02020125CITY0FICUPERTINO'.. :TI;BUILDING,DIVISION•'- _ PERMIT" .BUILDINGADDRESS: - - i+' i22-3'4'9','-JANICE,-AV' - r'" 'OWNERS NAME::(. ti' ^•i •, -^-.. ,..• ''WAR.KT'-MANTRV." I ARCHITECTIENGINEER: , + LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby M. that 1 um licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7800) of Division J of the Rosiness and Professions Cade. and my license is in full farce and eff«t. License Class 1 Lie is Da, Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I I undenwnd my plum n),all be uwd as public rceords Llc n'ed Pruressm.l ` OWNER- oonnR R m the CoATION. Lniner adTrw that 1 1. uemps from the CosionsC r :Anye Law for the folloxmg reason f3enion]Ul LS. Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county of not more than Ove hundred dollars] 85 I v ,_iT; il 71t u.. _. ,C IL-. ,: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: JUST WATER,.HEATERSr..INC.^ ........ ....... ..., ..,.._.......__.......» .., .._ ..... A 1764` NATIONAL 'AVE'- - (510)293-9901 SA 10. 1 !. a','t n02020125 PPI:ICATION SUB DATE- 02/28/2002'' ATE 02/28/2002'' BUILDING PERMIT BLDG ELECT PLUMB I Job Description _ REPLACE 50'GALLON GAS WATER HEATER or mrougr his on employees, pmmdcd, Pad such tmproyements marcor, intended or. off c tl tor'sale If. hawcvcr, the building of improvement' is sold within one year of completion; the owner builder will have the bur of proving that he dud not build or improve for porpnse of vola) I• . $833 MECH vafuauon _ .._.... . . ENERG1Qccupancy Type pEUMiFIk4igpections ti, .Q l as, weer pmpeny, y contractors to t prtheoject construct the project (Sppl 70sa, Business d Professions Cwcenwise Professore Code:) These. , _ License Law docs not apply to an owner of pmpeny who builds or improve thereon, pro the ., ' .;=7 ...and who mnwnx for such Pmjeelswith It commaorls),licenscd.pursoanl to the Cimwaors License Low. ❑ lam exempt under Sec. ,B&PCfor his mason r . _.... _....... ... _ _ _I_.. ..-..... •. ..._._ .. .. .. _._. .._._..._ _ ..,Dore a, .• , .v. .. r WORKERS COMPENSATION DTCLARATION I' APR O 1 2002. T herebyIlmor under pc by of I:rjuoy one of the following deductions: �• ❑ I hiri rid w II m Immh a'Cenificme'of Consent' to self insure for Worker's Compensation, as pro dad for by Sen n J]00 f th Labor Cod,for the gqC pJ BVILLJ117- � _ - perfawance of the wok forWhich dii, perrind is bounce. 1. , - ❑ 1 have and II maintain Worker's 6ntpin,miom Insurance, az rtgmrtd by Section 37W yf the'Labor Codlot she perfutimanct, of the wok for which (his permit is Ihsssbed MyWorker's C mpcnvauon Insurance c ic, and Policy number Caner 1 ct'YI "Polcy No: „1.t CERTIFICATION OF,EXEMPfION 's { rs s' g ':,> Z -. f f ! / 4 ! s j - ' -'' - FROM WORKERS 1' ,.: _ t. . t • . .t, . z s; 'T" COMPENSATION INSURANCE ' "' • - did; iambi need nod be completed ifflic permit i.s for one hundred dollars d II .,' (Slip) I s) u t d i tk o l t i Ir mfy that in thepert a Gc or the wofk f -r 1 ch'dh pc d I issued 1 .. •._ _ _' , _ .''� " ""-_ " ssholll 1 rept y'any'persnn In any mann r so see hector . ub3 cd the Worken i' • y ;ti. " ' ompensahon Laws of Cobrom a. DareApphou " 'NOTICETOct APPLICANT: If, after king this Cen Certificate on you6u t .. Q 0 bac me s bl uo the W Ael Cont, Wmk LyWr Provisions of the Labor Cade, you must must forth ioso, trandom nh comply with uch prouans pemdu shell- deemed.evoked. 1.I, CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY. Ih rcb Rtrtn thin the civ aconnmcu n1 nJing ugc yfN pert Y + i Gass �ti hdh perm. s auW (Sec 3097 C'v C) ,;. Lcnd'r Name Z Lendc sAdd sa I V 0 < 1 ccnify i have -' 'r3't tr ' CLU thin read This application amt slam thauhc above information is ,correct. 1 agree to comply with all city and county, ordinances and nam laws mining •dobuilding "olnmumioaand, - . be property for puposemetives of Nis city blender upon" for I m0dt..e dike purpose,. msec.,. I _ /j _ . 0. F P.' t I two agree to militantly .<'.+'es,j agree ly an harmless the City of Cupertino l against /y't'A1 f/M'/t/� rn V judgments, costs hi expenses which, y n any ay accrue against said st in c consequence R I eand City City sequence n8 this h nit APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS WILL ' D COMPLY N'ITH ALL NON POINT' ULATIOTANOS'AND SOURCE REGULATIONS. ISSDCd by: ,Date ' n.. - - - SigumureodApplicart,Q 1 to _ •, Dine-' Re -roofs - - - •;4 - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE t;' ",. Will dlieapplicant orfuwre bu'Idmg accupam sole or,handleheurdous martnal Typeof ROOF.... as defined by the CorcornoMn pal Code Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Softy: Cod Sect n25532(a) 'V5 t r d a 4,,;, „_,. t•.a ..' '-' y ti •.. {..ii r�i': (41v S.: r'u-7 .s I!]Yi pN' i w B i',r , v . —All. roofs shall,be respected prior„to any roofing material.being, t'nstalled.. Will theapplicant rfuture building c p I use equipment o devices,'which defned by If a roof Islinstalled:without first obtaining an inspection;-I'agree, to remove amid hazardous air commitments as the Bay Area Air Quality Management District - - all new materials for inspection.; Applicant understands and ivill comply with ❑Yes j- ❑No -. r .. .. . „i. ,. .. _. m all n66 -point source iegulaaons -1! ...,. ' 4 have fwd Ise meionsl2 rc 6.95 tithe 25533 - - .' CaliforniaCode, am2550At 5, and 255 4. 1 un understand that ofSafetycuremlyhaveSec dolth es itis yrespo3a.1 buildingi(the dromfircunen0 have tenant, nim- fa 'Y, Y Yre p nnhl to notify the - --- - .._ ... .... _...._ .. _. ... .. __ .. pea mannereu r2 cols which uil be recd n to issu rice f e C rt' Ecate a0. Parc q Occ p , 11 .1 ' Y` i"' Signatureof_Applicant Date ,Owne orauthonzed agentAll Dae ,. , roof coverings to be Class "B" or better ` OFFICE