00090071 CITY OF CUPERTINO - PERMITNO. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: HUIhDING AUDREtiS: 5 }�'<� (� ,,n SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DAT yr INQt�t7tu QA i �� I� o E 's NAME: `�f^O �YALT F'L IMBING IZaa9Qa71. l!L NIC CONTROL# 'T'3 DSL�i (`lemS�'1 c�0 �' ED Ela9i1.3i2aaa wk',. ARCH]rECIENGINEF,R BULDING PERMIT INFO 00 (408) 267-9330 �w� I a I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I em licensed ander provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description F`J C w with Section Division 3 ofthe Buslress and Profedmru Code, dmy licence is in full force end a (� 3 t, It tae Connector `/" I I r t' 'PER ARCHITECTS DECLAR ON �} 1 in dentond my plans shill w used at public records i a rc hewed Professional OWNER-BUB.DER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm the I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the d F m following reason.(Section 703 L5,Business and Profusions Code:Any city or county w 3_ which con,ri a permit in,construct.alcor,improve,demolish,or rtpilr toy Structure Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation prior to its issuance.also rtquircs the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he in licensed punumt to the provisions of the Coun ermas I.icenre law(Chapter 9 (commencixemwits heeirom and)of,Division of meOur eged exemption Professions Cadeof 3/ efsN� ber .-g Occupancy T that i is 31.5 b therefrom ora the buil for be alleged exemption Any violation of !,/J' (/ e / P Y a 0a no' on then by any applicant fora permit subjects Ne applicant to.civil penalty of not mom Nen oft hundred props dollen y employees El I,down«of dd property,at mycmptuyecd wiltwages utheir sole 7044, nnness 3661�Ml1i:e6�spections will Pr lie work,and the structure is nor,Ince d w Law do for 0l WI, )Oso,Business v and Professions Code:The Contractor's Liunw law d«s nd apply s lf owner of progeny who builds or improves Narcan,and who doer such work himself or mrough his awn employees,provided Ne such improvement,art not intended or offered for 106 — SE,WjE R & WATER esic.If,howmer,the building w impovemam is sold within one yurafcompletion,the �EU,{TT�t���1�//jj idd oral have me"men orpwamg N.t he am not was m improve r«tor- j _ BE - P P - PING ❑poK or dm.). ���IJ J�tJI�-- _ 1,as owner of the Porten,.am exclusively connwting with licensed comracmn to — GH PL pittmct the project(S..TWI,Business and Professions Cde:)The Connectors Li- TU & OR SHOWER come law noes mit.#ply w m owner or propmr wino soda or improves theean,w� wM cmuacufm such pwj«u wiNauntrwt«(r)licemed porsumtto Jre Crnnedore 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY License Law. ❑lam esemptanaersec. ,RSPer«Nice recon 50E — GAS TEST Owner Dee 507 — FINAL PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hambY alfonto nder penNty of parjury me of me follewing declomi«u: Ili. ,sed will for by Saw...37M of Obse onto Conde,forcfor Wodeta Compere utlon,as provided for by Secdon 3]00 of Ne Labor Conde,for the petfomonce of the work for whim Nis permit is issued. have eLa will maintain Wittier eofteCompensation work for whi u required by Section 3]00 o(ltc lobo Code,/«Ne perfwmaeee of Ne work for which this Permit is:(cord. My worlatrx telnnspiiW.1urancc carrier and Policy=" M Came,:�q tC.Jr� I Policy No,ecru wruJa�O••LTIh CERTIFlCAM OF EXEMPTION PROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Ibis s«tim reed not w completed if the Permit is furore hudrd dollar,(SIM) or I<u.l j IcenifytNtin the performance nl Ne work for which Nis permit isioud,ishill not ere,my wY noun my no a#�vadja to Ne Workers'Co.,.- action '^ Aicant oflll(ro�Ptia are (( VV VV vO NOITCE TO APPLICANT:IL eche making this Cerin s o of Lam,Coo .' should became subject1. it Warkde Compenr this provisions of One Labor Cde,i. must i forthwith comply with such provisions m this permit shell be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Q I Worthy aim mo Nee u a consumcdon lending agency for the performance of Z 2 the work for which mid permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) to Lendeen Name =,'s Address k: 1 unify that I have read Jds."].cation and arae that the awve infomomm is 0. nowt.I agree to comply wilt 01 city and county md dinences aado laws.1mrig to .7 Z building crnsuuction,ed hereby aewriw repment,tivn of this city to mor own the U .hove-memiond property for inspection purposes. ;1 E.,a (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless me City of Cupertino against C U Iiebilair.,jdgmems.cut."a.psmes which may in toy way acesuea,mot did City >. W in concepts..of the grmdng of Jde proun. [+ 0. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WI LL COM PLY WITHA LNON-POINT IZiUx SM r,RLf.TA'llr NS3 ^/ � Sigruumuf ApplicmVComract« N[I/`/�f Doc �/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ) Will Jun applicants or future wilding occupant store or handle hazodons material Re-roofs as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapur 9.12,and the Health and Safety .g�,pC Of ROOt Code.Section 5321x)] / / ''ll Dyes la Will the applicant orfumm wilding mcupmt use equipment or devices which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing, material being rmt,Incordau,airmn«mine,nasde.ndrcarQuaManagement by installed. If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an inspection itriet] I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant ❑Yu understands and will comply with all non point source regulations. 1 l.1 od-Se materials)5,255 tent,oder Chap«6.95 l .1 Cali I. i Heal f C tine 23305,25533 and 2553q.1 undentmd Net R the hu i ing have tenant, tit is my sTac ity moot:(,the«" nt Pa 1. e ofa ¢ate or u r Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE