NO PERMIT NUMBER 22369 Janice Ave. c r - i 19 NO. STREET LOT NO. f 4.13 CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT SANITARY NO. 9139 FILE NO. 51,332 DATE 10/28/74 19_ Application is hereby made for a permit to Construct a 2 story,type 5 1 J to be occupied only as Sinale Family Dwelling (Plan 3301 ) in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 59.000 FEES 205.00 PLAN CHECK$ OWNER ➢its. Cra.nP ADDRESS ?995 D ru . Blvd, PHONE 9411_9910 CONTR, ADDRESS PHONE 44f 568 STATE LICENSE 261734 n APPROVED James H. Sisk/h a/! /IWCL✓a--c—c S//�.-. BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD -' DATE ECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION 'FLOOR STEEL PRE-GUNITE FRAME ZL7 BOND BEAMS LATH WALLBOARDS-INT.8 EXT. FIREWALLS MEMBRANE LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UNDER-FLOORp TIEDOWNS -MISC- DIAPHRAMS MOORE BUSINESS FORMS INC,LP ELECTRICAL INSPEC RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROUGH UAPERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRINGJloz-elf RO HWIRING FINISH WIRING FINIS IRING FIXTURES INTERIOR TURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIX ES FINAL MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING&A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE I INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. /,_/j-7✓ BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS&INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROUGHFLUES&COMB.AIR - PARTIAL ROUGH f/- CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE /- 2,7 -] FINAL APPLIANCE -f ROOF DRAIN&LEADERS MAIN DRAIN y- -) FINAL GAS -7S FINAL PLUMBING p MISCELLANEOUS I I � I ' CLRDFICATE OF'COMPLETION, BUILOIRINSPECTOR'S OFFICE 1 1 , "OF- PERTINO DATE ^, 19/=&--, PERMIT NO. THE BLDG. LOCA AT G/Z� OWNED BY ` HAS BEEN .1 OMPLETED FOR USE AS I 11L 1,,�1AL-TEREDI Ll f rl o- n� gtw BUILDING INSPECTOR ROUP.. S-D File Yo. Da'. e6��-. Local icnt�y�_/gyp—� Subject Notes __ Approved /'fes/*% T Dame lr spec io_ i Bldg. Dept. . Office Copy CITY OF CUPERTINO SEWER-PLUMBING NOTICE i Sewer Connettion Sanitary Permit No. ..:..lJ! r............ Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. -6-Z.33:4:....... Lot No. ..........,l9 ......... Owner or Tenant ------l_/.r,_!: ......................:..........._ ..:..........:....... At . 1..J.j ��.......-.. s i....%a.. r r-._......................................... ...... Tract ...................... ............................................................ ........... .... Date,Connected ............. .. _r..7.r.................................................... 19............ DateFinal ...--.............. ...-...,7 4..-.. 5.. ..-............................................. 19............ f PLUMBING INSPECTOR OFFICE Copy CITY OF CUPERTINO ELECTRIC 'SERVICE NOTICE 1. CA To You are hereby a t ci e to-co electrical service for Owner or Tenanjs At _...._ .... 9 .............. No. of Wires e 0 Wires ......._........ Size of Switch to )A4— Motor Load ........... .......... Voltage ..... Phase ...... Heating Load ........................ K. W. ......... Voltage t......_. I I 0._.. New Ser,ice.. No. of Meters....._............. 1 r ... .. MservserviceNo. of Add..Meters_........ Heat.............. .. 22U....._.../Thr WiI Power.__.... e h. 0 p1leje," FLF.CIR! 