.��r^��,,, \', •.i. i',•1; ! D ) `CERTIION OF EXEMPTION FROM,W ryQRKERS'I FICAT f ; ,., COMPENSATION INSURANCE'. .. ...._ __.._.._...._._�.__.,._... _._._,........ __.--- ---_ _ _ ITh ssen on need not w completed if the permit is for mm hundrrd di lars 1i'�• '.I; : .- L ;•'),Ase'. t s, 1«nf twtiri the fform ce of tlr mkt which tbjpe tis Workea Ir,-1 ,• s.(� i s•,. "hal 1 en plcy miy is n y na t i be omc- b)en to the Workers Com'miai.on lawsnf Cabfomor Date�c :Applicant ' - after NOTICE TO APPLICANT'If. making this'Ce of Exemption, you ould beeb subject theWorker,C.hirl piliisot the Labor mail OOforthwith'complY with lh poion%othis 't hit be ' _ -CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY > f I h for off th t th s is.wd(Sen lends g agcr¢y fo the performance - 1 r of the ark for whish rets perm t :rsmed ISee 7(9] Cis, C) =.Zr I-coers Addresi _ s V.0 1 cenify the 1 have mad this application sed stare swum above mfortwtion is fsip. . , correct.I ii,om In comply with all city and coca,c lmeoces and slue laws relating O V to bodding<onstmctlon:and hereby authorize repiciontatives of this city to enter upon the above.mentioned gra y for inspection purposes ".. , Fs ps 1Wc)agree to sap uWemnify vnd keep harmless the City�f Cvpenirio against' Vi Iiahililies,judgments c and expenses which may in any way reser against said U_Z City lin consequence eg ming of this`pumit. p APPLICANT D, <i gAND WILCC MPLY 'ALL NUN-POINT' is by: Date SOURCE RE[' PION. y• 5igna Code tare Sccoon Ica t nor' E - - - Data a' Re-roofs a— AZARDOUS'MATERIALS DISCLOSURE w n d pidiand of(uturt w Iding m¢upant tore or.fian0le hazardous rtumnal Type of Roof -_ • '• - asdefiinedbytheCopemnoMunlaPlCW Chpt 912.and the Health and Safety s •.,f. 1 .g� rtr•.,t'._t T s !i'..d . ❑ oY°` s3xo) kAll.roofs.shall beinspected prior to,any roofing material.being installed. ...__._ will the applicant or future wilding occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an'inspectiori;'h agree'to remove ren hazardous mm t. defined by theBuy Area Air Quality M gemrmt D aur et all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands will comply with- 09 0, °i °N all'non-point source regulations, naso read the bzardnus mumrials requirements under Chapter ti 95'of the California Health&Safety Code.Sections 25505.25533 and 25574.1 undersdZ that _ if thea it - hat curzcntiy hevcateowt.tomtit u my aes raibAuy m aotify me' 04 iKebphn a iegaa rent,wnich'Inti.a be and prior m isxuan<v uta Cenificam of �_/ "' / `Y' -p Si a are of Applicant. - Date �- X warmo eDam " All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better` . - OFFICE