'S'EC A OFFICE _ 4 CITY O�•CUPERTI O � �~• FFiC ��7 y OPY GAS SERVICE NOTICE c To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant L At New Service No. of Meters l Reconnect No. of Add. Meters Move Service Move/Meter � ' PLUMBING INSPECTOR 16z%2P� n. STR Lia irr I-.r C > .6 'L,Ctf- LOT NO. .5 NCCI noAr r CO— p CITY OFCUPERTINO CAP. VAL.aL20 _Q OCT�1gl)g5.ATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE w Z 4 /0 �1/� 19 Building Per.No. Date `•(�L9 i3 O n Sanitary Per.No.—� vAppli tiorf is J4�eby made for a permit to -100'X-0- _.Il[t.0 14 = O astory, Type Structure ~ -� �a�+-�... ��t OLL F to be occupied only as_.2Q.! in accordance with 'Z W Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. au F X Estimated Value of Improvements,$ Ou_ PI Ck Fee$ O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the 3 Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and oil Fee $ other laws applicable to the construction,location,and Z g use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee$ Z complied with. 61 �+ Z NER `^ PHONE - ADDRESS Q OF CONTR. AGENT 7,� �F7D iQ5 r PHONE STATE LICENSE BUILDING INSPECTOR oCOsff!'7 ST04 1ET _ ,LOT NO. NO. Clio O. CUT-^Tula CITWOFCUPERTINO ,APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT JAN 23 n y� PermitF .Data 'T r ,19J� Fee Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all ' other laws applicable thereto. Use of �/�Q Work To Be Premises "[) Performed Owner Address Phone By Address o CO, Phone— CAMPBELL. CALF. -" State License LICEhr5n Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. LA O W 0 W J � O p N Z J i 0 d a m w0 z u 120 £ f p Z Z Z p > a8 0 x ¢ Boo n F 17o ¢ w rc n a N O m^ $^ V VJ Q WN 0arca O OrOZO O Z Q Z OJO Z Z ZS ? Jo R S adOz O O " OOb0 $ orc3 1a F W O 0 < cZwajioa ioo> o mo>Ou l.Z Z Z Z Z . O pz¢�wO= Oawrc VauJQLL. w�NZg- ti1d< ¢V-OV ppm 'mE17- 0OmN�- Vm gwvNri 0m FV £o Nw ZoO Z w Z W p a u N V p ZZ25 Lj N OO $OwaoLLviZ aW Wgwu p DwOOgO wwaOoo - O Zfa0 a S 0 V �2� 3G9 LOT NO. 19. NO. STR.EET CRY OF CUA:.^,itNO CITY OF CUPERTINO DEC 3 O 197#PPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit No. Date / _,I I9FZ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Work To Be �p Premises Performed1L�� //Y� Q� Owner #/1 -'Z �� Address .4.29 AA44 �//4- Phone — S f BY to � • Address rnU S Sc,— S/Sp CoN tor,ABen1 Phone -2 - �o a o State License IS9.3 It)IF � Approved Electrical l pecto I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKME COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ®sA W OC Z y1� - T ti W � EO c Z o v v « c b c w G H N Goa O O b O LL Z Z Z 2 K N Z Z N 0 < 6 < d x r LOI NO,NO. TR E7 ' NQ W i - CITY OF CUPERTINO s M City 07 11Ki.nraPPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT YO LL O J N OV J 1974 Sanitary No. W DDate MIT o R 1O7t1 tg_ Permit No. S/3 3 L' F O ..^ .... - Fee$ 36O� LLW o 1- Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing aa 0 pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices W W and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of aI Cupertino,'and all other laws.applicable thereto. JLL 00 use of Single. Dwe1ling Work ToBePlumbing New Construction to Premises Performed is owner Ditz Crane Co. Addfess 2295 De La Cruz Blvd., S. C. �a By L. C. BOHART PLUHBINQddress 167 R . Fremont Ave. Srvale ?i Q Contractor Agant WN Phone _245-292J z WW state License 186579 Approved Q00 Plumbind Inspector _u > C � u b 'u 'u ie 'H N n i O w ❑ C p l X � � 2 a` c 3 T W � m ZZ ZZ ZZ . a O A d 0 6 K d N O O 6 0 0 0 0 6 y � •n �' T m O N O � r O m m 2 m m n